• expired

$20 OzSale Voucher (No Min Spend)

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Another OzSale voucher, this time for $20!

Be quick though, only for first 500 members.

There's only 2 sales I can see with free shipping:

I got 2 pairs of Puma boxer shorts from the Puma underwear & socks sale

There's also the Beach & Bath Towels sale

Also, for those feeling generous, here's my affiliate link :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (87)

The referrer will receive a $20 voucher (min spend $40), once the invited friend has made their first purchase of $20 or more.
No benefit to the referee.

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closed Comments

  • Done, thanks mate! Bought boxers too, they seem like a good use of the voucher :)

  • +2

    Got in, thanks, 2 pairs of boxer shorts.

    However, still haven't received anything from the $10 lot last time.

    • Yeah, me either. What's up with that?

      • +1

        Check your account and see if it was despatched and if the tracking number is real.

        • +1

          Okay, the order was apparently approved on 17/11/2012. It does say DISPATCHED, but if I click TRACK HERE, it takes me through to AusPost and says INVALID TRACKING ID. Huh?!

        • +1

          That's bcos most of their stuff gets dispatched from overseas and it hasn't been handed over to Austpost yet. I have had order showing "track here" for months. When u complain they make the status as dispatched but actually it hasn't been dispatched bcos when the boxes arrive they have a later date on them.

        • Thanks guys—nice to know I'm not alone here.

        • Received some sunnies off the $10 voucher on Monday. Thing is, I checked the tracking number the day beforehand and it still gave an invalid tracking number error. Now if i plug it in it goes through fine and shows up as delivered. But the order for 4 pairs i made within 10mins of the 1 pair order still hasn't showed as of Thursday and shows up as invalid tracking number.

          So I think the problem is more that their delivery/tracking methods are just complete BS. Hopefully I'll recieve the sunnies before xmas.

    • me too have not receive my order last time

  • Got one
    Beach towel

  • +2

    i'd say "coooool, $20 voucher" but I'm yet to receive previous order from Ozsale.com.au

    • Actually I just checked my account and the last order was despatched. I checked the tracking ID which says it's invalid. Sounds a little sus.

      • I got my last order yesterday

      • +1

        Mine tracking id was invalid too, but i got it 2 days ago.

      • That's funny, got some singlets from last time delivered just today!

    • Yeah I got mine too - less one item, luck of the draw I guess!

  • Ordered successfully… now to see if I get it. :)

  • last order I placed was refunded. no idea why.

  • Super duper…thanks OP…picked up socks for the kids and myself! :)

  • +1
  • Thanks grabbed some jocks as well, as thought why not!

  • Thanks just activated to account, not to find free stuff. I've received one thing, and the other is at dispatch. And one from 14 days ago just says approved, I don't think they like keeping customers.

  • Awesome! Got the 3 Pack of Socks… now I have 1 hour to buy something with the $12 left & free shipping on anything :)

    • Got 2 pairs of thongs with the rest :) Thanks OP!

  • Thanks! 7 free socks! can never have too many socks

  • Nice thanks!

  • thanks.. bought boxers as well

  • Got Puma socks for wife and myself, thanks OP

  • got socks for free mad deal!!!

  • Cheers OP. Also that online store is amazing, it's so fast, looks great and is so easy to use.

  • +3

    Thanks Op. Used your affiliate link as well.

    • Thanks! :)

  • +1

    cheers - great website. Will come back for another purchase soon i reckon

  • thank you, a 3 pack of socks for me and 4 pairs of socks for my daughter ($8 + 4x $3 = $20) with free shipping. I am being greedy as I will undoubtedly get another dozen or so pairs for xmas :)

  • +3

    hands up who has actual received anything from one of these ozsale deals?

    • +2

      -hands up-

    • Recieved the Tru-fit briefs Monday and sunglasses yesterday.

    • Yup, got singlets.

    • Haven't received anything so far yet haha

      • Hadn't been to my PO box for a few days but when I went there on Wednesday there were 10 packages from OzSale waiting for me

    • +1

      I got my sunnies and my underwear from the $10 voucher a few weeks ago this week

    • got a black t-shirt just this week

    • Everything ordered so far has come within a week or so. Really happy with the quality and service.

    • my hand is up, got jocks and sunglasses

    • holy cow. received my order from the first deal!!!!awesome!!!

      hands up in the air, and move them around like your you just don't mind.

  • +2

    anything for $2?

  • Just missed out on the blue bath towels

  • Theres also some good buys, $9 quiksilver t-shirts and 2x bottle of bodywash for $9

  • Thanks OP. Great find!

  • Thanks got a towel

  • Socks! Love socks! Thanks OP! :D

  • Thanks got some socks and then because I then had free shipping and $4 left, I went to the perfume sale and picked some up, some good prices

  • Awesome - thanks, OP!

  • Expired?

  • Expired ! damn it ! lol

  • Yay free stuff! Thanks OP!

  • Just ordered but now checking back and its gone!

  • Be quick guys, with 487 click throughs on OzBargain as of this moment, not to count the number of people who received the same OzSale email with the voucher code, looks like this won't last much longer!

  • Just tried but it says the code you have used is either invalid or expired.

  • +1


  • Yep it's gone :(

  • Expired in 30 minutes!

    • I'm genuinely surprised it lasted that long.

  • +1


    Great while it lasted!

  • 5 Ant Farms for $9!! :)
    pretty happy

  • why am i always late?

    • +4

      Birth control not working?

  • Thanks, just got in! I will have a fair few socks coming my way in a month or so haha

  • NOOOO.

    • You can get one similar to the Kevin-Kevin for $2 at Cotton On

      • +1

        Can you also get it for $0 from Cotton On?

        • +2

          Legally, no.

          Shipping is $9 for the wallets at Ozsale; so $24 w/o discount and $4 with it

        • +1

          if you purchase pair of jocks for 10, you get free shipping + 10 dollars credit. there are a few options <$10 !

        • +1

          You get free shipping in the next hour if you bought something just then. Plus the wallets are $8, not $15

        • *Are from $8

          Probably cheapest item to get free shipping is the $3 towels

        • I spent too long trying to work out how to get the most out of the voucher lol. If only I'd known that the credit didn't have to be spent all in one go!

  • expired

  • I spent $3 of the voucher on a face washer. Now to spend the remaining $17 with free shipping!

  • just tried and expired

  • Thanks


  • expired

  • +3

    spent too long musing at the Kogan post.. Missed out on free undies..

  • Cool! Thanks op!
    Bought 9 pairs of socks, can skip laundry for a week!
    The beauty is i had another 30min to do the free shipping!

  • Expired

  • +2

    Bad luck for those who missed out, and a nice Christmas present (though it'll probably arrive next year) for those who were able to pick up some free underwear, socks, towels or other junk!

    Thanks to those who used my referral link too! :)

    This is why I love OzBargain

    • Thanks John !, but don't tell anybody about this place…

      • Haha I've been browsing OzBargain since 2008, and have been telling everybody who will listen about it ever since!

  • expired that was fast.

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