Wife is a teacher who spends over 30 hours a week on her laptop either preparing lessons, doing 'paperwork' on it, or teaching from it.
I consider myself better than the average person when it comes to computers but know very little about Apple. I've only ever used Windows and Android. Have dabbled with an iPad, which was given to me for free, but that's it.
She will need education-related programs, such as something called Pages (does this come standard?) to mark student work. I know Microsoft has Office which comes free for teachers in NSW, but I don't know if Apple has a suite of programs similar and if they're free or cost a (profanity)load. I really don't want to break the bank.
What are some of your suggestions? Post some links of good deals or laptops if you don't mind.
I would get the M4 MacBook Air base model during their back to school sale.
Pages is the Apple version of MS Word and is a free download.