This was posted 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Rent Videodrome (R18+, 1983) for Streaming for 99¢ @ Apple TV


users have made fun of me for having terrible movie taste but I liked this movie.

not available on streaming services and $4.99 Rental everywhere else.

I added R18+ rating in title for mature themes. it was back in 1983 though.

As the president of a trashy TV channel, Max Renn is desperate for new programming to attract viewers. When he happens upon "Videodrome," a TV show dedicated to gratuitous torture and punishment, Max sees a potential hit and broadcasts the show on his channel. However, after his girlfriend auditions for the show and never returns, Max investigates the truth behind Videodrome and discovers that the graphic violence may not be as fake as he thought.

IMDB link.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    If you're into this kind of movie, "Remote Control" (1988) is also very good (and underrated).

    • thanks will look into it.

      darn another movie not available for steam or rent anywhere. tbh I have had to buy a few on dvd just to watch them in Australia.

      another ozber recommended “Judgement night” to me, not available to stream either.

    • -1

      Wtf would downvote this?

  • For some strange reason, it was only available on VHS for a very long time. About 10 years ago they released a limited edition blu-ray, but I don't think it's ever been released on DVD. You could always try torrent sites.

    • +5

      That's why i sail the high seas, i can find this movie easily in 4k. Good luck finding the uhd disk and paying the absurd amount they want

      • -3


        @nikoris - What do you mean you can’t find it easily on 4K Blu-ray? There’s 2 versions, one from Arrow Films and another from Criterion Collection, the superior Arrow Films release can still be bought quite easily, for a reasonable price though is subjective, it’s currently around au$65 on

        • +6

          In what universe is $65 reasonable lol
          That’s the definition of absurd

          • -3

            @nikoris: In the current physical media market which has become a niche collectors market that’s reasonable, and that’s what you’re going to have to accept paying for imports, until physical media disappears completely and all you’re left with is inferior quality shit from streaming platforms to feed to your G4. The more you sail the high seas the quicker the superior quality on Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray physical media disappears for good.

            • @[Deactivated]: What's a G4?

              • +1

                @Mr Bob Dobalina: An LG 2024 model OLED TV. And the member I responded to owns one.

            • -5


              the quicker the superior quality on Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray physical media disappears for good.

              Doubt poster cares - s/he is an opportunistic pirate (aka. thief).

              • +1

                @AlexF: Anyone on ozbargain NOT an opportunist? Lol

                • @Be careful: Try reading the whole comment - it's short, LOL..

              • @AlexF: Not really a thief, i pay for my seedbox :)

            • @[Deactivated]: Not necessarily true. Many people who pirate movies also buy them as well. For example, I downloaded American Pie, Scary Movie, Road Trip etc. all back in 2000 (I had cable at the time). I ended up buying all of those movies on DVD later, and then on blu-ray after that. That said, the quality of downloaded movies at that time was very poor.

              • -3

                @Mr Bob Dobalina:

                Block-quote Not necessarily true > Block-quote

                In 2024 it’s true the majority of the time, the not true cases are in the minority.

                Block-quote Many people who pirate movies also buy them as well. > Block-quote

                No people generally don’t buy the title after pirating it in 2024. Paying peanuts to rent from a streaming service is more likely if they don’t pirate, however this isn’t contributing much money at all, which is exactly why there are signs that are showing in the long term streaming services are not sustainable at low prices for these all you can eat services.

                As mentioned in 2024 physical media is no longer something that the masses are interested in, the Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray physical media market is now a niche market for collectors… And per the members comment I responded to who said they pirated Videodrome ripped from a 4K BD because they think the reality of $65 is unreasonable when in fact it’s quite reasonable. When significantly less people are buying a product who used to buy the product but are no longer interested in buying the product, then the price has to go up for those that do still want the product to keep it viable.

                Block-quote For example, I downloaded American Pie, Scary Movie, Road Trip etc. all back in 2000 (I had cable at the time). > Block-quote

                So you use an example from over 20 years ago when DVD was the norm, before streaming services existed and obtaining downloaded movies from the internet essentially existed and took off, as an indication of what occurs in todays world in 2024?

                Block-quote I ended up buying all of those movies on DVD later, and then on blu-ray after that. That said, the quality of downloaded movies at that time was very poor. > Block-quote

                What have you bought recently and for how much after pirating said content?

                • @[Deactivated]: "What have you bought recently and for how much after pirating said content?"

                  I've bought numerous blu-rays recently, for around at least $40-ish each? Some of them I bought after pirating the movie because it wasn't available on blu-ray until recently.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Bro listen to yourself lol
              Not only are you playing the companies' game but you're trying to shame me for not paying $65 for a movie. That's a 'lol' from me, all day every day and twice on a Sunday.
              I'd pay like $10-15 for a new movie and $5-10 for an older movie re-released, in uhd hdr/dv. Anything else is just corporate greed that I'm not participating in.
              Now i'm just paying $30 a moth for my seedbox and have it all.

              • -1

                @nikoris: I didn’t try to shame you at all. As a person that is, has always been, and forever will be, a big fan of physical media, who is devoted to it, and owns thousands of Blu-ray and 4K BD discs as well as an Apple TV 4K box and pays for multiple streaming services (and also owns a Sony QD-OLED TV that’s objectively superior compared to your G4 for movie viewing), I was merely speaking the truth and the reality of it. I have spent well over $100000 on this hobby, I’m sure you can’t say that you have done the same with a straight face and have supported the industry with your money as a supposed enthusiast that apparently cares? You spent several thousand dollars on your G4, and a soundbar, big whoop.

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: I honestly think you should seek help.

                  Ps i would have never chose a Sony over my G4, even if they were available in Australia. I would never spend 6k on a Tv with 2 hdmi 2.1 ports in 2024.
                  I have a UB820 (yes i buy uhd disks too), a PC, an XBOX, an UGOOS, and an Apple TV, good luck putting these on a Sony.

                  • @nikoris: The old “you need to seek help” comment, it’s such a lame comment that should never be said which is generally gets said by losers on forums when they don’t have much else to say.

                    Again whoop de do. I have 2 UB820’s, plus 3 Oppo BD/4K players, and many other Blu-ray players, as well as many gaming consoles including a PS5 Pro, a PS5 Slim disc edition, a PS5 original fat disc edition, and an Xbox Series X. However, I’m not here to measure d*cks, I merely made a truthful comment that you clearly don’t like, which I suggest that you should just be an adult about and get over it.

                    I also don’t care about your reasons for choosing the LG G4 over the Sony A95L, it doesn’t change the facts.

                    • +3

                      @[Deactivated]: Bro flexed his whole life then said 'I'm not here to measure d…'
                      As i said, get help. Spending that much on a movie 'hobby' is unhealthy. Like, literally get help.

                      • -1

                        @nikoris: No flex, you started to tell me about what gear you owned, so I simply started to do the same in response.

                        I’m not the person that is currently regularly posting on here, Whirlpool, and other HT and AV sites, as much as you are, commenting and giving my opinion on TVs and other HT equipment and software… Perhaps you should take your own advise, because you clearly are spending too much time on this hobby if you feel the need to comment and discuss it with others so much.

                        Perhaps if you give up all of this online BS, in 6 months you would’ve gained 5-8 kilos of muscle, by using your time much more wisely.

                    • @[Deactivated]:

                      The old “you need to seek help” comment, it’s such a lame comment that should never be said which is generally gets said by losers on forums when they don’t have much else to say.

                      Have you not figured it out yet or are you seriously that clueless? How many times do multiple people have to tell you the same thing before you realise that you are the problem, not everyone else.

                      I’m not the person that is currently regularly posting on here, Whirlpool, and other HT and AV sites, as much as you are, commenting and giving my opinion on TVs and other HT equipment and software… Perhaps you should take your own advise, because you clearly are spending too much time on this hobby if you feel the need to comment and discuss it with others so much.

                      Ohhhh the irony! You're so blind you don't even realise you literally just described yourself. To the letter! smh You're constantly flexing on here with your seniority complex about your tens of thousands spent on AV equipment and blu-rays, not to mention that you were regularly posting on Whirlpool and for 10 years straight…. until you got banned from both. Take your holier than thou attitude and move on. Every single AV-related post, here you are "commenting and giving your opinion on TVs and other HT equipment". You need more that help. You need to touch grass more than once a fortnight and get out of the basement.

                      "Perhaps you should take your own advise, because you clearly are spending too much time on this hobby if you feel the need to comment and discuss it with others so much."

                  • @nikoris:

                    Block-quoted I would never spend 6k on a Tv with 2 hdmi 2.1 ports in 2024.
                    I have a UB820 (yes i buy uhd disks too), a PC, an XBOX, an UGOOS, and an Apple TV, good luck putting these on a Sony. > Block-quote

                    I had had a few double shots of whiskey the other night when we were having this conversation. I’m now in a better position to respond more accordingly.

                    I would never spend $5000-$6000+ in 2024 on an LG G4 when QD-OLED tech is the superior OLED technology. It’s no longer 2019 where LG WOLED technology is the only option.

                    I have far more devices than 5 connected to my Sony A95L (same goes for my LG C9 OLED which also only has 2 HDMI 2.1 inputs), I have about 15 devices connected to my A95L, and with the exception of the Xbox Series X and PS5 Pro none of them require HDMI 2.1, therefore 2 HDMI 2.1 inputs is ample. My HDMI 2.0 AVR supports eARC if I need to use it, but generally I prefer to connect equipment to the AVR and then send it to the TV, not to the TV first and back to the AVR. By the time I need any more HDMI 2.1 ports I’ll likely be in the market for a new TV or a new AVR.

                    The Panasonic UB820 and no other 1080p or 4K Blu-ray player requires HDMI 2.1 to function at its full potential, therefore using an HDMI 2.1 port for 4K Blu-ray playback is wasted. HDMI 2.1 also isn’t required for Apple TV 4K Gen 3 boxes to get the best out of it.

                    I’m not a computer geek and never will be, I’m
                    not interested in ripping my disc collection and I rarely play videos games on PCs, therefore I have no interest in ever having a PC hooked up the my Sony A95L or my LG OLED or any other TV. I don’t use PCs very much for anything other than work (my personal laptop goes on once a week to do updates and most of the time I switch it straight off, I use my phone the majority of the time for all things computer related), and there wouldn’t be any reason to connect my work laptop to my TVs to do my work when working at home… I certainly would never connect a PC to an expensive OLED TV which would mean regularly having still windows software and menus displayed for long periods of time, increasing the risk of burn in, especially for the sake of my employer when my TVs are my personal property.

                    At the end of the day, I’m a movie enthusiast that wants to watch as close to the filmmakers intent as possible and care about the highest quality in this regard when I buy a TV, I don’t care what your personal subjective reasons were for choosing the LG G4 WOLED over the Sony A95L QD-OLED, we all have them, it doesn’t change the facts and what I said, which is for movie viewing the A95L is the superior TV objectively compared to the LG G4, and the Sony A95L more closely matches the quality of the reference monitor that Hollywood studios use to master content… And now that the A95L has finally just received the promised firmware update to fix the bug issue with Dolby Vision, you can’t dispute this:


  • +1

    Classic movie. With Deborah Harry of blondies fame.

    Didnt they use a VHS in the move to control people… or was that another movie

    • With Deborah Harry of blondies fame.

      sorry I have no idea. 😂

      Didnt they use a VHS in the move to control people… or was that another movie

      no spoilers please. this is one of those movies I just quickly read the summary and pressed play. was hooked beginning to end if you have phone distraction problems I strongly recommend it.

    • You might be thinking of "Remote Control" which I mentioned in a comment above.

      • You might be thinking of

        Quite possibly, 80s was a fun decade for me, dont remember much details though

        Videodrome did leave an impression, really enjoued the movie at the time. Will probably try and see it again

  • is this the one with the vhs being pushed into their stomach ?

  • Wouldn’t watch something so old, but it’s easier to just setup Stremio + RD then you can watch whatever you want across all streaming platforms for like $20 a year.

    • Is there an elegant way of integrating that into an AppleTV?

      Else, what’s the simplest hardware implementation that will let you roll in 4K?

      • +1

        No Apple TV support yet unfortunately (apparently being worked on so may be available next year?). I ended up purchasing a Google TV stick however had some issues with the screen going black frequently.

        Ended up getting a Fire TV Cube a few months ago and it’s been working flawlessly and streams 4K which is great!

      • +1

        Plex app on appleTV

        RD + Plex_Debrid + Zurg ~> Plex + RClone

        • To each their own, Stremio is a simpler setup and has a more “Netflix like” UI.

    • +1

      1983 is old… Ok. I guess you've never watched The Godfather, Scarface, etc.

  • -1

    Renting movies. lol

  • +1

    A classic Cronenberg film. Been meaning to watch this for years, thanks for the reminder!
    Eastern Promises was one of my fave films from him

    • I’m still yet to see Eastern Promises. Have you seen a History of Violence? That’s my fave from him.

      • +1

        Yeah loved history of violence too
        EP a must watch!

  • Fantastic movie!

  • I think most of the movies mentioned in the comments I have never seen, I must be hiding under a rock

  • U. An ‘buy’ it on Apple for 4.99

    • just a fyi. buying digital is not exactly buying. it is more like super long renting because once the license runs out they came take it away from you.
      sometimes this is 2 to 3 years, sometimes they will renew license and it will stay, but you never know they might decide not to renew the license in another 2 to 3 years.

      so imo most likely you will watch a movie twice if you liked it. so rent 2 times @ 99c is cheaper than $4.99.
      only if you really really like it and want to watch it 10 times then it might be worth buying.

  • +1

    Deborah Harry front and centre

  • Has anyone read the Wikipedia synopsis of this film? It's impossible to follow, I gave up after a couple of paragraphs. Talk about overcomplicating a movie plot.

    • It's impossible to follow,

      that's why it's good. 😂

      have you watched it? seriously just skip the wiki page. it's a movie that makes you wonder what the hell is going on. seriously chaotic at times but without taking it too far. the director is good he has made a lot of non CG effect movies (real effects) and even the normal movies he directed are reviewed well because he knows what he's doing. the only normal one I have seen is "History of violence".

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