This was posted 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Reolink 16-Channel 4k 8 Cameras AI Security System RLK16-800D8-A $999 Delivered @ Reolink Australia


Just saw on Facebook Reolink Australia store promo for clearance sale, apparently 2 days only. $999 for a 4K AI 8cameras system is pretty good, especially with GST and delivery. It is currently on their Amazon for $1589, reolink official for $1589 as reolink Au is currently the cheapest.

Can combine with NSW small business rebateto make this $0 dollars so a no brainer for me😁 hope others with ABN can also enjoy this . Happy weekend

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Reolink Australia
Reolink Australia

closed Comments

  • "Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or contact us for help."

    • Just tried, working fine. Are u trying to buy 2 units at a time?

      • I wasn't but it appears to be working now

  • -1

    Not that cheap.. Only $60 more on kogan or less with First membership:…

    • +3

      That's the b800 version, d800 is $1580 on Logan, plus you have to pay $50ish for postage on kogan .

  • +8

    FYI = reseller calling themselves Reolink Australia. = official.

    • Fair enough, but invoice I received have gst, so qualify for my business rebate.

    • Haven’t had a problem with Reolinks URL. Quick postage and dispatch. Bought a few units from there.

      • All good. Just putting it out there for those who want to know who they are buying from.

  • +1

    The D800 is their standard base model 4k camera. I am using a few, as well as a few of their other cameras

    IMO, the strength of Reolink is their wide range of affordable cameras. I'd personally use the D800 to cover some blind spots and stick to their better cameras for the important areas.

  • -2

    Strongly advise against reolink. I ordered 2 cameras on aliexpress from the reolink store. They sent me the wrong camera. I contacted reolink aliexpress store. They wouldn't replace with the correct camera or allow me to do a refund and said I need to contact reolink directly. I contacted reolink directly and they tried to make me pay an extra 60usd plus pay shipping for the correct cameras. Lodged a return via aliexpress because I got sent the wrong item. Sent it back and then aliexpress only issued a partial refund because I didn't send back the correct camera (I sent back the camera they sent me).
    I have appealed with aliexpress 3x and they keep telling me it is reolink who has rejected the full refund.

    I'm sure others haven't had any issues with reolink but just be mindful if they send you the wrong thing they will admit they are wrong but expect you to pay to fix it.

    With ebay you might have a bit more success, but reolink as a brand have proven themselves to be a bunch of knobs.

    • Damnit. Wish you posted this yesterday.. I bought a camera off reolink aliexpress yesterday!!

      • +1

        i have purchased off them multiple times without issue. it is just this most recent order they screwed me over on. odds are you will be okay but just know if they send you the wrong thing you are likely going to have issues

        • Thanks. Order arrived yesterday (fairly quick!). Order was correct and all working fine. No issues thankfully.

    • +6

      Is it a reolink issue or an AliExpress issue?

      • +5

        It sounds like more a marketplace/dispatch issue rather than an issue with the Reolink brand/equipment.

        • the issue is predominantly with the reolink brand and their customer service.

      • +1

        it was both. the reolink store on aliexpress listed the wrong item. the reolink store on aliexpress did not want to replace the item or refund the item and told me to contact reolink directly. reolink tried to make me pay to return the item and then pay an additional 60usd to get the correct camera.
        aliexpress issue was when i sent the return back to them they have claimed i have not sent the 'spotlight' back. there was no spotlight to send back because reolink sent the wrong item. currently pursuing with paypal

        • +4

          But there is nothing wrong with reolink products and op is referencing an AU store.

          • +2

            @MS Paint: My post did not enter into any discussion regarding the reolink products itself. My issue was when there was a problem with the order, which reolink acknowledged was on them - and how Reolink subsequently failed to address it. As for an AU store - I was dealing with Reolink Australia. When you buy from Reolink on Aliexpress there is no GST charged because the item is from Reolink Australia. Whether you buy on ebay or aliexpress or reolink directly it is coming from their Australian store.

    • +6

      Not worth a neg!

      • Wrong

      • +1

        the problem may not be there purchasing on ebay. but just a heads up if you are trying to deal with reolink directly they will waste your time like crazy, gaslight the shit out of you only to offer you bs solutions to a problem they acknowledge was theirs

    • +2

      I've always purchased from AU Reolink store or AU Ebay store, never had a problem.

      • +2

        how many times have you had to do a return?

        • -1

          Not with reolink but had issue with amazon, This is why i prefer to buy in AU even paying few extra dollars but protected by Australian law. Last time amazon messed up so in the after complaint, I got item for free.

    • Must be Aliexpress store only. I had a solar panel from their eBay store years ago fail on me and they just sent me another one.

  • Any other products on sale?

  • Links goes to a not in operation Go Daddy website ? ? ?

  • Reolink Au link in the description also goes to a 404 error.

  • Are you sure it qualifies for the NSW small business rebate?

    I couldn't find cameras/CCTV/security cameras in the list of SafeWork small business rebate eligible safety items

    The only mention I found on quick glance appears to exclude CCTV:
    Site security devices and systems* excludes Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) - Commercial premises only

  • +3

    Can combine with NSW small business rebate( make this $0 dollars so a no brainer for me😁 hope others with ABN can also enjoy this

    Just be careful on that one…

    5.2 SafeWork NSW will not provide a rebate for an item where it considers, in its absolute discretion, that:

    an item may be used for domestic, recreational or social activities – if required, SafeWork NSW will seek evidence that the item is directly aligned with the business' core functions
    an item could be used by a home-based business for domestic or household purposes
    any item that is not for predominantly business-related purposes and not intended to be used routinely for business reasons over a reasonable period of time

    • Came here to say this.


      The business owner (of a business that is not a charity or not-for-profit service) must attend a SafeWork NSW education activity before claiming the rebate and no more than 12 months prior to the date the application is submitted.

  • Anything similar that would not require wires? Ideally solar powered

    • Reolink Argus series has been going well for me as well. Uses the same app as the NVR but you can save to microsd or cloud

    • +1

      have 2x reolink argus pro 3. find that they tend to be sporadic in what they decide to capture, by nature of the way they work they often will miss the initial activity, so imagine someone walking past the camera - the saved footage will start when they are already 3/4 of the way past the camera. the software is poor in that it does not give any info on how much it is charging each day which would be important if you have the panel in a position where there is inconsistent sunlight and you are trying to work out the best setup.

      if they had half a brain they would provide something similar to when you check your phone battery usage so you can see the discharge/recharge over time. but it is reolink, and they dont have half a brain.

      If you aren't already tied into the reolink ecosystem i would suggest looking at something that provides better info on battery usage and has far less lag before recording is triggered.

      • +1

        read every single review on battery powered cameras… any brand… they are shit… only to be used when you have no other option.

  • How do you normally install them? Hire someone or DIY?

    • +2

      I just installed a Reolink system last week, it’s all PoE so just need to run a network cable from the base unit to each camera. Needed a ladder and a drill with a 20mm speedbore to thread the cable through the eaves, a yellow cable feeder to push the network cable up into the roof cavity where I could access it and some spring toggles to mount the camera to the eaves (as they’re hollow). Then it was just some time in the roof cavity pulling cables back to the network video recorder. Highly recommend a head torch, and do it when it’s cool. I think you technically need a cable runners licence, but everything is low voltage plug and play, and all cables are included so it seems to be designed for DYI. Of course I installed this 2 weeks after a burglary incident, but I’m happy with the system so far

    • I'm sure it could do 108 hours, although you'll have 60 hours of no recordings

      24/7 will give you better 168 hour coverage that the cameras can do just fine

  • -1

    Are these the same as the ones used on the Death Star in Star Wars?

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