What's The Best Shears to Trim Lomandras and Clumping Grasses?

Hi, you're probably going to laugh at me but this took me half a day with work's Trojan junk then scissors after giving that up. Ozito hedge trimmers don't work.

This place has over hundred of Lomandras and i'm looking to buy my own shears that can cut like butter with this one.




Tried to google for result but without avail. This guy made it look so easy.

Happy to buy premium brand like Bahco but don't want to risk spending $100+ if it won't work.


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    Felco Pruning Shears

    • Thanks, i've decided to try the kombi hedge trimmer first to see how it goes.

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    I mostly use Makita 18v hedge trimmers and trim them hard. They do a great job of it. Angle cut upwards from outside the plant, a bit like shaping it into a cone. When transplanting, secateurs give better control to leave selected leaves intact.

    Lomandras come in a variety of sizes If you have hundreds or the large variety, a quality 36V hedge trimmer might be a better choice. (quality - quality blade steel that retain an edge NOT Ozito-type tools).

    • I used the Ozito hedge trimmer but it didn't work so didn't think of trying the Kombi or Ego one yet.

      • I tried an Ozito to back up my long handled 36V. I needed something not so heavy to do the low sections of my monstrous hedges. The Ozito did not get around them once. The good thing is Bunnings took it back with no fuss.

        That doesn't mean I am anti-Ozito. Ozito is less expensive than hiring, so is often a great choice for a one-off job or very light work. Steer clear for major work like I imagine @noidea faces.

        BTW I used a pair of almost new Cyclone manual hedge trimmers yesterday. They were reasonably sharp but close to useless, the mid-section of the blade was bending new growth box hedge instead of cutting. I did get through the job but could only use about 50-70mm of the tip and had to snap them fast. About 2m of box hedge top took a very long time. The owner thought Cyclone was a good brand. most things that comes off a Bunnings rack are not top quality.

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    I’ve trimmed thousands of filiformis and longifolia with stihl hedgers and a stihl brushcutter.

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    Crap landscaping with weeds is what I see. Get rid of the lot and plant something else.

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