Wife has been told she is vitamin D deficient (unsure if any specific number metrics were provided) during her last blood test for her thyroid levels.
So, now I need to source some bargain level wisdom on vitamin d, and where fellow OzB'ers source their supplies from?
Any pointers would be welcome.
Scrolling through some previous deals talk of various IU levels, but unsure if just 'really big numbers' is sufficient, and also combining with K2.
Be aware that Vitamin D is not water soluble and is not passed out of the body through the kidneys, so can build up to toxic levels, damaging kidneys etc.
You need to be monitored though blood tests to ensure your not exceeding the recommended levels if using supplements, and as mentioned previously 10 minutes in the sun per day is enough for healthy synthesis.
Go to a GP and let the professionals look into it .