• long running

[iOS] Free - PicaSim - Flight Simulator @ Apple App Store


Learn to fly radio controlled gliders and powered planes in this highly realistic flight simulator. You can use it to practice aerobatics, have a lazy fly on a rainy day, or compete to fly as fast as possible in a number of races.

It includes 28 gliders (including some electric), 15 powered planes (including three control-line), a hang glider, and a quadcopter. The simulation includes realistic models of wind flow, turbulence and thermals. You can fly with AI/computer controlled planes too, keeping you company in the air.

The sceneries include a variety of slope and flat field sites. Some are panoramic, with high graphical quality, but a fixed viewpoint. Others are 3D scenes where you can fly in or behind the plane.

It is highly configurable, so you can create and explore new terrains from inside the app, as well as adjust settings such as the wind modelling, aeroplane settings (including size and ballast) etc.

If you've never flown a radio-controlled plane before, you'll probably find it hard to fly at first. Check the support website for a video and hints on how to fly. PicaSim flight simulator won't teach you how to fly, but it can help you learn - persevere and the sky is the limit!

The planes included are:

  • Gliders/sailplanes: ASW15, Banana, Canard, Discus, Trainer, Neoslope, Genie, Icarus (DLG), Jart, Kato, Le Fish (standard & ultralight), Magpie, Martin Wing, Mini-DLG, Minimoa, Notos (DLG), Phase 6, Plank (wing), PSS Spitfire, Quartz, Sherpa II, Spirit 2.6, Tigger (F3F), Trapeze, Dreamflight Weasel.
  • Electric gliders: Neoslope, trainer.
  • Powered R/C planes: AcroBat, Extra (3D, normal and large size), F18, GeeBee R2, RT Eraser Five, Sopwith Pup, Spitfire, High-wing trainer, twin-propeller delta, Electric Kato, Yak 54.
  • Control-line: Extra, Max Bee, Peacemaker.
  • Other: Wasp (quadcopter), Moyes XS 142 (hang glider).

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  • +4

    App hasn’t been updated in 7 years so don’t expect too much.

    But still thank you Op.

    • It's OK to expect a good game I think. The ratings look good.

      I'm not sure if it's the case here but some games do get completed and stop getting updates.

  • This is freeware

    It's not a freebie. There is no saving.

      • It was already on my phone and I don't pay for apps…

        • +2

          According to AppRaven it was $2.99 before and has never been free in the past.

          There's a free version, do you have that?

          Edit: Upon further looking into the price history I have found that the free version (with less planes) was removed from the App Store at about the same time the paid version went free.

          • @Hiphopopotamus:

            Edit: Upon further looking into the price history I have found that the free version (with less planes) was removed from the App Store at about the same time the paid version went free.

            sounds a bit dodgy to me…

    • +2

      You know what IS free, jv? Those ev fire statistics you said you'd post, but still haven't.

      • Please avoid making off-topic comments.

        • Are we going to moderate jv's blatant misinformation and troll comments?

          • @Charmoffensive: Moderation does not qualify a user's comments as correct or not, we aren't the arbiters of truth. Please use the voting and/or reply function, to counter comments that you feel are incorrect or that you disagree with. Thanks

  • +2

    let me get my head around this, so this is a simulation of flying a model airplane which in itself is a simulation of flying a real plane?

    • +1

      RC model flyer here. My opinion: No, flying a model airplane is not a simulation of flying a real plane. They are completely 2 different things. I like flying model airplanes/helicopters but even if I've got the money and time and if I am young again, I still won't be learning to fly a real one. I am just not interested. The simulation of flying a model airplane is necessary (usually done in PC though, with powerful graphics card) because flying a RC model is hard. And you crash and spend money/time to fix it. Learning on a simulator is a first step. Anyway.. I have been using this PicaSim (just occassionally) and glad it's free. Thanks OP.

  • Also your In a simulation ,
    but I digress..

  • +2

    I have spent many hours playing this, would recommend. (R/C gliders was a hobby of mine many, many years ago.)

    Shame it looks like it's no longer maintained though.

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