This was posted 4 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Red Eye Classic Energy Drink, 12 Bottles x 330ml $24 ($21.60 Sub & Save) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/$59+ Spend) @ Amazon AU

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One of the original energy drinks (label says est. 1995), a lot of people may not realise that they are still around. Classic is my favourite flavour, although Platinum is pretty popular too (more commonly stocked). Price matching Woolworths + extra 10% off with subscribe and save. My local Woolworths don't seem to stock it, so grabbed a carton from Amazon instead with the 10% discount.

The original blend of pure spring water, amino acids and B vitamins.


Contains sugar (13.8g/100ml).

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    There's a blast from the past!

  • +15

    (label says 1995)

    Would not recommend drinking a 30 year old original bottle of energy drink.

    • +10

      It would probably taste better than 75% of the newer ones.

  • +4

    woah I love these compared to redbull

  • Love these

  • +13

    Remember 'Gold'?

    I do. :(

  • +16

    Fond memories of riding the bikes to the corner deli with mates, grabbing these, hot chips and mixed lollies with whatever change was left.

    I also had no idea it was still being made

    • +6

      grabbing these, hot chips and mixed lollies

      Tradies breakfast of choice plus an iced coffee.

      • You're right, I guess not much has changed after all

  • +1

    How much caffeine do these have?

    • +18


    • Less than what they have now

    • I can't remember the specifics however in australia caffeine amount in store bought beverages (or beverages classified as caffeinated (fact check me)) cannot have over a specific amount of caffeine per ml beverage, so all energy drinks have been the same for a long time just due to food regulation. If you want caffeine get an (double or triple) espresso from a local coffee shop and you'll be wired asf and won't have to piss heaps

      • won't have to piss heaps

        That's what you think!

  • These are delicious.

  • What do they taste like

    • +10

      This classic one is a bit like a creamy soda/berry taste.

      Platinum flavour is easier to describe, it tastes like lemonade.

      • +1

        Good effort hamza, I agree and can’t think of a better description but can remember the taste like it was yesterday. It has a very unique flavour that I used to love and I know I would still love it now. I think I’m gonna have to get this.

    • +3

      I'd say the classic is a bit like a red sarsaparilla, but less sarsaparillaish. Slightly root beer ish.

      Personally, I prefer the platinum. It seems less sweet and more refreshing to my palate. Like mountain dew if mountain dew was much much nicer.

      • Always been a fan of Platinum. Tastes great and the energy boost seems more 'natural' for lack of a better word ie. more subtle but longer lasting.

  • +2

    Top tier energy drink.

  • +1

    I reckon it's been about 17 years since I've drunk one of these. I don't drink energy drinks anymore, but it's nice to know it's still around :')

  • +1

    I have a mate that drinks 4 a day - I can't believe the caffeine and sugar intake. Old mate's going to die at 50.

    • RIP

    • Caffeine isn't really a problem in those doses. Anything up to 1000mg a day seems to have no issues for most people. There are plenty of people who drink 5+ coffees per day (me sometimes) or take pre-workouts which have 500mg+ of caffeine for serve.

  • +3

    Best tasting energy drink there is.

  • +4

    These are easily the best energy drink, crazy that slop like Mother ever existed when this does

  • An actual classic, used to love these in the 90s, can't believe they are still around

  • are there no zero sugar options?

    • +6

      They make one but I haven't seen it sold anywhere.

      berry boost
      A zero sugar blend of natural flavours, Korean ginseng, ginkgo biloba, green tea extract, magnesium and ‘B’ group vitamins.

      Edit: Orbost Foodworks in VIC sell it, probably not other locations but you could try calling your local if you have one.

      • +1

        That actually sounds really good apart from the sugar-free bit.

  • +9

    I recall having red eye sponsor some of the LAN parties I used to run and go to. Peak 90s and early 2000s vibes

  • +1

    Thanks OP, bought some to try for the first time.

  • +2

    Nostalgia is strong in this thread. Classic drink

  • +5

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane, OP. I used to destroy these while doing deliveries for Pedro's Pizza in the early 2000's.

  • I love these and try to get them on special from woolies when $2 but its rare

  • I remember my teacher thinking we were drinking beers in school when the crew all had these…

  • These used to taste amazing until around early 2010s when they changed the formulation on all their flavours. RIP

  • +1

    Loved these back in the day, and have bought occasionally since then. They certainly taste better than all the mainstream options!

    Might have to order a pack.

  • I remember some kid bringing one of these to primary school. Had a few sips and was beaming

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