Mangoes for $15 $10 a tray. Great quality.
28 mangoes per tray.
Plenty of stock.
Great price too
Great price. Do you think it will be available for sometime. Takes me an hour to reach there.
Takes me an hour to reach there.
for a mango?
I would say so. At least 70 trays left 10 min ago.
You don't have to make your long way there.
It's in season now and it's cheaper everywhere except Coles WW and ALDI.
It's $10/tray at my local market today, also suburban Melb.
You'll be hard pressed to find this quality and quantity for this price.
These will easily last a couple of weeks in the fridge.
There are a few saccas stores around Melbourne, so it may be worth your while to check your nearest store if they have them.
This is my local store so will be grabbing a tray but I think prices will just keep getting better given mango season is here. Thanks OP.
Would love to know where you can get KP trays like that? Fairly new to Melb, and haven't found reliable good sources of fruit/veg. Bonus points for east of city.
Oh no what would we do now!
Ball and bat.
Try Big Watermelon , Watinrna .
try big watermelon and Henrys Mercato
They also had boxes of KP mangoes for $10 but the quality was poor.
Hate to disagree but bought a box and am having 1 right now, juicy, soft and full of flavours, very nice!
These are still different to the loose bulk boxes - you can see the blue/purple cardboard sleeve at the bottom of the box, which have their own indentation for each mango, so they're still size 28s.
Gee wish the Big Banana sold these
10:45am update:
There's a fresh pallet of trays, and they're now $10 each
Might have to go back!! If these are $10 for the same quality, this is a ridiculous bargain.
$10 is KP. Calypso still $15.
just bought a tray of calypso, can confirm they are $15 not $10 (which is KP)
Wow, these prices are enough to make a Man Go crazy!
What's everyone's flavour preference - Kensington Pride / KP, or Calypso?
KP for me. Has the flavour and aroma.
Definitely KP!
just bought one of the last trays of calypso, unless they have more stock in the back, they're all sold out now
1215 update. Green but very soft. Not sure how these will actually taste. 14 in a tray.
Those are the KP mangoes and they aren't good at all.
Clean, cut and freeze. Great for smoothies!
Very very average tasting mangoes.
Waiting for the Honey gold Mangoes.
Yes Calypso all sold out. Whatever is $10 is actually KP mangoes and not calypso and were like 14 in a box.
Still about 70 trays left 20 minutes ago
Just went there 15 minutes ago - there's 4 boxes left, all awful mangoes.
So many Mango goes into bin everyday in the market but the vendor never sell them for a reasonable prices.
Typical tray with 16 mango with small size sold for $25 …which is rip off during peak season.
They through them into bin but don't sell them for $15 a tray.
There's still some trays at the Coburg North Sacca for both Calypso and Kensington Pride. But to be warned, the quality of both mangos on the trays is quite poor. The calypso are overripe with lots of black spots on them and the kensington pride are quite small, green, and underripe.
Can confirm there's only 1 box of very bruised mangoes
Home made Weiss mango bars are super easy to make.
So, would most buyers here agree it was $10 for a cardboard tray?
I hate food waste like the next guy but selling spoiled foodstuff as a bargain is a rotten thing to do..
If you are speaking about $10 mangoes , they were KP mangoes which were not that good. OP had shared Calypso mangoes which were there for $15.
Nothing for SA :(
What state is this ?