What The Best Thing to Say When Cancelling Your Private Health When You Move to Another Company?

They are all making it very difficult. Asking so many questions.

What the best way to say to these guys when swapping? As I just realised you can save quite a bit by doing 3 - 4 times a year.

Do you just say I want to Cancel my policy and cancel my Direct Debt? Or do you just cancel the Direct Debt and don't worry about the policy as you would have transferred to another company by then?


  • +5

    i want to cancel

    try it
    repeat after me

    i want to cancel

    or hire me and ill cancel for ya. whats ur memwbrship number, mobile phone, password, tax file number, credit card details ,cvc, birthday, mothers maiden name, first pet name, first employer

    • -4

      So you need to cancel the policy and the direct debit? Or just the direct debit and let the company you transfer to deal with the rest?

  • +5

    Do not cancel your old policy, your new health fund needs to contact your old provider to intitate the transfer. You old fund provides a transfer certificate to new fund to enable seemless transfer and it states the benifits you held to avoid sitting though waiting periods.

    Its similar to transferring phone providers, if you cancel you phone plan first then there's no service to transfer and you loose phone number. In the case of a health fund, you may have to sit though waiting periods and pay more with lifetime loading.

    This is my understanding from transferring a few times, i am not employed in the industry

    • -3

      ok so what happens if you cancel it, but using the Transfer Certificate the old fund provided instead to the new company? Would that work as well? Confusing as boomranada says cancel it first…………

      • +1

        Listen to running

      • Do not cancel your old policy…..

        if you cancel then you loose……..

        • +1

          I hate it when my policies get loose

      • You've got nothing to lose by following running's advice.

      • Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

        If in doubt, speak to customer service of your new provider and ask them.

  • You. Are. A. Rip. Off.

    Cancel my account.

    • -6

      Not sure if this is the approach as you will go back to them when an new offer presents

      • Doesnt matter. They won't block ban you because they know they exist to rip people off

      • Lol. I don't think they keep track to that degree.

        Be firm, not rude - make it clear that you want to cancel. Don't specify a reason.

      • Ive never returned because I dont churn. Yes, I know, strange on OzB 🤷‍♀️

  • +3

    What the best way to say to these guys when swapping

    "it's not you, it's me"

  • +3

    It must have been love… but it’s over now

  • The truth. FFS

  • -1

    Just say to them, “it’s not you, it’s me”

  • +4

    Do you even need to contact them?

    Once you've selected your new health fund, you'll need to provide them with the details of your previous health insurer. Your new health fund will contact your old health insurance provider to request the cancellation of your previous membership and a transfer certificate.

    Source: https://www.nib.com.au/the-checkup/switching-health-insuranc…

    • Ok this is the answer I am looking for.


  • They are giving me anothe xx weeks free and a giftcard.

    I've had them try to better the competitor but it meant i had to sign up for a year.
    Told them to jump.

  • +1

    just tell them you found better value elsewhere. Ask if they can offer a better deal to stay. Be prepared to know what your willing to accept

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