Up to $250 Gift Card for Switching Gas, Electricity & Internet Providers Online (Costco Members Only) @ Compare & Connect


This is on top of POWERSHOP offer who is offering $150 for each of Electricity and Gas switch.

Electricity and gas services are unavailable in WA.


$250 for all 3 products for executive members
$200 for any 2 products (eg: elec+Gas) for executive members

$120 for all 3 products for executive members
$70 for any 2 products (eg: elec+Gas) for executive members


Executive Members: The Promoter will provide a Costco Shop Card for each product as

per below, that the Eligible Claimant successfully takes up.
Electricity = $70
Gas = $50
Home Internet = $50
For any combination of the above 2 products taken up within a period of 5 business days
of each other (with a ‘business day’ being a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday in Melbourne) (Business Day) the Promoter will instead provide a $200 shop
If all 3 products have been taken up within 5 Business Days of each other , the Promoter
will instead provide a $250 shop card

Goldstar and Business Members:

For any combination of the above 2 products taken up within a period of 5 Business Days
the Promoter will provide a $70 shop card

If all 3 products have been taken up within 5 Business Days of each other, the Promoter
will instead provide a $120 shop card


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  • -5

    Appreas to be scam. Want your name, address, email address, phone number , costco membership. May be on next screen ask for you DOB,

      • +1

        Happy with Compare & Connect
        Got my incentive ($150 gift card) to switch electricity in past Deal

    • +1

      Seems you & members upvoting you - don't understand the process & law of switching utilities.

      But falsely suggest that asking for necessary personal information to allow a switch - makes this a "scam"😝

      To switch services like electricity etc - by law the person switching has to prove they have the authority to switch.

      That generally means providing the name & address details shown on the bills.

      Unless your existing retailer has the details you provide on their account (including added to account with permission of account holder) - by law a switch can't proceed. Otherwise it may be fraud! Penalties apply.

      Plus a means of contacting you by phone or email. They need to contact you to confirm you agree to switch retailer.

      As this is a promo only for Costco members - membership also needs to be provided.

      For switching mobile providers (& possibly NBN), a DOB is also required before a switch can proceed.

      Available plans depend on your location - based on address.

      Without those correct details, the switch can't proceed.
      And so there is no benefit for you in signing up!

      It's the same with all 3rd party switching Deals here.

      People in other Deals complained when they fail to receive the benefit they aren't able to claim - as the details provided don't match those on the existing retailers account.

      These Deals are not available - by Law, to those providing false or incorrect information!

      In the past, shonky salespeople switched people without them knowing or agreeing. They earnt a commission for everyone they "signed up". First thing the person affected knew was their bill was from a different retailer!
      Now that was a scam!

      Which led to a change in how retailers & 3rd party promoters are allowed to switch customers.

    • don't see how its a scam. being a Costco member u already provide all that info at signup any way. no need to neg

  • +1

    They do not need to show the prices to compare without your personal information. It is definately a scam.

  • This is linked by Costco website so it's definitely NOT a scam.

  • Seems like you need to stay connected for at least 90 days

    1. Eligible Claimants will be provided their digital Shop Card via their nominated email at
      least 90 days after the connection has been deemed successful and within 10 days of
      Costco being advised that the Eligible Claimant has made an Eligible Claim.
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