Curious to see if we have any other gamers among us who have splurged money on a modern light gun (Gun4IR, Sinden, Aimtrack etc.)? There are some older light gun games that I would like to revisit and find myself gravitating to arcade light gun games whenever I am in places likes Timezone. I have old Wiimotes and purchased a dolphin bar some years back but that's no longer cutting it.
Beside it needing to work on a modern TV, I want the option of easily adding a foot pedal at some point (long time fan of the Time Crisis series) and a decent recoil - 'similar' to what you would find on a Point Blank arcade gun. I have access to a 3D printer and have some basic soldering skills I can utilise. I'm trying to keep the budget modest and under $300 for the light gun alone if possible for now as I know it won't be part of my regular gaming.
Did you go down the DIY route or purchase a pre-made from a seller? What would you suggest in terms of compatibility and ease of use?
I have a similar question about ray gun suggestions for modern dancing