This was posted 4 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Rammstein - Mutter (2001) 2xLP 180gm Vinyl - $46.27 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/$59 Spend) @ Amazon US via AU

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Evening OzBargain Metalheads,

Here's a limited time deal for Rammstein's third album Mutter from 2001 on vinyl for the low price of $46.27.

Going off Amazon's listing, this looks to be the 2017 reissue which is 180gm and the first time this album has been released on vinyl as a standalone album since the original vinyl release in 2001. Also this release has been remastered for vinyl and is now spread across two LP's unlike the original pressing which was a single LP. Lastly, there's a 12 page 12" colour booklet included.

I had a look around for this album and the cheapest I could find it was $82 plus postage & the camels say the cheapest it's ever been is $50.79 on Sep 29, 2024.


Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -7

    Is this a aggro band?

    • -4


      • 😂

        • +2

          It's how my mum would describe any music I listen to

          • +2

            @theguyrules: Here I was thinking you had the latest Knocked Loose album on repeat or something…

            • @scooba: Haven't spun that one, didn't mind the Deep in the Willow/Everything is Quiet Now singles but mainly liked them for the music videos.

              • @theguyrules: I enjoyed it considering I'm not much of a hardcore fan, I haven't listened to those singles you mentioned or watched any videos either but I'll have a listen/look now that you have.

                • @scooba: They're too hardcore for me personally. I like to be able to understand the lyrics lol

                  • +1

                    @theguyrules: They could be singing about eating fairy floss at the fair for all I care, as long as the wallpaper is melting from the music lol.

                    • +1

                      @scooba: Sure there's a song about making cookies by Tool but in German. Sounds very hardcore.

                      • +2

                        @khomeini: And no eggs!

                        • +2

                          @scooba: I remember being one of the few to introduce Rammstein to our school after hearing them in "The lost highway" soundtrack back in the day. Awesome soundtrack if you like rock/metal.
                          If you haven't seen the movie, watch it… even has Marilyn Manson in it somewhere.

                          • +1

                            @khomeini: I went to the cinema to see Lost Highway when it came out thanks to being a fan of David Lynch.

                            Would've been nice if the full versions of the Rammstein tracks were included on the soundtrack and not the edits. Also, The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails and Manson's Apple Of Sodom and cover of I Put a Spell On You are great from that soundtrack.

    • Depends what you classify as "aggro"?

    • +3

      Zwitter, Zwitter!

      • +1

        A positive song about self-love

    • +1

      Maybe if you listen to Elton John.

  • +7

    One of their best. Thanks op.

  • Hello Mutter. Hello Futter .
    Here I am at Camp Grenada.. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

    • 😂

  • +2

    Makes me want to attend a nightclub in Prague.

    • Ja?

        • Bist du geil?

    • +2

      Bang bang

      • +2

        Feuer frei!

  • +3

    Limited double vinyl LP pressing. Mutter (German for "mother") is the third album by Neue Deutsche Härte band Rammstein. It was released in April 2001 through Motor Music. The album's cover image is a photograph of a dead fetus, which was taken by Daniel & Geo Fuchs. Overall the album spawned six singles which is, by far, the most singles released from any Rammstein album. Rammstein formed in 1994 in Berlin. Throughout it's existence, Rammstein's six-man lineup has remained unchanged-lead guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe, bassist Oliver "Ollie" Riedel, drummer Christoph "Doom" Schneider, lead vocalist Till Lindemann, rhythm guitarist Paul H. Landers, and keyboardist Christian "Flake" Lorenz. The band helped to found a subgenre within German hard rock and metal that became known as Neue Deutsche Härte. The majority of their songs are in German, but they have also performed songs entirely or partially in other languages including English, Spanish, French, and Russian.

  • +4

    Order placed

  • +5

    links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links

  • +8

    Great album indeed, still have the CD from years ago.

  • Vinyl? You want to talk about vinyl? That's like asking for a ride in a flying car or a cup of futuristic coffee. Let's stick to something a little more retro, shall we? Like phonograph cylinders! You know, the good old days when you had to crank a handle to hear a song that sounded like a cat being strangled. Ah, the classics!

    • Trololololololololol.

      • +2

        Kids these days. I remeber when CDs first came out I was overwhelmed - wow, an actual clear sound, no hiss and screaking of vynil or noise of compact cassettes… But, obviously, people don't want clear sound these days, they want "the experience". :-D

        • Ah yes, more digital supremacy!

          Sounds like you didn't know how to handle or take care of records and the equipment you use to listen to them on, oh well🫠.

          • @scooba: "Digital supremacy"… Yeah it's all conspiracy of the big musical recording brands. They hate it when you you listen to your hissy vinyl recordings, because they are not able to sell you the same recording twice for 50% more price… Or wait, vinyl lets them do that. Confused!
  … $25 for a CD, first link after 1 second of googling.
            Or, you subcscribe to a digital service and have access to all the recordings in the world. Oh sorry, "digital supremacy" - I will slap myself.

            And please, let's not go into multi $K vinyl players and how good they are. Solution to a problem that does not exist. Funny enough - I have a multi $K vinyl player on top of my multi $K audio system. And I do need it for those hissy recordings that were never digitalised (never released in a digital format) - in order to convert them to digits. Because vinyl plastic deteriorates with time.

            PS you should stick to the wax phonograph cylinders for your recordings.

            • @Musiclover: Do you feel better now you've got all that out because digital supremacy is a serious thing for people like yourself who claim digital formats are better in every way.

              CD's are irrelevant when you can get better digital files like files like FLAC's online, CD's = digital files / FLAC, WAV, OGG = digital files.

              You keep saying vinyl sounds so bad, so I don't believe you know how to take care of records or the equipment, even if it is the expensive turntable and system which you probably don't own.

              "Vinyl plastic deteriorates with time"
              Yep, you're definitely trolling. I know people with old stuff from the 50's and 60's and they still sound great, because they've taken care of their records.

              P.S We always get at least one of you digital supremacist trolls coming into these threads and it's great for free entertainment, but you should really stick to digital only, you'll be better off👍🏻.

              • @scooba: I would not say digital is better "in every way", it is a bit too broad. It is definitely better in general - better audio quality and audio transmission and preservation.
                I suggest you don't use the words that you do not fully understand. "CD" is just an audio STANDARD - which stipulates bit and sampling rate. FLAC is an audio FORMAT, it can be in different standards with different bit and sampling rates. And could be above or below CD standard in sound quality. OGG unlike FLAC, is a LOSSY audio format where compression is achieved somewhat at the expense of sound quality (whether perceivable or not - another question), and FLAC is obviously lossless audio format.
                You said that vinyl from the 50s that you listened to is like a diamond, does not deform with time and heat, does not lose elasticity - great to hear, who has measured the fact that it "sounds great"? You and your high fidelity ears? Putting aside the fact that these, despite their undoubtful unique capabilities, could hardly be considered audio measuring scientific equipment, should be put to the test with double blind listening tests - then we will talk again.
                It is great that you do not hear audio artifacts and the loss of dynamic range on vinyl. Not everyone's ignorance is so blessed.

                • @Musiclover: Man your troll posts are great, on and on with a diatribe only a mother could love😂.

                  Stick to digital pal, just give the supremacy a miss.

                  • @scooba: There are two kinds of people in the world: those who think magically, and those who think scientifically. Why do you think that vinyl sound is better? You probably could not tell. Or you would mumble something like "I can hear it, I trust my ears". I, on the other hand, can measure (using scientific sound measuring equipment) and prove via blind listening tests why digital source is better.
                    The difference between me and you is also in the fact that I will happily give up my "digital supremacy" if you provide valid scientific evidence that vinyl is better. You, on the other hand, will believe in vinyl regardless of what I say.

                    • @Musiclover: There are two kinds of people in this world, people that love music in all formats and people that claim a digital source is superior.

                      You're first mistake was to think I'm an analogue supremacist and no, I'm not going to prove anything to you because you're a troll on a deals website.

                      Again, stick to digital son, I'll keep enjoying it all👍🏻.

                  • @scooba: But you know what is the funniest? Is that vinyl discs are copied from a digital master source.

                    • @Musiclover: "vinyl discs"

                      Troll level 10 confirmed.

                      Thanks for playing👍🏻.

  • +3

    Du hast mich?

    • +3

      Du hast mich gefragt

      • +2

        Du hasst mich = you hate me
        Du hast mich gefragt = you asked me
        So the repetition of the start of the sentence makes it sound like he's repeating "you hate me", but when he completes it, it's just "you asked me and I said nothing".

    • Nein.

  • +2

    Yeah I need this record. Thanks

    • +3

      I had no idea that I did until I saw this post.
      3 left

      • Still hold some hope they bring their show to Aus again

  • +2

    Cue flashback of 16yr old me at the local food court spinning this on my diskman after school.

    T'was a dangerous age for a video like Sonne to come included on the CD.

  • +2

    Danke schön!

    • +2

      Bitte schön.

  • +3

    Have a look on Youtube for Dicke Titten…
    Great Rammers clip.

    • +1

      Püssy is the better video.

    • Keine Lust is my favourite video clip

      • Forgot about that one👍🏻.

  • +2

    One of the most amazing bands to see live, even if you aren’t really into their music…

    Actually, you probably do need to be into their music, no half measures with their music or live shows.

    • +3

      Saw them live at the Big Day Out in 2001 and it was incredible. I remember being down the front and Till came out waving the flamethrower over the crowd and I could feel the heat from it.

  • +1

    Cheers OP
    Don't need it, bought it anyway!

    • +1

      "Don't need it"

      How come?

      • Cos it's easy enough to stream on Spotify.

        • I find it bizarre that people would "stream" music relying on crappy 4G or 5G connections.
          Doesn't Spotify allow you to download the tracks to your device your device these days and don't you have a turntable?

  • +1

    Must. Not. Buy….

    • This is me every time I see a vinyl deal…

  • +1

    One of the best. Manson or whatever does not come to the heels

  • +1

    Du hast one of the best music ever

  • Looks like its back to $74.18 now.

  • Set "Adios" as wake up alarm just yesterday.

  • +1

    if anyones a huge fan like me, theres a Best of Rock channel in Germany that just plays non stop and ad free Rammstien… forever. prefect for bluetooth streaming on car drives.

  • DU.

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