This was posted 4 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD] Oreo Coca-Cola Flavour 128g $0.35 @ Coles Rural View, Mackay


They have a weird taste, but some people might like them.…

Not sure if it's nationwide?

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Love coke. Love oreos. Didn't like these. 35c = good price to put your mind at rest about them if you're wondering.

  • +2

    Straight in the bin

  • +4

    I LOVE these!

    • Your lucky day then or as they say "Snoovey rubbish bin is another man's banquet"

  • -1

    take the filling out and keep the biscuit to make cookies and cream ice cream. (DIY Mc Flurry)

  • +1

    Gross yuck

  • 1.4 at my local wws

    • Same, spotted that price at my local WW.

      I tried these- they're just OK not a fan of them. Not surprised they're getting cleared.

  • It’s just Vanilla Coke

    • +1

      I thought it was more like a creaming soda than the ELITE Vanilla Coke

      • +1

        lol ELITE is correct. When I first tried Vanilla Coke I honestly thought it would overtake regular coke LOL, but so many people I’ve asked don’t like it. You are right tho, it is more of a creaming soda.

        • +1

          I thought so too.
          People tell me it tastes like medicine, but no way

      • So gutted when they stopped selling full size cartons of vanilla Coke

  • They basically just tasted like regular Oreos 🤷‍♂️

  • as long as it's better than prime.

  • Where are they made?

    • Indonesia

  • There's a reason why they sell it this cheap.

  • Pretty much tastes 99% like coke with a very tiny hint of choc/creaming soda/vanilla or something like that. Not really a fan.

    • The taste would be nicer as a drink than in a biscuit.

      • I've tried the drink and… wow it's something 🤣

        I've never tasted anything like it lol and this is coming from someone who tries random drinks from Tongli.

        • Probably more subtle than Durian drink :)

  • Half price for $1 at Woolies

  • Oreo Coke - Okay.
    Coke Oreos - Not okay.

  • I loved vanilla coke years ago before I cut down on soda intake! I tried these and they felt kinda close to the flavour. Surprised they got that into a biscuit

  • One bite, spat it out.. threw the pack away.

  • This really does taste like coca cola 😮

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