• long running

[NSW] Parliamentary Celebratory Message for Birthdays or Weddings for Recipients Who Live in Ryde @ Jordan Lane, MP for Ryde


Just like you could get a free picture of the Queen and free Australian flag from your local MP.

Jordan Lane (NSW Politician for the seat of Ryde) has made a tiktok, saying you can get a free parliamentary announcement.

From the link

Request a Parliamentary Celebratory Message
Fill out the form below to request a special mention in the NSW Parliament for birthdays or wedding anniversaries of friends or loved ones. This address will appear in the official Parliamentary Hansard, and a copy will also be sent to the recipient.

Please note the recipient must live in Ryde and messages must not contain inappropriate language.

While I will do my best to deliver your message in full, there may be some modifications due to time restrictions or Parliamentary practice and procedure on the day.

Authorised by Jordan Lane MP and funded using parliamentary entitlements.

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NSW Government
NSW Government


  • +17

    I read this as a free parliamentary MASSAGE. Now I'm just disappointed.

    • +3

      free parliamentary MASSAGE

      Using Albo grease?

      • "You are not our king!"

    • Hey hey, you get a free massage from the Australian Government each day you wake up, you usually feel it in both pockets, sometimes feels like two hands looking for money!

  • -8

    Yo, a picture of Lizzy in a box? Sign me up.

    But also, this is such a waste of taxpayer funds and basically a data harvesting activity for the MP/Liberal party.

    • this is such a waste of taxpayer funds

      How much are they spending?

      • only 2.4 mil median house price and Politicians can do this…

        • That didn't really answer my question.

    • +1

      But also, this is such a waste of taxpayer funds

      oh there's much worse then this. and it won't cost very much.

      basically a data harvesting activity for the MP/Liberal party

      No they already have all your data from the electoral roll and other places.

      The local MP is creating connections and getting positive personal link in his electorate so he gets re-elected. quite smart I think. it'll only cost a few bucks for the letter.

      in Queensland, when you move on the electoral roll into a new district, the local state and federal member sends you a personal letter welcoming you and letting You know who they are. it never happened once for me in New South Wales or Victoria.

      • +1

        it never happened once for me in New South Wales or Victoria.

        In Vic, Dan just used to run you over instead…

      • +1

        Sure they have electoral roll details, but may not have other details. You should also factor in the cost of labour.

        • +2

          The electoral has your name, address, date of birth, marital status and whoever else lives at your address. They collect that ober time along with other stuff they buy or obtain because political parties are exempt from the privacy laws so they can obtain data from wherever they like and how ever they like.

    • As a famous band of a bygone era sang "Am I ever gonna see your face again?"….and my response is….

      For younger Ozbargainers, the answer is here

  • +2

    In return you give a politician your contact details.

    • +4

      I mean if OP is using TikTok they’re clearly not concerned about their privacy.

      • Only used the tiktok link cause ozbargain doesn't like the web link of the sign up form

    • +2

      They already have it from the electoral roll you goose.

  • +3

    undercutting the big man tyrone!

  • +11

    What a complete waste of parliamentary time and money.

    • This is way down on the list of things they are wasting taxpayer money on.

      At least people get something nice from this.

    • While I agree I reckon we could do politics with half the people at half the cost and get the same result…here we are. Member's Statements are nothing new and have always just been 90second shoutouts, love songs and dedications to a member's constituents. For example, 'I went to the Bega Public School fete on the weekend, and I wanted to commend the fine work of all the kids who made the most scrumptious lamingtons'. Who cares? Maybe the constituents…or is it a waste of parliamentary time and money?

  • -2

    This makes me furious

    • +1


      • +2

        See ayooles comment

        • +1

          How much are they spending though?

    • +3

      Lol. You spelt curious wrong.

  • Bargain? What does this normally cost?

  • Nice foil work

  • Hi Jordan. I just got married my name Mr Fucht and my wife is Ghet. So if you could shout that you're happy to Ghet Fucht that would be great

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