know this has been covered before, but just wondered what seems to be the best for a family of 5 in Sydney. I have looked at a few comparison and they are yet to ring me back, so thought I would ask her. Also which is the best comparison site?
What is the best electricity deal for a family in Sydney?

great, glad I am not the only one who is undecided, thanks
Dodo.. giving 15% dicount ?
Are you with Dodo? Do they have a contract? thanks
Try origin offering 25% discount with only one yr contract. Hope the offer is still on.
AFAIK, currently the best deal you can get in NSW is 24% (25%, if you also take up gas) off your usage from Origin. Best (or worst, depending how you look at it) part is the contract only lasts 12 months. You might have to hurry as the offer expires on 15-Dec. You can sign-up online at
Been told it only discount the usage!
Yes Im with DODO but in Victoria. My word of advise, dont just go with discount factor, check the final unit price that you pay, all discounted and inclusive of GST. I did a comparision and found
Yes they have contract but penalty is only $20.
- All company have different unit price and different group of prices. like A will have price X for 1000 units while B will have X for 2500 units. and cheaper thereoff. For a family of 5.. definately you will be jumping into the next level.
- Connection to home charges are different with different company.
- With GAS, company have different peak and off peak rates timings. Check which fits ur pattern.
I would say compare with DODO, Momentum energy, Lumo, Truenergy etc. You never know where you can find a good deal. Spend an hour or two comparing and you save much more.
Good Luck hsk
Can't stress Mayankseth's point enough. You need to do your own research because everybody's needs are different.
I'd be interested to know that as well
So far have not yet signed up for a long term deal with any one of the competitors
As I am hoping that this hot issue will be discussed in Canberra soon
As too many people are complaining about too high supply as well as usage charges even after doing all the 'power smart things ' an informed person can do