• long running

Access to JB HiFi Business & The Good Guys Commercial via Australian Retirement Trust ($0 to Join)


Going on from the recent repost of this deal which requires a paid membership.

Found something hidden in the comments - thanks to this comment

Make an account with Australian Retirement Trust (ART), sign up with your details (dont need to provide your TFN).

You can access JB HiFi straight away. Good Guys commercial requires registration and you need to provide your ART member number. Got approved within 1-2 hours even though it says a few days.

You can also sign up to Rest Superannuation and get instant access to The Good Guys Commercial portal with a validation code according to this comment on the same thread.

Related Stores

Australian Retirement Trust
Australian Retirement Trust
JB Hi-Fi Business
JB Hi-Fi Business
The Good Guys Commercial
The Good Guys Commercial


  • May I confirm doesn't an ART account cost money? Even if you have zero balance?

    • +1


      • Below is from the link in OP.

        "…a focus on lower fees
        Our admin fee is $1.20 per week…."

        Great, if there's no fee for 0 balance accounts!

    • +3

      Had no idea this post even existed, or that wiki. Happy for it to get taken down if needed.

  • +4

    Well this was informative anyway as I wasn’t aware of the other pages/wiki.

  • JB Hi-Fi Business is an exclusive portal where members can access a range of products sold at JB Hi-Fi at commercial prices.

    • +1


      • Commercial prices are cheaper.

    • Can you use JB gift cards?

      I found some products available in normal JB site but not in corporatebenefits site

      • Nope. Can't use gift card on JB commercial.

    • +5

      I have JB hifi business….I've abandoned it as most pricing is rubbish everyday of the week.

  • Potentially stupid question… How do you register at TGGCommercial? I'm on the site, hit sign up, it asks for an ABN but I don't currently have one, and I'm not sure where to put the ART member number.

    • +1

      For good guys when on the ART Website if you access the menu (must be logged in) navigate to Rewards and look for GoodGuys you can register that way, but JB Hifi is a direct link to their alleged commercial portal.

      • Thanks, legend. Somehow it was entirely obvious to me to access the JB Commercial via this menu, but I didn't even check it for TGG as I've had an account with them before so I just loaded up their site. All sorted now, cheers.

  • +2

    Doubt I'll ever actually use it, but this is the exact kind of loopholery I come to this site for, good job.

  • +3

    Not everything is cheaper using the commercial website and a lot of products are excluded.

    • +3

      I've found most products are exclusively more expensive with JB business….

      • Waiting to see how the Goodguys is as we will be buying some appliances soon..

  • +2

    Not sure if it helps but I was able to directly log into JB Corporate by going into my ART account > Rewards > selecting JB Hifi.

    Direct link: https://member.secure.australianretirementtrust.com.au/rewar…

    • -1

      now you can brag you have JB Corporate access… have you come across the disappointment of their pricing yet? i don't get all the upvotes.

  • Why doesn't Qsuper members get this benefit they are part of ART

    • QSuper members got shafted big time with the ART takeover. And they don't get the ART's benefits!!!
      Run from QSuper ASAP!

  • Seems like you can also sign up for 'Redeem Your Gift Card' with this.

  • +1

    Lol got this email today

    Because your Super Savings account had no money it and had been inactive for a while, we closed your account.

    I still seem to have access to TGGC though. But never bought anything from there as the deals aren't great and usually the same price as TGG.

  • Does anyone know if you can return items unopened for change of mind like the consumer website or store?

    FAQs states excludes "commercials sales" which I assumed is for commercial volume from business and not individual.

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