This was posted 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

7kW EV Charger $699 + $35 Delivery @ EV Switch


The introductory offer has ended, but you can now get the EV Switch Home 7kW Charger at the updated price of $699 (plus $35 delivery). Valued at $999 (inc. GST), this charger was first released on 15/08/2024 and continues to offer great value.

Note: Colour is subject to availability. If your preferred colour is out of stock, an alternative colour may be provided.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Why would anyone get this when the Tesla gen3 is $800?

    • +1

      I have the Tesla charger. It does the job well, can program it through the app to only charge when power is cheap.

      • +1

        Does that feature with for non Tesla cars too?

        • +1

          Only Tesla as the smarts are on the car itself. Same goes for any 'dumb' charger you plug in.

          • @Kanjus: I doubt it. The car's scheduled charging only happened with recent update. Before that I can only do the schedule at the wall connector.

            • +2

              @juns: You need Charge HQ app. Been using for months. Free version is enough

              • +2

                @Kanjus: No you don't. If you have the wall connector you can set it in the tesla app to charge when your electricity plan is the cheapest. No ChargeHQ required.

                Unless you're talking about solar integration.

                • @juns: You can't select multiple sessions. Ovo is free11am to 2pm. Then cheap overnight

                  • +2

                    @Kanjus: That is correct. But it can definitely be scheduled for one charge session regardless of the car.

                  • @Kanjus: Hmm, you can doing it for last few month after the update

                    • +1

                      @Vickey oz: If you're referring to the multiple session, that's only with the tesla car, not the wall connector.

        • I have a non Tesla vehicle which I charge with the home Tesla charger up to 7kW. I use an app on my phone to schedule it's charging times at the cheap power times.

          • @d2567: Hi there

            Just wondering you mentioned app on the phone. Is the app linked to control the wall connector?

            • @tychiang82: Yes the Tesla app is used to configure the wall charger

  • +4

    I don't know if you really want to post about your own price increase here. I can't imagine it going down well.

    • Just tone deaf. I bought this at $500. It's good and was a bargain. This price is for Facebook owners groups.

  • +2

    Valued at $999

    By whom?

    • +5

      By the same person that decides what colour you are getting.

    • Just monkeying Coles and Woolworths with their 'discounts'

  • +8

    Why can't the website keep track of the inventory? If I were paying $699 for something that I would then need to pay $$$ to have installed as a permanent fixture to my home I would damn well want to pick out the colour.
    Amateur hour

  • +3

    Terrible customer support with these guys. I’d avoid them.

    This is also a price INCREASE from $500

  • +5

    If you want one of these, I'd suggest joining a BYD owners group (these were given out as a promo) - I see them being flogged for $399. (At least, they have been - prior to this price increase.)

  • +3

    Still waiting for that $499 notification since my registration last year.

  • Do you have to get a 3 phase connection to the house for this?

    • No

      • So how come I only get 1kwh when I plug it into a normal power point at my mates place?

        • You are probably using a BYD level 1 "granny charger", which are limited to 8A (the BYD ones, I mean), which will charge at about 1.6kw, I believe.

          This is "level 2", and would be 7kw 32A single phase. Three phase chargers are usually 22kw 32A triple phase (but most cars can only charger 11kw triple phase / 7kw single phase from them).

          • -1

            @caprimulgus: Thanks for the info, just using the Tesla charger that came with the car, bloody Tesla!

            • @BatmanAU: Is that the Tesla UMC? It should come with 2 tails: I believe one is 8A (with a 10A plug) and one is 12A (with a 15A plug). So if you have a 15A powerpoint in your garage, you can get a bit faster.

              I believe you can also buy additional tails for it that are higher powered - up to 32A (7kw). You would need appropriate socket and house wiring, obviously! But it's a viable alternative to get a 32A or 15A socket installed and to use the Tesla UMC as a home unit that is also portable, rather than getting a built in unit like the one in this deal.

              • @caprimulgus: Not sure tbh, just dragged it out of the bag, will check when home

            • @BatmanAU: If you have the Tesla UMC, then it should come with 10A and 15A tails, which allows you to charge at 2kW (on normal power point) or 3kW (on special 15A power point) respectively. I also purchased a 32A tail and got an electrician to install a 32A power point at home, which then allows me to charge up to 7kW.

  • +3

    Why the price increase from $499 to $699?
    Why are you posting this as a deal when there is price increase instead of a discount?

  • Wow, really poor price. Not a bargain at all.

    You can get a Tesla UMC for $550 from Tesla plus a 5pin 32A tail for about $120 from for less total cost than this one! Plus it'll be portable and have 10/15/32A connectivity.

    We often give the Inchargex rep here a lot of stick for posting average bargains, but even their EVSEs are far better value than this "bargain".

    • Hi Korda, would you mind sharing what a Tesla UMC is? I’m looking at different charger options at the moment but a bit lost! Trying to decide between a portable one with a 3 pin 32a socket or a wall charger.

      • +1

        Universal Mobile Connector. It's their portable "charger" that can be used with different tails at different speeds.

        • Oh awesome, thanks!! I’ll look into that one.

  • +1

    I got one of the enext units linked below a short while ago for $550 plus postage, it is a good unit and the time delay smarts are in the charger itself and not the car (configures by a phone Bluetooth app)

    It is rather large mounted on the wall but the bulk doubles as a place to curl the charger cable around when not in use.…

  • Price increase is not a bargain

  • Serious question with a 7kw home charger on single phase how many amps is it pulling? Is it pulling the full 32amps - meaning other appliances will trip power i.e laundry, dishwasher, clothes dryer? Cheers

    • It's very rare that your entire house would be running at the same time. Though normally, you'd have a dedicated breaker for your wall charger. Your whole house is usually on a 63A breaker.

      • Thank you, we to tend to put on the dishwasher miele and washing machine bosch9kg during off peak as well as charge (granny charger 10amps). Winter time throw the dryer on as well. Perth super off peak rates 9am-3pm 8cents a kWh. Would it even get close to tripping

    • Yes it's pulling the full 32amps - but it lives on its own dedicated circuit in your switchboard. So the only thing it can trip is itself.

      • Thanks again, so as a rule of thumb - 7kw home charger and one major appliance? Or you can get away with more. Or am I missing something, and really your saying its seperate to the rest of the house and only if the home charger pulls more it will trip - can you select the amp on these home installed chargers??? (Like some portable ones)

        • Go check the service fuse on your switchboard. It's probably 50A at a minimum, so you have 32A for your EV charger and 18A for everything else. If you had charger, washer, dryer, dishwasher all running at the same time you might run into issues.

  • Cheers so home charger and 1 major appliance it is, wife will kill me if the power trips

  • +1

    This isn't a 'deal' or a 'bargain' it's actually a price increase. Before Black Friday, the product was listed for $499, and now you're advertising it for $699 as a discount from $999? That's not fair to customers who were looking for genuine savings. You really need to reassess how you present your pricing. A price hike shouldn't be advertised as a 'deal'! How can we get this misleading post removed?

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