As cheap as Nespresso pods get. Subscribe & Save to get it down to $3.15.
Starbucks by Nespresso Single Origin Sumatra Coffee 10 Capsules $3.50 ($3.15 S&S) + Post ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU
Last edited 24/10/2024 - 10:29 by 1 other user
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These are manufactured by nespresso
thanks, bought 5
If you subscribe to S&S, are you locked in that price $3.15?
If you subscribe to S&S, are you locked in that price $3.15?
Nope, you pay whatever the price is (less 10%) at the time of the next delivery cycle.
This is the reason why you cancel the subscription after your first order has arrived.
Noted, thanks
If it's a special deal on the front page of OZB then there's very high odds it'll be back to full price a month from now.
It has been sold out
If you thought there could not be worse coffee than a regular nespresso, you were wrong!
Starbucks pods is the closest you'll get to proper espresso shot
I rate Nespresso as no.1 but it's too expensive.
What do you suggest?
I'd suggest buying a cheap espresso machine and grinding your own beans… You will never ever go back, even if you buy beans from Aldi
any recommendation on reusable nespresso seal pods?
@Rollie: No, but like I said , I would buy an 'espresso' machine, not nespresso. Nespresso are also only ~5g of coffee per shot, and as well as the stale coffee taste, is 4g less than a single shot from a regular espresso machine.
@PhilToinby: thats why i drink 2 shots
Will using an espresso machine end up more expensive per shot?
@Homr: 1kg of coffee beans costs ~$15-35, depending on whether you get it stale from a supermarket, or delivered fresh and on sale from somewhere like Airjo. Even at $35/kg, you're looking at $0.18c for the equivalent coffee to a nespresso capsule, or $0.63 for an 18g double shot. If you buy beans from Aldi then roughly halve that price
@PhilToinby: How much will a cheap espresso machine cost?
@Homr: Depends if you buy new, and what you consider to be cheap! Obviously there are some bargains to be had from $50 and above on eBay/marketplace, you just might need to replace parts sooner. The other upside of buying it secondhand is if you don't like it you can most likely resell it for the same price! Personally I bought a new Breville Barista Express (as the grinder is included) about 6 years ago, and haven't had any problems.
I'm not too proud to admit and I did buy a secondhand Nespresso machine once, but I would never go back
Maccona pods are half price at Woolies this week. $3 for ten
ewww dont buy that
I don’t drink coffee. Just saw them in the shops
So what do you recommend in pod, newbie here…
I’d rate these pretty high for a nespresso machine
No specific density or flavour which i know can change the rating but just off a variety across each brand i would rate them
1. Nespresso
2. Starbucks
3. Vittoria
4. l’or
5. LavazzaSomewhere down the bottom
99. Nescafe farmers
100. MocconaCamelCamelCamel tells me these are back in stock