I'm looking to buy a weed puller for the new rental with a large yard full of robust weeds. I've watched a video with the Fiskar weed puller and it looks like it's very short and would cripple my old dodgy back in minutes. Can anyone around my height 6'2 or187cm who also doesn't like to be bent over for hours recommend one to me? Thanks.
Recommend a Weed Puller for Taller Gardener

6 foot 2 is actually 187.9 cm round up to 188
at 187 its 6 foot 1.35 rounded to 6 foot 1so are u 6 foot 1 or 188 cm?
it will impact my answer
You always round height up. Its the rule.
I'm six foot one and three quarters. My drivers licence says 187 cm but I got my licence in a country town 40 years ago and the cop just guessed.
user name checks out
I'm 6' and happy with the Fiskar.
In dry ground, you need to push down on the top of the pole as well as standing on the foot/lever to get full penetration, so not being too long is an advantage.
The only time your back is involved at all is levering out, but the effort is pretty minimal.Thanks. Sounds like I'm overthinking it
You could strap a pole to the Fiskar weed puller?
Purchase a pressure type weed sprayer from Bunnings or local hardware or garden store.
Fill with appropriate strength glyphosate and carefully spot spray out all the weeds.No bending over or unnecessary exertion required.I am same height as you and the Fiscar works best for me. It seems short but I don't find I need to use that much leverage. If you do it probably means your ground it too hard to push the prongs in anyway?…weeding a large yard full of robust weeks one by one will probably hurt anyone's back though…
As someone with a similar height
- just get on your knees, standing is not needed. Use a trowel or whatever. If you have soft knees then use a cushion
- use a mattock (can also use it when on your knees)
- use a weed burner (Aldi might have some still around from a couple of weeks ago; or there are others).
- just poison them
- use a weed puller for 30 min then have a beer. Repeat. Your back will be fine in short bursts
Thanks for the effort put into your reply. Unfortunately I have terrible knees and I am also very heavy so kneeling isn't really an option especially if I ever plan to stand again. I have a weed burner but it's often too windy where I am for effective use. I prefer not to use poisons as I'm setting up vege gardens. Maybe as you say just do it in small batches. That sounds like the best option.
How about spray it with weed and feed
my local coles recently had weedpullers in their "we want to be like Aldi" section. check out your local coles if you have one.
Can kneeler pad helps? So rather than bending down, you down on your knee and pull.
Get yourself a vertically challenged spouse.
get a shorter weed puller
I am 184cm and it was alright but it is plastic and I broke two of these. I got similar instead https://www.amazon.com.au/Homes-Garden-Ergonomic-Stainless-D… (mine was a gift and I suspect it came from Bunnings but they do not have it in stock now)
420, blaze it.