This was posted 12 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sleeping Dogs $24.95 or $22.46 for PS Plus Members Limited Time! on PSN


Sleeping Dogs is only $24.95 on PSN until tomorrow night! $22.46 for Plus members!

Includes the following premium DLC
The Retro Triad Pack
The Red Envelope Pack
The Street Racer Pack

Excellent game apparently and its not very old, downloading it now!…

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closed Comments

  • The game and DLC weighs in at 7.1GB

    • FYI, this will mean you need 14.2GB of free space on your HDD, 7.1GB to download & 7.1 to extract to (or there abouts).

      • 13.8GB to be exact. The main lump is the game which is 6.9GB :)

  • +1

    I can also vouch that this is a top game, had me hooked…yet such an underrated game.

    • +1

      I have a lot of people on my friends list who were raving about how good it is, there's also as couple of free DLC pieces to be had if you search through as well as the three premium pieces which show up after checkout.

      • +1

        Def one of the best games this year, I love this game.

  • What would you compare this game to, GTA? Saints Row? Haven't heard much about it to be honest.

    • It's similar to those, bt in my opinion better.

      • I was told GTA meets Yakuza.

        • +1

          Plays much different than GTA, it's more of an arcade style free-roamer. BUT, in my opinion the story is heads over heels better than GTA and the arcade-style play adds some fresh area into the genre.

          Fingers crossed for a sequel.

        • sequel? when? any rumor about it?

        • +1

          He said fingers crossed ;)

        • I think I'll give it a whirl. Thanks guys.

        • I saw somewhere that Square Enix is pushing for a sequel is sales are strong :)

  • Still waiting for my delivery from this deal:

  • How are the graphics on the PS3?

    • They're not quite as good as the 360 (which is rendered in a higher resolution (720p vs 640p), has sharper textures, and exhibits less screen tearing) but it's still rather minor and certainly not a bad looking game on the PS3.

      That said I think I'll be picking up the PC version for under $20 from intkeys.

  • +1

    bought via the new online store!/en-au/home/mai…

    need to wait till i get home from work before i can begin the download :)

    • +1

      Didn't know Sony had even made an online store availble, so thanks :)

      How good would it be if they allowed you to do the 'send to device' thing like on Android?

    • Thanks for the heads up about the new online store mate… cool that I don't have to navigate through the stupid interface on the PS3 to buy this.

  • That's it my precious, spend as all your money before the EB sale tomorrow and I'll have it all to myself…


    looks for another deals to post

  • Great deal…Now I just need to find some discounted PSN cards before it runs out. :-)

  • Thanks!

  • greal deal, thanks OP

  • +1

    Thanks Op,

    Took me 1 Men In Black movie to fully download this game.

    Wow… the amount of Cantonese language swearing just in the 1st 15mins of the game is amazing. Quite entertaining actually… pretty similar to how the Hong Kong Triads speak.

    • I wish my PS3 got download speeds like yours.
      My PC downloads quickly, as does my X360, but my PS3… An 80mb update takes at least 15 minutes.

      • +1

        Put it in the DMZ mate. My PS3 took 3 hours to download and that was with other downloads going on network.

  • great game and great price.

  • so many games so little time, just downloaded batman arkham city and vanquish (free to PS+), total of 19GB download….

    • Agreed, I have approx 75GB of games in the PS3's queue, and then there is the Steam games from the Humble Bundle + Steam Big Picture Sale. I gotta get faster internets :(

  • Thanks!

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