ATL as per camel cube.
Made From Aluminium Material
With Ergonomic, Heat-Resistant Handles
Easy To Check And Clean
ATL as per camel cube.
Made From Aluminium Material
With Ergonomic, Heat-Resistant Handles
Easy To Check And Clean
ive the stainless steel version and have seen a video on youtube but i still cant pull decent coffee in this. maybe i had high expectation and was hoping to match a 1k machine lol
I mean, despite what the name/title says, moka pot coffee is not espresso. It may be a perfectly acceptable substitute for some - but it's not espresso, and if you want espresso, this is simply not it.
If you want stovetop espresso: check out the 9Barista. Now compare the price tag against this moka pot! :)
I had great results with 9 cup size bialetti and aldi pre ground, was a bit of an art to it experimenting but then it was consistent results everyday
I can’t be bothered these days though
can’t be bothered these days though
I go through these phases too - bialatti for 6 months, then slip to instant, then randomly have a bialetti 8 months later and realize it's worth doing, rinse and repeat. (But have been on a bialetti streak for probably 2 years now - just make it the first thing I do in the morning - grind, pack, on the stove, all up < 2min - then get on with other things. Saves me $5+ every morning for the second "proper coffee" too).
Experiment with your grind setting
It depends what you want really. I have a moka pot (4 cup Bialetti Brikka induction), and use it every day. I also get a hit and miss depending on the beans, grind and process (how full the pot is etc). But I love the coffee, and prefer it to espresso. I like the fact that it’s mostly water (rather than heavy milk), is super strong and dark and it fills my mug, with a dash of milk. It’s really good as a black coffee as well. Usually mine looks like the idealistic black coffee they show on the Blend 43 with a bit of creama (not like espresso though). Then I add milk. I reckon it’s the best way, but that’s just me. I’ve found French press not too bad but it seems to require lots of ground coffee to get strong.
There’s a few interesting products I’ve seen but not sure if they’re any good:………
Picopresso is legit.
I'd say a Picopresso or a Flair (Neo Flex, Go, Classic, Signature, Pro 2 or 3, Flair58, depending on how much you want to spend) are your best bet into quality espresso for cheap.
Or a Bambino, if you dont want to faff with manual.
Might save up to get a Bellman and use it on an induction stove top.
@ne-us: Just FYI, the Bellman "espresso maker" is really just a fancy moka pot (with attached steam wand). It doesn't make "real" espresso - but again, that is totally fine if you are happy with a moka style coffee (a strong black coffee, some would call "espresso-like"), and are not looking for espresso specifically.
The Bellman Steamer (the version of the Bellman with only the steam wand portion) is one option for getting milk drinks with a manual espresso maker (like the Picopresso or Flairs). If you are going that route (separate espresso and milk devices), you may also consider some of the newer options: Nanofoamer Pro, Dreo Barista Maker (just coming off Kickstarter), or Nanofoamer Lithium (requires separately heated milk).
@caprimulgus: Thanks. It just looks pretty cool and looks cool for travelling. $279 is pretty expensive.😃
I have been using a moka pot over a year now. I used pre ground coffee (ground for stove top) as I didnt have a grinder. Around 120ml water in a cup put it in microwave till boiling. Fill the filter with double shot worth of ground and quickly on the stove. When i heard the noise from the moka pot that its done, quickly hold the bottom under running water to stop the brewing. Then in a cup and add around 100ml milk. I was pretty satisfied with the quality of the coffee. Now I have an espresso machine as I wanted to try the higher pressure of a machine. 1 bar in moka pot vs 8 bar (i think) of espresso machine. Honestly I miss how strong the coffee tasted from moka pot compares to espresso. Thats my 2 cents :)
I have experimented and found it to be the bean and grind. I have settled with Coles brand grind, lowest heat possible, boiling water in the pot before putting on the flame, and never compress the grind. I have tried expensive grind, course and fine, but for some reason, Coles brand is perfect and tastes pretty good too.
Can this help make Vietnamese coffee?
Two very different styles
Get a $10 phin filter from ebay or Asian grocer.
Though I make my Vietnamese ice coffee with a shot of espresso. Its magic!
@itstuan give me some tips on how you make it!
Traditionally you put condensed milk (much to your liking, but they put lots in VN, too sweet). Then just coffee from the phin and crushed ice. However I make them differently. 2-3 tea spoon of condensed milk, espresso shot, some milk (about 150ml), crushed ice, and finish it off with whipped cream. Or if I dont have whipped cream, I just froth the milk so the texture is more smooth & creamy. If you like a bit fancy, crush a coffee bean and sprinkle on top.
add salt and fresh cream with ice from the gutter and you can have the full experience from vietnam!!!
I don’t know how it compares in quality but there’s also this one which is bigger (300ml)and cheaper ($31.44) and still has good reviews:…
I would pay the extra and go for the Bialetti, not the Chinese knock-off. At the very least it's keeping Italians and Romanians and Turkish people in jobs.
Found a Brikka on eBay for 49.95 Free Delivery brand new. Venus 6 cup similar price also on sale on Amazon and Myer
James Hoffman on YouTube will show you how to make a decent cafeteria coffee or Nonna.
Breville Smart grinder is also a good idea or Italian coffee that says it's ground for Moka or stovetop or St Ali from the website has a moka/percolator option.
Oh that is awesome! I don't think I would use it - keep this capelli alpino pot on display and use a normal bialetti to make the caffe.
Coffee for manly men?