Hi Ozbargain. Would you like a cheap .com.au domain name?
You're a favorite community of ours, and we'd like to be your domain name registrar or web hosting provider of choice.
For this reason, we're going to offer .COM.AU domain names to you for just $17 per two year registration.
That's below cost, and cheaper than any other registrar we know of.
The $17 .COM.AU does become our standard $22 per two year registration upon renewal, but we'd like to think you'll like our service enough to renew at our regular rate after this big discount.
Please note that it's only one $17 .COM.AU domain name per client, and if you'd like to support us, our web hosting prices start from just $4 per month too.
To take up this offer, please enter the promo code 17DOLLARCOMAU in our ordering system for the discount.
Thanks for considering our offer.
Matt Goodwin
Nice Price! Pretty much $22 for 2 years everywhere.