How Can I Deal with Insomnia

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.

I wish I was better myself, I been a bit stressed and depressed past couple weeks after losing my job due to redundancy, being evicted due to landlord selling the place and attending a funeral today.

All of which has led me to developing insomnia/possible depression.

I wish it was just a bad sleeping pattern but I'm awake for 22 hours at a time, like I would sleep around midnight but then get woken awake at 2am and not fall asleep. I would be awake but at the same time can hear the sounds of my dreams as though it was happening at the same time. Yes, I know it sounds crazy.

It has honestly messed with me a lot, I would be messaging people on WhatsApp thinking I am having conversations with them the whole time then check in the morning and find I was messaging outdated numbers or the wrong person. (Yes, real levels on insanity)

The doctor has put me on some pills, but I am not sure they are helping it feels like I have no emotions. Something called Valpam.

Anyways I have tried the following to break the cycle:

Exercise at night
Zero caffeine
No screen time at night
Hot/cold showers

My next options are to drink myself to sleep or kava

Are there any other options?


  • I'm on a very low dose of Amitriptyline. Been life-changing. Worth asking about.

  • There are proper resources for this that are free and funded by the government. In the past, I've seen this one recommended:

    It is a joint initiative with St Vincent's hospital

  • -1

    Because this is caused by your redundancy and not the norm , I would really try to avoid drugs, esp melatonin . You dont want to get dependant on these you want your body to produce them

    You need to accept your current financial position and where you are at in life.

    That behaviour could just be from sleep derivation. Keep a diary of your sleep.

    Make appoitments in the morning so you have to get up. Go camping , its amazing how the sun and outdoors kicks our hormones in the right direction .

    I am a night owl , I rely heavily on weekend sleep catch up or naps. I know how sleep deprivation and all nighters work. If this is just mental health caused by your circumstances please address that and all will come back in line.

  • +4

    Hey mate, first off.. Im sorry to hear about the things that you are dealing with.

    I went through a phase of extreme stress about three years ago (lost my dad and 3 other people close to me, and then went through a shitty divorce within a 8 month period) and I can tell you straight up, your body's stress response.. Is normal! There is only so much stress that can be normal.

    Definitely speak to a GP for a mental health plan and see a therapist.

    I recommend the below that worked for me:

    Exercise in the morning (to get the head in the right place which helps reduce stress)
    Get a nice walk in the sun and get a ton of sunlight.
    Drink a lot of water.
    Magnesium, Ashwagandha in thr morning and before bed.
    Magnesium, Ashwagandha and L Theanine before bed.
    Hot shower before bed.
    Red Light therapy.
    Gratitude journalling first thing in the morning.
    Drink loads or water.
    Slow down your breathing if you can consciously.
    Move your body as much as you can though out the day so you are tired by 7PM.
    Try to reduce the usage of the phone and social media.

    If you need to chat, PM me. Happy to help in any way I can.

  • Agree medical cannabis. CDA have been alright for me. Worth asking your GP for a referral + medical summary, and sending it to them. Will make the process a bit quicker if you do want to give it a go. Otherwise happy to answer any questions

    • how much does it cost ,i understand there is lots of variables but a rough guide ? thank you

      • Follow up Appointment is $59. Initial consult might be more

        You’ll probably start with oil over flower (buds) but expect up to $200 for the product probably. Might be a touch cheaper.

        Flower ranges from like $200 / oz

  • Some really great suggestions so far. Just an extra to your current screen time avoiding strategy - buy an old el cheapo mp3 player that has no display, e.g. this $12 one:…
    and download audiobooks or podcasts onto it during your waking hours. For peaceful (could put you to sleep) or productive (wisdom literature) listening, try to download the full bible and start anywhere.

    • I found the DAC in these to be pretty awful and make listening to anything not enjoyable.

      • Gtk, any recommendations?

  • Some basic ideas that haven't been mentioned are:
    - blockout curtains
    - quality eyemask
    - earplugs
    - quality pillow
    - gently taping your mouth so you breathe only through your nose
    - guided sleep meditations on youtube
    - even Feng Sui
    - another supplement you can try is GABA but it's a tingly sensation in your body (if you can tolerate it for a bit)

  • +1

    When my cat died suddenly after 15 years, I went from a 'strong' man who slept like a baby and hadn't cried in 20 years to someone who was suddenly crying daily and could not sleep at all, after a few weeks of basically no sleep I was a wreck and absolutely desperate. Magnesium tablets, exercise in early evening, avoiding screens etc, did not work in my case.

    Went to the docs who prescribed Temazepam, it's similar to what you noted above but faster acting and faster to be removed from your system and aimed at getting sleep, now i'm not saying your situation is the same and i'm not a doctor but I am saying it always gets better and this did help a lot in my case, sleeping well after a few days and I was off the meds after a week. I will say if you have an addictive personality then do yourself a favour and avoid.

  • +1

    Please see a therapist. Trust me. It will help.

  • I started listing to podcasts and sleep within 5 mins, depends on what topic you chose

  • +1

    Don't treat the symptoms.
    Regain your self worth and self confidence. Get another job, do anything you can to fill time during the day like work in a call centre, Bunnings, Gardening assistant, Sales role, drive a forklift, etc.

  • +1

    I get it. It’s pretty stressful and went through it for about 3 months. I went through pretty everything you mentioned but what eventually helped me is a weekend out with buddies and a few drinks. Other remedies would’ve contributed but that weekend made huge difference.

    Hang in there, it shall pass and you’ll come out stronger.

  • I right good shag helps you sleep and if you live alone there's Pam and her 5 sisters :)

  • +2

    Lots of advice here but you need to sort out the basics of money/roof over your head. Totally normal reaction for this super stressful period. Hope redundancy covers you for abit while you find new job!

    Also the dreaming/being semi awake and having noise cross over is normal too. Body does funky stuff when stressed/sleep deprived.

  • -1

    Glass or two of red wine before bed. Adjust medication as necessary.

    • +1

      While it won’t help the quality of your sleep, if it doesn’t cause you to be an alcoholic it could be worth a try. A bit risky though.

    1. Check with your GP.
    2. Try doxylamine (half to one tablet one hour before intended sleep time) available from pharmacist. It is anti allergy medication with side-effect of sedation. Use caution while driving and using machinery.
  • 1, prescription drug to get the rest you need, having a hard time falling asleep is stressed about the future, if you wake up more, it's more depression

    2, find the source of pain point , eliminate it, increase your general wellbeing, insomnia is just a symptom

    3, depends on your situation, sometimes it's okay to pause for a few months, but get your living expenses sorted ahead

    4, sometimes the routine, the norm is broken is a good thing , it forces us to look into things

    You sound like the insomnia guy in fight club, the awake and sleep border has been blurred

  • While the above comments are useful- they are mostly symptomatic treatment.
    You must address the cause which is likely the lack of purpose in life. My advice is to look into religion, personally, I found Islam to be the most logical and comforting.

    This comment may drum up some hate but my advice is to look deeply into all of the religions and not take some of the stereotypes that will be commented below as a representation.

    • 100% agree with you brother. I find solace in the Quran especially in these trying times for the ummah.

    • Reading the bible always put me to sleep

  • There are two types of sleep issues:

    • quality of sleep - can fall asleep but wake up unable to sleep again (cortisol related)
    • falling asleep - can't get to sleep (melatonin related)

    So in your case avoid anything stress related 7hrs before bedtime including exercise and cold showers and do your best to work on whatever is causing you anxiety.

    I have experienced something similar but not as bad. Two scoops of this an hour before bed helped me in addition to the above so maybe give that a go if you can. I did this for a short while.

    Some other tips:
    - No liquids one hour before bed.
    - No eating three hours before bed.
    - Keep a consistent sleep schedule e.g. in bed lights off 10:00pm - 6:00am whether you sleep or not.
    - If you wake up close your eyes and focus on whatever you are seeing. Just observe it. Don't start thinking about things.
    - Get tested for sleep apnea.

    Your delirium could be just a cause of the insomnia. Just in case you are leaning into something like a psychotic break I would avoid medicinal cannabis. If you do choose to get off your tablets and try medicinal cannabis I would only have CBD. No THC.

    Lastly it sounds like you have been through a lot so just be kind to yourself. Try your best to not make it a self perpetuating loop where you get stressed about not sleeping which causes you to not sleep etc. etc.

  • Are you a guy, if so try masturbate as hard as you can, you will enjoy, abdicated and tired. However its a double edge sword, overly masturbate can hurt your body, but at least you can sleep quick.

    • +3

      im a guy , but women can masturbate as well ?

  • I have heard some mention a warm glass of milk before bed for sleep…. Can't hurt to give it a shot.

  • Sorry to hear that.
    You just have too much on your mind right now. You need some immediate medical help until your situation improves and your mind is at rest.

  • Just sleep it off /s
    I've been through it too because I used to do night shift.
    I'd suggest exercise in the day (not close to bed) and try to eat well.

  • -1

    You'll eventually sleep, you're just not tired enough. Id skip the drugs hit the gym and when you're body is tired your mind will follow.

    Take vitamins and eat healthy. In 6 months at least you'll have a six pack and be picking up dates..

    • +1

      you're just not tired enough

      Clearly someone that's never had insomnia.

      • -1

        Clearly someone who doesn't have a six pack..

  • Careful with valpam. It's a highly addictive medicine.

    My suggestion would be to speak to your GP about anti depressants instead. They can also help with anxiety and they aren't addictive. Save the valpam for when anxiety is out of control but the anti-depressants should help reduce your 10/10 down to a 3/10 and then you just use the valpam when something sudden happens that you can't control. If it isn't working go back to your GP. There are different kinds you can try until you find one that works for you.

    Get in to CBT therapy when you can afford it as it'll help you retrain your brain to switch off.

    • Fellow Queenslander, do you have a link or some other starting advice on CBT? Curious what it helps most with like anxiety or depression or ocd etc

      • +1

        Get a mental health care plan via your GP and referral to a psychologist. Your GP should know of psychologists in the area you live. Most psychologists charge a gap fee (this is quite variable). I’d recommend a ‘Clinical psychologist’ over a psychologist with general registration (though it’s very clinician dependent), however there’s a greater degree of quality assurance with clinical psychologists and the clinical psychologists get paid more by Medicare so the gap for the client isn’t necessarily higher. All clinicians providing therapy as part of a mental health care plan should be using CBT as their core approach, however many will stray quite significantly from this.
        Basic info about CBT here…
        More comprehensive detail about different approaches for different mental health disorders here…
        Essentially your psychologist should formulate a diagnosis and then advise on an approach based on their assessment, which will include personal factors relating to you. Most psychologists will have a preferred approach and style of working with clients so finding someone you click with is important.
        Some workplaces will also have access to some psychological therapies via employee assistance programs.

  • +2

    i do a few of things, which work for me:
    1) have a consistent bed time. set an alarm for yourself to go to bed if need be.
    2) take magnesium bisglycinate 30-60min before bed. it helps you get to sleep and stay asleep. i use this one from amazon because it is cheap and only requires 1 tablet per night.…
    3) if you are thinking too much, sing "99 bottles of beer" in your head when you're trying to sleep. it basically makes you concentrate on something boring and other intrusive thoughts are hard to be had whilst you're singing the song. i've been doing this recently and i can't remember even getting past the 80's lol.

    i hope this helps.

  • When I had sleeping issues, a glass of warm milk and some WW2 documentaries (WW2 in colour or Guide to Life) with comfy earphones worked a treat (don't watch just listen, it's a perfect distraction. Interesting enough to distract you but boring enough to fall asleep).

  • Had sleeping issues my entire life. Tried basically everything (including a full sleep study). Nothing works

    Thought I had tried melatonin, but the shelf stuff from the chemist is rubbish.

    Got modified release prescription melatonin from a GP (there is also a new anti depressant version). Game changer… Not PBS, cost around $40 - $70. But is the only thing that works for me. Within an hr I'm entering a coma! Impressive for someone who can stay up all night no probs.

    Try it. Just a warning, the anti depressant is based around citric acid. So be careful if only taking half a tablet. It burns.

    Second would be kava. But only the proper stuff from the local Vanuatu of Fiji markets. The commercial stuff is not the same.

  • +2

    Went through something similar for me OP, just want to say you are not alone. What would help is accepting that you've had to go through some recent tough situations that it would be abnormal otherwise to not react in some way (e.g. depression, insomnia etc). I hope you find some reassurance that there is nothing wrong with you and it's just how your mind and body are reacting to the recent events. Don't try to I guess fight it or have the thoughts of 'what's wrong with me?'… instead when those thoughts come up just remind yourself that anyone who goes through what you went through would feel a lot of negative emotions. I've learnt that compounding negative emotions with more negative emotions (e.g. feeling frustrated/anxious/sad about being sad/depressed) makes it all worse. In those nights where you can't sleep try giving reading a go. I recommend "The Happiness Trap" which goes into a lot of detail about this stuff which really helped me. At the end of the day these are emotions that might make you feel like the worst at this stage, but feelings are just feelings and you will heal in time through acceptance. Hope this helps!

  • Literally run yourself physically into the ground in the night
    Have a warm bath after
    Then get a book on the driest subject to yourself, something STEM like: quantum mechanics? organic chemistry? molecular biology? combinatorics?
    Sit in bed and read it in minimal light. Set the light timer to go off in about 2hours.

  • Listen/Read a book on Audible called 'End Insomnia'.

  • I took 5mg and 10mg melatonin tablets before which didn't work. Doctor gave me temazepam, used to have few hours sleep with it but never felt rested after waking up. I learnt later that sedatives prevent you from going into deep sleep. Life extension Melatonin 500 mcg, a very small dose from iherb and magnesium glycinate helping me to sleep at least 6 hours every night currently. Maybe this doesn't work for all.

  • Kefir helps with sleep and gut health

    Followed by fixing your problems one at a time. New job, new house and reflecting on the life it's all temporary and nothing is forever even if you live to 100.

    Sleeplessness, joblessness, homelessness it's all temporary and everything changes.

  • +1

    Are you single? Any dependant? How much savings do you have? Seek employment agency. Find 3 positive things of the day. Call EAP.

  • Make sure you don’t have sleep apnea.

    It was the main reason for me for waking up for no reason in the middle of the night. (And I’m not overweight)

  • No milk, binge play CSGO worked for me. Even fell asleep at the desk once.

    Another thing worked for me is putting on something really boring and force myself to watch it, after about 15 mins i fall asleep straight away.

    My partner also says if you cant sleep hug a big toy. Always works for her.

    Sorry for your situation and hope it improves

  • sex before bed and you will be passed out. if you are single rub one out and you will fall asleep immediately.

  • +1

    First line treatment for chronic insomnia is CBTi (Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia). See your gp and ask them for a referral for CBTi. GP can do a Mental Health care plan for you as well so you can get some subsidies under Medicare. It takes effort… But don't go via the quick fix path with sleeping pills… They will ruin your life.

  • first rule is i cant talk about it,
    second rule is i cant talk about it

  • Something that helped me with ruminating thoughts at bedtime - write things down or use reminders (apps etc).

    If you're worried about something you need to do, set a reminder / appointment for yourself to action (or spend time figuring out) at a more appropriate time.

  • +1

    I wish I was better myself, I been a bit stressed and depressed past couple weeks after losing my job due to redundancy, being evicted due to landlord selling the place and attending a funeral today.

    All of which has led me to developing insomnia/possible depression.

    Brother, this is why you cannot sleep. And getting a new job, a new rental and processing the loss of someone in your life is hard enough on a good day, let alone when you are on 2 hours of sleep a night.

    Mental health issues are a community effort. It's extremely difficult to do it on your own. Don't play life on hard mode.

    I hope you have people/resources in your life that you can reach out to who can actively assist you in these things because it's probably the strongest path forward.

    Good luck man.

  • Depression and other strong emotions keep the brain active. Try going out in the sun first thing in the morning and before sunset that will train your body to follow circadian rhythm. I searched a 2 min Military technique to fall asleep and breathwork. Putting your thoughts on a paper is relieving as well. I hope you sleep well soon.

  • Devices - Get off of devices.

    Eat at 6,
    Walk at 7
    Have a shower/bath
    Wind down without devices.

    Set alarm for 5-6, go for a walk. Come 9pm, you'll be ready to sleep.

  • Whenever i am not sleepy, I try to read my course books and god that will be the best sleep ever.

  • -3

    A cup of concrete! Harden the **** up!

    • Buddy i used to smoke (stuff) under a bridge and fight other homeless people for their (stuff).

      You are hiding behind a keyboard.

  • Look at your food, research low carb diet. Improved sleep is one of the most frequently reported benefits.

    • +1

      yes i actually have done keto in the past. it works amazing.

  • +2

    Hello everyone

    Thank you for your feedback , suggestions and ideas.

    Truly and sincerely.

    Good news is that my insomnia has stopped. I sleep around 11pm now i am hoping to push it back down to 10.30

    These are the things i tried
    I did intermittent fasting through the day and only meats/carnivore keto towards the end of the day
    I started taking GABA and insoitol together at night to drink with magnesium pill. No other drugs or pills.
    I taken time away from the screen except for work.
    Started new hobbies of swimming and kayaking.
    Spent more time outside away from the noise
    De-cluttered my house

    If anyone ever finds this forum post please know that I suppose everyone circumstances are differences and it will be a trial and error to you get some process that works for you.

    Best of health everyone.

    • Wake up early to exercise, as others have said exercising at night is going to make it harder to sleep
    • Get some sunlight on your head for at least 15 minutes a day
    • Find a fiction book to read before bed, something easy, and read it under a dim warm light (if you don't have any, you can get smart bulbs from BIG W for $10 and set them to orange and 10% brightness, for example)
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