AMD 5600 (not the X-version) for a decent price for those wanting to update an older system like the 400 platform.
1% fee on all payments except credit/debit card.
AMD 5600 (not the X-version) for a decent price for those wanting to update an older system like the 400 platform.
1% fee on all payments except credit/debit card.
It should be noted this doesn't have an igpu, so you need to have a graphics card.
Good bang for buck CPU. You can also get the 5500 for 119 (scorptec).
I did a basic PC upgrade recently from my old intel i7-4770s. Scorptec has this Ryzen 5500 combo that I think was pretty good. I really don't play games so PCI-E 4.0 wasnt a big deal. Just wanted newer hardware for reliability, an nvme for snapiness and windows 11 compatability. It was $186 when I got it but now its up to $188. Still OK value I think.…
My upgrade was inspired by the recent cheap 5700x deal which I procrastinated too long on.
These will also work in most B350, X370 (and maybe A320 as well) motherboards - check with the motherboard manufacturer for a BIOS update. Asus, Asrock, Gigabyte have updates for most of their older motherboards.
Hmm would this be a good upgrade from the 3300x. I'm pairing it with the 6600xt and it seems for AAA games I'm a bit CPU bounded.
I have the Rx 6700, went from a Ryzen 3 3100 to the 5600, huge improvement, maybe 40-50fps more uncapped in overwatch and 15+ FPS in red dead 2
5600 at 90% could max out my (similar) GPU at 1440p around 90fps which i was cool with in sim/rts games so for me 5600 gaming performance was good however I had issues with the onboard USB controller so couldn't recommend.
TLDR; 5600 is cheap way to free up potential in your GPU if you have older AM4 but overall there are better overall CPUs available in 2024.
Might as well upgrade to the final gen of AM4, get some extra life out of it. I am restoring my old rig with 2600X, and its still zippy as heck. Long live AM4
I would consider getting a 5700X3D from AliExpress, it's basically the end game CPU for gaming on AM4 (5800X3D is verly slightly better, but significantly more expensive). I did this, upgrading from a 5600X. It was $220.20 + $24.66 (tax) +$2.38 (shipping), so $247.24 all up. It arrived in perfect condition and works perfectly. Aliexpress isn't as bad as people think.
For reference the 5700X3D costs around $350 retail, and the 5800X3D is around $500.
In the future you can upgrade your GPU and squeeze the maximum performance out of AM4 and ride it out until AM6 (or whatever is next).
I have an RTX 3080, but didn't get to compare my performance because I RMA'd the GPU at around the same time and haven't recieved it back. But you can watch YouTube vids from Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed to see how it performs. The reason for my upgrade from the 5600X was due to the few AAA games that I actually do play (Space Marines 2) not running as well as I'd like.
The way I see it, we're far into AM4's life cycle, so I'd either get the best you can for AM4 (as long as it's priced reasonably), or upgrade to AM5. The latter won't be cheap and might not be necessary unless you "need" to game at 4k 360Hz Ultra.
Seems like many other stores have the same or similar prices: mwave Centre Com Scorptec