• expired

Donate Clothing - Collected & Delivered to Red Cross for Free (Saturday 19 October 2024) @ Uber (Booking via App Required)


The Uber x Red Cross Clothing Drive is back this year on Saturday 19th October 💪

On this day between 10am and 4pm you can:
👚 Package up your pre-loved, quality clothes and accessories
📦 Book your free pick-up via the Uber app
❤️ Feel good for donating to a worthy cause
Your clothes will be donated to Australian Red Cross Shops, where they’ll be sold to raise funds to help support people facing hardship.

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth only. T&Cs apply.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (215)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (216)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

Related Stores

Australian Red Cross
Australian Red Cross

closed Comments

  • +5

    Would've been better if you can book a free uber lift to drop off the clothes yourself and also get a free ride at the same time. Still a good thing tho 💪

    • +3

      They probably won't go direct to the drop off, plus it'll probably be a depot, so unless you're planning to head that way 😉

      • +2

        QLDer here - 50c to head back home so I'm happy as larry to be left at the lorry

  • +4

    Handy for people who don't drive.

  • -1

    Will they take my 10yrs undies ?

    • +3

      Put them on FB marketplace as mint condition, no smell

      • +12

        Rookie.. smelly ones are worth 5 to 15 times more depending on your profile picture.

  • +2

    Does it have to be 1 box or 1 bag up to 20kg?

    Can I have multiple boxes and bags that sum to 20kg? The FAQ doesn't mention.

    • According to t&c:
      Eligible Items. 'Eligible Items' are donated clothing and accessories that meet the requirements set out in this clause and are in package(s): (i) not greater than 20 kilograms; and (ii) that fit comfortably in the boot of a mid-size motor vehicle.

  • +5

    If these guys don’t service your area I’ve recently found red nose does free collections as long as you have at least three bags and just write in if you have any heavier items eg I added a change table :) you just book it online

    • +7

      I’d give you and your two mates $10 each if you just try to be a decent human being.

      • Geez, tough crowd. Half the posts here are about exploiting obvious pricing errors to destroy small companies, I was only joking here..

  • +1

    I think this is pretty good! Will definitely use it

  • I have a question - do the uber drivers get paid for this?

  • +4

    Gunna be some Uber drivers sporting new threads…

  • is this no-contact can i leave it outside when im not home ?

  • I cant see anything on the uber appt regarding this yet? Is it still on?

  • +1

    It’s coming up with a cost for me still - has anybody managed to get it to come up for free?

    • +1

      same. showing $30+ for me

      • Gather your pre-loved clothes into a sturdy bag or box, no heavier than 20kg, to comfortably sit in the boot of a mid-size car. Then:

        Open the Uber app
        Scroll to the Red Cross Clothing Drive image and tap.
        You should see 'Red Cross Clothing Drive’ set as the drop off spot
        The Red Cross Clothing Drive promotion should automatically apply, so check that the trip is showing as a $0 amount

        Having issues or can't see the tile?
        Head to 'Package' and type in 'Red Cross Shop'. Pick the first option shown and Confirm

        Mine was here in 3mins. Working after 10AM.

        Don't hit "yes" unless it is Zero.

        • tried all. not working at any of the ones near me :-(

    • It shows up with a cost but it’s crossed out to $0. Destination for my area is Greenacres. Over $40 and 30mins away

  • "Worthy cause"

    Let's not pretend that the red cross is saintly.

    This is in recent years


    • 5 years ago isn't recent.

  • Doesn’t work

  • Did anyone else’s in Adelaide get dropped off at some random place in Wingfield called Australasian Construction? My driver seemed to have circled the area for quite a while too. Really hope this venture wasn’t a dud, I donated some new clothes that would have benefited the Red Cross drive.

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