Claim your FREE sample pack of Scotch Restickable Mounting Tab! They’ve got 10,000 samples to give away!
To get yours, all you need to do is head over to Scotch Brand website linked below, fill out the online form with your personal details then clikc the tab that says ‘Get yours Now’ to submit.
The offer will expire at 5 pm on January 31st, 2013, or when they reach the number of 10,000 FREE samples requests. Only one FREE sample pack is allowed per household.
The Scotch Restickable Mounting tabs are adhesives that are easy to remove and are also restickable. You can use them to stick your calendar on your wall, family pictures on your refrigerator, posters or anything else that can be hanged on flat surfaces! Plus, you don’t have to throw these tabs away after using them: you can wash them with warm soapy water, then leave them to dry in order to restore stickiness.
And hear this: once you’ve submited your request, you’ll automatically enter the draw for your chance to win one of two $150 cash cards! Awesome!
thats 3M. also no need to use FB for this one