Samsung Refusing Warranty for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6

I have owned the new Z Flip 6 since its release two months ago.

The main screen randomly stopped working and started going a white staticky type of screen. It would not work no matter the troubleshooting process I went through with Samsung. They advised me to send the phone in for a warranty assessment to which I complied.

After having to chase updates myself, I was told by their repairer Tecworks that I would need to pay $775 for repair due to physical damage. After disputing this and lodging a complaint through Samsung, I found out that due to a key scratch on the front screen (physical damage), the warranty would not be honoured on the phone. They stated that Tecworks advised that the damage to the front screen would cause it to shatter upon removing to assess the device internally, so they refused to do so without paying upfront.

Essentially, they state that a key scratch on the front screen has denied all warranty claims, even though it is a claim against internal components (screen) that just (profanity) itself randomly. I have gone as high as I could through Samsung and was wondering if I have a case here? Who would I contact to further escalate this? A key scratch on the front screen (general wear and tear in my eyes), does not seem like a reasonable excuse to deny a warranty claim on non-related parts.

Edit: I've lodged a complaint to ACCC. Will be contacting Fair Trade Qld tomorrow as the department was closed today due to public holiday.

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  • +2

    Fair trading.

  • If the scratch is substantial and there is damage to other parts of the phone like the hinge (do you have some photos?), it may be within reason for Samsung to say that the scratch may have been caused by an impact large enough to also cause damage to the internals.

    • It's a surface scratch and there is no other damage to the phone.

  • How much is a screen replacement? Maybe tell them you will pay that amount but that’s it

  • They stated that Tecworks advised that the damage to the front screen would cause it to shatter upon removing to assess the device internally, so they refused to do so without paying upfront.

    Sounds fair, if you have damaged the screen and it will then fail when they remove it, that isn't their problem or Samsungs.

    Got a picture of this key damage?

    • -1

      It's a light surface scratch on the front screen. It is not even the screen that has stopped working it is the main screen that stopped working. Unfortunately no, I only took photos of the main screen on the white fuzzy screen before sending it in.

      • +2

        It's a light surface scratch on the front screen

        Yeah it sounds like a bit of BS to me if it is as you say. Light marks etc are expected on the device over time and shouldn't void the warranty!

  • +1

    Use your state's consumer protection agency or legal aid. ACCC is useless for individual cases

    • Share the email of the CEO…

  • So you mean a scratch on the front screen glass? They'd have a bit more of an argument if the screen was shattered or at the very least cracked in some way (which they could say was made by force), but I can't see how a scratch could have any sort of real (or any) impact on what's behind it.

    It seems you're doing what you can. If I were you I'd ask them to prove it. Ask them to send you photos as to how the scratch damaged the internals.

    • They don't even want to open the phone up due to the scratch 'impacting' the structural integrity. They say it will likely shatter if they try to open the phone and look at it internally. Considering it is a light surface scratch, this is obviously a load of crap and just an excuse.

      • +1

        That's total bs. I'm under the assumption you're telling the truth and it's not some crazy-looking damage, but "They say it will likely shatter if they try to open the phone and look at it internally" — wow. That's really grinding my gears.

        Maybe tell them you don't believe them. Ask them to send the phone back to get a second opinion. The goal here is to just call their bluff and hopefully they will relent.

        Even if they don't agree, for example if they say they won't accept a second opinion, I feel like it adds to your argument when going to ACCC or wherever. Because they're essentially putting you in a position where they can't prove you've caused any damage, but they're still unwilling to fix it.

        Edit: noticed that you said you don't have any image of the scratch. Maybe ask them to send a photo pointing to the damage they see. You can also use this to bolster your case.

        • +3

          They have already said they are sending it back as I refused to pay the amount. I could try to call up tomorrow and ask them to send a photo which is probably a good idea.

          I am more annoyed that they have stated, any physical damage at all voids my warranty claim. This sets a dangerous precedent as companies could just reject warranty because of a scratch. Even if it has nothing to do with the warranty claim. This is ridiculous and I plan on pushing this as far as I can as it astounds me that they would even try to justify this response.

          • @Rochie: Yeah getting a photo before sent back would be a good idea. But again I'd also try to get them to explicitly state what damage you have done and how it has impacted the device. I think getting these sort of explicit statements will help your case, if not at the very least help them understand how idiotic they're being.

            I hate issues like this and I too would not take the excuse they've given. If you're bothered, please keep me updated, I'm interested in seeing how you go.

          • +1

            @Rochie: Also, you could try posting on the Samsung forums (or public online places where they respond) about your issue with photos. I had an issue with Lenovo and posting my issue on Whirlpool I was able to get help from one of their support people.

            • @bluemyself: I didn't even think about Samsung forums. That is a great idea thanks.

          • +1


            I am more annoyed that they have stated, any physical damage at all voids my warranty claim

            To be fair, a lot of phone warranty's are like that, but it is more for real damage, like a cracked screen. Not a scratch. Sounds like this company is strange for whatever reason.

            • +1

              @JimmyF: Yeah a cracked screen would be more reasonable. A scratch on the screen though is taking the piss.

              • @Rochie: Agreed, Light marks etc are expected on the device over time and shouldn't void the warranty!

  • +1

    For the 100th time, this is why I buy directly from Amazon AU. I don't care whether it is a Playstation 5, RTX 4090, or sandwich press…. Amazon will jam your mouth with money as soon as there's a hint of a problem with your product even 1-2 years later. Message live chat, send back product for free, get refund. No "we'll have to send it off for assessment" bullshit.

    I had a Sony Xperia a long time ago (idk what version) , which was advertised as water resistant in their ads and pictures. The speaker/ear speaker broke and it came from the assessment saying "Oh, the water detection dots inside the phone turned pink which means it's been subjected to moisture"… then denied my warranty claim. I have never used the thing in water… but how the hell do I prove that it's their water resistance failing… and not be breaching the IP68 constraints?

  • +2

    After some more research this seems to be a common issue as reported in this article (…) and a post I also found on Reddit (…).

  • If you didn't buy the phone direct from Samsung, suggest going to the retailer directly and requesting a refund/remedy through them.

    I had a similar problem with my Fold 4 not folding flat, and Samsung denied the warranty claim as it had a few superficial scratches on the back. I then went back to JB HiFi and pushed for a refund, which they provided. I'd only buy from big stores like JB and Amazon now, as they are big enough to deal with any issues and want to keep their customers happy. I have also vowed not to buy another Samsung product after that experience.

  • +1

    Sorry to hear, I've had similar experiences with Samsung and I don't plan to purchase anything from them again (that I intend to keep for myself).

    If you have a physical store near you, go through them and ask for a escalation via the "Samsung Voice of Customer Team". Have all the paperwork done there and everything recorded, then back it up with ACCC if things don't play out. I got screwed around during the Flip/Fold 6 launch with a defective watch and it took 4 weeks of escalations and me constantly chasing them for a resolution. It wasn't until I threatened ACCC escalation that I was asked to visit Head Office in Sydney to pickup a replacement watch. Needless to say, experience has been appalling and I don't use Samsung products anymore.

    My Tips
    -Avoid Samsung products in general, they have a well known track record of sh1t customer service and you are rolling the dice each time. With prices increasing year on year, its unacceptable in my books.

    -If you can't avoid them, they buy through JB Hi-Fi or Amazon as they have great customer service / returns policies. Don't risk it with other outlets like Officeworks, Harvey Norman, TGG etc.

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