This was posted 4 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, Pre Order] Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered - Standard Edition $37.91 + $17.68 Delivery @ Amazon JP


Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered is being released here in Australia WITHOUT a PHYSICAL PS4 version made available!
The only way to purchase a physical PS4 version it seems (at least for now) is to import.

If you wish to play the games with Platinum trophy hunting for the three games in the collection - the PS4 version is the only way to go.
(The PS5 version has no Platinum trophy)
(The PS4 version is playable on PS5)

Amazon JP seems to have the cheapest overseas copy of the game for all versions by far, including the PS4 version (standard non-deluxe version) @ $37.91 (excl. delivery).
The Japanese version is set to be released on 28/11/2024.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Do we know if this comes with a free PS5 upgrade?

    • +1

      I could not find info on that at the moment.

  • +4

    I understand this is for a physical copy, and one can't be obtained in Australia, but the digital version is $44.95 (On the PSN store) and gives you both the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game.…

    For those who prefer having physical media, it's one of the few options, but keep in mind it's $10~ more expensive.

    • Also a likely candidate for PS Plus Deluxe tier next year

  • +1

    The standard edition Tomb Raider I-III Remastered on disc on the PS5 is $49 (which is less than this deal) from JB HiFi set to be released on the 18th of October:…

    • +3

      The point of this post (which is made clear in the body) is that this is the PS4 physical copy, which cannot be purchased in Australia.

      • -4

        I understand that, however personally I wouldn’t buy it on PS4, I’d purchase the PS5 version for cheaper and wait until I purchased a PS5 console to play it if I didn’t have one. Aren’t the people that want this on the PS4 ever planning to purchase a PS5?

        • I know I'm not alone when I say this:

          I want to experience the PS5 version in 4k etc - however, I'm not willing to sink my time (again) on some of my favorite games of yesteryear without the challenges/ satisfaction of a platinum trophy to top the re-experience (hence why I tracked and purchased the PS4 version import).

          I will be playing the PS4 ver. on PS5 for sure.
          Not a fan of purchasing digital copies of games when the option of physical is available.

          • @YoursTruly: I have never cared for the platinum trophy achievement system, the introduction of trophies is when I feel the quality of console gaming started to go down hill and is when my interest in console gaming really started to decline, and I stopped playing games when I bought a PS3 and Xbox 360 as much as I used to on the PS1 and PS2.

            Tomb Raider 1, 2 & 3 are amongst my favourite games of all time, along with other series that have been around since the PS1, such as Silent Hill, Resident Evil, OddWorld, Crash Bandicoot, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Gran Turismo, Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter (which existed before the PS1) etc, it’s always these games (plus a few other such as God of War, Gears of War, and Devil May Cry) that I continue to revisit and buy on each new gen console, I don’t like a lot newer ideas for games that have been released in more recent years… I’d love to see a new PS5 version of Time Crisis, Dino Crisis and Splinter Cell. The PS5 version of this remastered Tomb Raider trilogy is the superior performing version over the PS4 version, and that’s what I care about when wanting to own the disc, and will still care about 20 years from now when I revisit it.

            • @[Deactivated]: Hey thanks for your post.

              Gaming, particularly on PS5 has lost its beans IMO. (Where are the innovative and fun exclusives? - that are not remaster/ remake/ reimagining/ repeat port.)

              In the case of the old tomb raider 1-2-3, I’d rather play ‘a favourite game’ with trophies rather than with an incremental graphical difference between ps4 vs ps5.

              PS5 version of the remaster is hardly the superior version. 4K in this game isn’t going to do much to an already dated looking game.

            • @[Deactivated]: I agree… Why do people need a platinum trophy or any kind of trophy when playing these kind of games. Its like wanting likes on insta or social media. Who cares. Now completing the game isnt good enough for them, they need an imaginary trophy to make them feel good lol. What a weird world this is now. Some people would rather get the physical copy of the game and a meaningless trophy online. While complaining that they dont want a digital version but want a digital trophy lol. Instead of having the best version of the game. Its completely ridiculous and an oxymoron. I guess we can see how intellectual todays gamers are!

              • +1

                @Water Bearer: Alls well there mate? Don’t let peeps hurt you.

                No one gets a trophy for ‘likes’ - lol. (Although some use it as a bragging rights (to their mates) for ‘mastering a game’ - and that’s ok)

                A platinum trophy for a game you’ve enjoyed once before in the day = added challenges/ depth/ layers to the game in a revisit.

                Trophies also serves as a ‘compete’ milestone with fellow friends on those same challenges.

                As the saying goes: ‘Different strokes for Different folks’

                If you like ‘Plain Vanilla’ ice-cream and hate/ dislike all other flavours, is it ‘wrong’ to you for others to like ‘Rocky Road and Cookie Dough, and Bing Cherry Vanilla’ ?

                • @YoursTruly: I disagree that platinum trophy achievements have “added challenges/depths/layers to the game”. What introducing trophies since the PS3 and Xbox 360 era has done to console games is they have made many game developers lazy when it comes to providing high quality lengthy in depth single player story modes where they create well thought out in game puzzles and challenges just like they did in Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3, and they have sacrificed this substituting it for pointless shitty trophy tasks that take less effort to think up and add into the game. I wish trophies had never been added to console gaming, it was one of the worst decisions ever in my opinion.

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: No body cares if you agree/ disagree or If I agree/ disagree.

                    What matters is one’s own enjoyment.

                    It’s called ‘strokes’ ‘flavours’

                • -1

                  @YoursTruly: Again you showed the intellectual of todays gamers :) Platinum trophy is only done for your own ego. Used to show others that you completed a game 100%. Why the need to show off and share it? Just like social media with getting likes. You didnt understand that aspect and argued with something that showed how confused or in denial you are about my comment.
                  Different strokes is not what this about, you might as well be saying when in Rome. As you have no understanding of the context.
                  When you only play games to brag about a digital trophy - you need to get your priorities straight. GG

                  • @Water Bearer:

                    You didnt understand that aspect and argued with something that showed how confused or in denial you are about my comment.

                    Now you’re going to tell me what I understand and don’t? Read again, or not.

                    What I see you doing here (among other things) is you trying to shove-in your ‘right’ ‘way of enjoyment’ (or ideals/ priorities) because - according to you - others ‘way of enjoyment’ (or ideals/ priorities) are ‘wrong’. Then you proceed to try ‘correct’ it to match your - because others ‘ways of enjoyment’ is different to yours.

                    Not judging - but I’d garner a good guess that you grew up in a strict environment where ‘things’ were harshly enforced to you early on - in a way that there is only one or strict ‘right’ way and everything else deviating from that is ‘wrong’.

                    you need to get your priorities straight.

                    Yes - you’re right!
                    I have to get my priorities straight!

                    That is to enjoy the things I want and not give a shit what others think. Oh oh - and not to shove my ‘right’ things (or ideals/ priorities) onto others because they are different to mine.

                    Perhaps consider learning from that mate.
                    or, alternatively, consider trying to get laid asap today. I can send you someone to you if you want - free of charge! (or is that also ‘wrong’ to your ‘ideals’ and I should get my ‘priories’ right again?

          • +1

            @YoursTruly: Former trophy whore, 1000% have bought different / multiple versions for trophies.

            • @TheDukeOfNukem: Games that I enjoy/ed - such as TR1 - defo worth revisiting again after all these years with a platinum in tow.

              • +1

                @YoursTruly: Hells yeah. I've been Xbox for a good few years now, but I recently played (and 1000GS'd) the Battlefront collection and Dark Forces, and it was fulfilling, if silly, to get all the achievements in those games after decades of playing them at this point, even if Battlefront is mostly just grinding and DF was 97% just beating the game on easy.

                Replayed DF a couple days later on the missus' account so I could pop the 1000GS again, I feel you, brother.

  • The hell?

    So the ps5 version doesn't have a platinum but the PS4 version does?

    That's so weird

  • Can’t imagine much difference between the PS4 and PS5 version… it’s like 4GB for all 3 games combined.

  • I am Prime in Amazon Aust. Do I have to open a new account in Amazon Japan to purchase?

    • +1

      I had to.

      One may use the same email details as Amazon Aust.
      The Aust. Prime membership and Aust. account details don't carry over, however.

      • +1


  • Does the Japan PS4 version also have English language support or should we go with EU or US version? Never purchased a PS4 game from Japan before.

    • Most games these days have multi language options.
      This should be no different here.

      It’s the classic TR.
      The games themselves hardly have any text anyway - in the worst case scenarios it’s Jap language only.

      In my quick search online - the JP version is cheap by far including delivery.
      EU & US versions were much higher in cost by comparison.

      If you do happen to find a cheaper US or EU version, please post as a deal for.

  • +1

    I know the trophy trophy sitch of this, but for anyone who doesn't care, it's trade 2, get for free at EB. Standard $10 minimum value applies. If it were coming out on Xbox I'd jump at the deal, but if I buy it on PS5 or Switch I'll never get around to playing it.……

  • +1

    Ha this generation is so stupid, I just see now it's 269 trophies and no Plat. Almost as stupid as the way COD is handling new trophy lists.

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