This was posted 5 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order] Inkbird Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Meat Thermometer INT-14-BW US$100 (~A$147) Delivered @ Inkbird


WiFi & Bluetooth Meat Thermometer

50% Off with code on Price in USD.
This is a pre-order so 5-7 week delivery it says.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    These have worked well in a normal oven for me but the signal will not pass through my kamado big Joe, I would assume it will struggle with any ceramic/egg BBQs.

    • +1

      Bummer exactly what I wanted it for….

      • +1

        Apologies for being the bearer or bad news. I only have the single thermometer version of this. There may be a chance this model is slightly better but I have tried everything possible with my Big Joe and no luck.

    • +2

      Comments on other websites have said the signal works well in Kamado style BBQ’s.

      I’ll let you know when I get mine as I have a Char-Griller Akorn. 😁

      • +1

        Akorn is steel so you might have more luck than going through a few cm of ceramics

      • Please do! If you do have success I would love to hear what setup you got to work!

    • Yeah, doubt it will get through any heavy duty BBQs, even in the oven covered with foil I loose signal quite often.

    • Have you tried the Combustion Inc. thermometer? I've just got one after using Chinese branded wireless probes, and it's an absolute gamechanger.

  • WiFi & Bluetooth Meat Thermometer INT-14-BW $100USD @
    50% Off with code on Price in USD.

    That's fine, but the price in AUD needs to also be in the title too (Approx $147 AUD)

    • Updated 👍🏼

  • Tempting piece of kit, nice find OP

  • +2

    I have found most inkbird products to be pretty rubbish. Still have this one and it works on an open BBQ. The moment I close the BBQ lid (Webber and Chargriller smoker), or put it in the air fryer, it loses connection.

    • +5

      I love my instant read and wired probes from inkbird.

      I think you have to be realistic here, they’re wireless…. Meater also has its issues….

      • I should stipulate that when I say that my inkbird probe still works, I mean that it's the only inkbird product I have purchased that still works after a few months.

        But I should also note that the only other two inkbird products I have purchased are a two probe wired wifi/Bluetooth unit, and a 4 probe wired wifi unit. Both failed within 6 months of use.

        • You wouldn't by any chance be submerging your probes when washing them? That'll kill them pretty quick.

          Just asking because all my Inkbird products have been going for years.

  • +1

    Great price….works just fine in my masterbuilt 560

  • I know they aren't in the same price category but if you can afford it, go for probes. Best money I've spent all year and I can't believe how much better than the inkbird ecosystem they are.

  • +1

    Old one had BT only..bought one did not work inside a Weber Kettle or a KJ when the lid was on. Complained, they sent me a new one.. same deal…. Maybe with this base station and wi fi it will work better but I would not pre purchase

  • I ordered these 3 weeks ago at $130usd. Still hasn't shipped as they had expected shipping of 5-7 weeks. I emailed them last night asking to cancel the order as they were now significantly cheaper. No response and of course they just shipped at 5am this morning, what a coincidence…

    • I just ordered mine, so will still be a while I suspect.
      What type of BBQ do you have? Let me know how it goes with signal through a closed lid.
      I suspect it will be ok as I even had a cheap Aldi one and I was able to get signal through my Akorn. But the battery doesn’t hold charge anymore after a year 🤦🏼‍♂️, hence buying this one.

  • Wireless probe aren't really worth it IMO. Only time you need wireless is with rotisserie and you don't really need constant temperature visibility for hot and fast with the tiniest bit of experience.

    • I’m kinda thinking the same. Wanted this but actually gave it some thought and can’t really see me needing this over a quick poke with a handheld probe when I think rotisserie is about done.

      What are people using these for and justifying another damn bbq gadget? :-D

      • Sitting inside watching TV and wait for alarm is the nice thing about wireless probes … and not opening bbq and loosing heat to check, have the existing single probe inkbird when it was $90 on Amazon. 4 probes at this price seems worth it, ordered a set. came to $153 with paypal. When you start doing 5 kg scotch roasts, its $200 worth of meat for each roast, I find the probe gets me great results and I find it cheap insurance vs over cooked or under-cooked. Why 4 probes ? I do multiple roasts on different layers in my drum smoker.

        • Yeah but you can do all that with the iBBQ-4T which goes on special for $65 and is more reliable because the probes are wired.

    • I use my Meater probe all the time - its great and works very well with a closed BBQ. The base sits next to the BBQ then my phone can be quite a way away. Would have thought this works just as well with the base sitting next to the BBQ?

      • Even then it's still 4x the price for functionality I don't need.

  • Has this expired?

    • +1

      Tried to apply the code and failed so I'll say expired. Same kit is on Amazon, not as cheap but next day delivery and Amazon returns.

  • Just got a shipped notification.

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