VIC Police Edition 18 Constable T. Bear $20 (Was $60, 66.6% off) & More + Delivery @ Cop Shop


Support your fav 'fun police' with a heavily discounted Constable T Bear options;

Edition 18 Constable T Bear $20 (was $60) -

Edition 16 Constable T. Bear Air Wing $27 (was $55) -

Edition 17 Constable T. Bear $60 (was $75) -

Also, not discounted but a limited time availability is their christmas limited edition;

Delivery was as little as an extra $9.57 for me in metro vic

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  • -2

    Inb4 some loony starts talking about how all cats are beautiful.

    • is that a reference to anything? ☠️

    • -2

      Cats are ruthless killers and highly toxic in groups. A bit like cops. ACA definitely B. With very few exceptions.

      • Cringe

        • -1

          If you say so. But my point remains.

          • @Fredorishi: Your point being that "[police] are ruthless killers"?

            • -1

              @besttechadvisor: ALL being "ruthless killers" might have been a little hyperbolic. Granted. I thought it was obvious I was trying to be a bit humourous based on the cat comment.

              But All Cops being Bas&=rds isn't hyperbolic or funny. Just facts. Which was what the whole cat comment was about in the first place I'm pretty sure. Just in case it's not clear to you.

              • +1

                @Fredorishi: If your opinion (not fact) is that all police are bastards, can you explain how?

                Are you an anarchist who doesn't believe in laws and their enforcement?

                Or maybe you just believe that the only people who would choose to enforce laws must have suffered from childhood issues caused by being born out of wedlock?

                • @besttechadvisor: Why so defensive? An anarchist? Lol. Do you really think the Police are the only thing between order and anarchy? You give them way too much credit.

                  And it sounds like you're projecting with the "born out of wedlock" stuff. I never said anything remotely like that.

                  I can gurantee you I'm more qualified than most in terms of my opinion. I'm mostly experienced with one specific branch, but they're all pretty similar. How much evidence would you need to see before you're convinced?

                  How about the complete clusterf*#k that's still playing out in the courts right now for the very small tip of the iceberg. Who in their right mind uses lawyer as an informant!?! D'oh.


                  • @Fredorishi:

                    Do you really think the Police are the only thing between order and anarchy? You give them way too much credit.

                    I never said that the police were the only thing standing between order and anarchy, but law enforcement is integral to order.

                    And it sounds like you're projecting with the "born out of wedlock" stuff. I never said anything remotely like that.

                    It's a joke based on the original meaning of "bastard", which you did say.

                    I can gurantee you I'm more qualified than most in terms of my opinion. I'm mostly experienced with one specific branch, but they're all pretty similar. How much evidence would you need to see before you're convinced?

                    What's your qualification?

                    How much evidence do I need? You'd need to make an argument before you provide evidence for it. What's your premise that all police are inherently 'bastards'? I gave you an example. Here's an example:

                    "Police are inherently bastards because they enforce a bastardised system of law whereby criminals are imprisoned."

                    Though, you'd also have to a prison abolitionist to make that argument.

                    How about the complete clusterf*#k that's still playing out in the courts right now for the very small tip of the iceberg. Who in their right mind uses lawyer as an informant!?! D'oh.

                    All this shows is that there are bad people in all sections of society. The rate of child SA amongst schoolteachers in much higher than the general public yet it'd be silly to make the argument that all teachers are bastards.

              • @Fredorishi: So edgy brah

                • @Mike Nolan: Such intelligent and well constructed replies, brah. What are you? 12?? Lol.

      • +1

        in your next emergency please call Ghost Busters.

        • Just because a couple Police get paid to turn up to an emergency call after the fact, doesn't say anything whatsoever about their character.

          • +1

            @Fredorishi: People who risk themselves to keep you and your loved ones protected within social norms should not be the target to your slander.
            Nothing's perfect in this world, but you clearly have no appreciation to your way of life and comfort levels.

            Try visiting Brazil, I'm sure they'll love an opinionated little fella like yourself. You can tell them exactly how you think they should go about it.

            People who are working overtime, day and night to keep you and your loved ones' way of life are not the reason your life's ass.

            • @The Milk Man: Lol. My life's great actually. Improved tons since leaving the PD years ago. You seem to keep forgetting they get paid to do a job. They're no more special than anyone else and have very little to do with anyones comfort levels or way of life.

  • +3

    I'm personally waiting for the Edition 69 - Corrupt Detective

  • -1
  • +1

    I suppose if you want your bear to be a cop?

  • -4

    choking civilian without face mask not included

  • -1

    ACAB includes Constable T. Bear

    • Did they break up your Anonymous for the Voiceless cube?

      • Mmmm yummy boots

        • It's always made me laugh how the anarchists talk about everyone else licking boots, yet they seem to have an obsession with their doc martens.

          I'm guessing yours are faux leather?

          • @besttechadvisor: Lots of odd assumptions coming from the person who has weirdly patrolled this thread defending police. Might be time to give the computer a break for a little while little fella.

            • @XVX: They're deductions, not assumptions. That's why I'm so spot-on.

              I also never actually defended police; I've just been asking questions.

              • @besttechadvisor: "That's why I'm so spot on" Lol. Funniest comment yet.

                Awfully confident for someone who's throwing out completely ridiculous and totally incorrect assumptions about more than one person in this comment section.

                • @Fredorishi:

                  Lol. Funniest comment yet.

                  @XVX knows I'm spot on.

                  Awfully confident for someone who's throwing out completely ridiculous and totally incorrect assumptions about more than one person in this comment section.

                  I never made any assumptions. For @XVX, I correctly deduced they're a vegan who non-doubt wears faux-leather Dr. Martens boots.

                  For you, I never said anything about you. I asked about your beliefs.

                  EDIT: Here's @XVX talking about their vegan Docs. Check mate 😁

                  • @besttechadvisor: Acting like you really made a zinger right there when you clearly trawled my comments history from the first time I posted in here like a creep searching for your 'deductions'. You even made the effort to make it a little 'edit' too so that your 'check mate' looked like even more of an accomplishment. Absolute blow in spec.

                    • @XVX: Nah, I didn't trawl your comments first.

                      I just know that you XXX straight-edge hard core types love your docs, and vegans love their faux docs, so an XVX definitely has some faux-leather docs.

                      Like I said, deduction, not assumption. This isn't Sherlock-level stuff, you're just a stereotype.

  • +2

    Where is Constable Pepper Spray? or his buddy Constable Rubber Bullet?

    • does puppy officer counts? available in 3 colours!

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