No idea when the deal will end
I needed a Rivet nut tool to fix a few things…
No idea when the deal will end
I needed a Rivet nut tool to fix a few things…
Nut Rivet
AKA "rivnuts" or "nutserts"
Personally I wouldn't use a powered tool for doing these, unless I was doing a whole lot of them the same size and into the same material.
I find its best to have a certain amount of feel when installing them into random stuff. I use one of these style…
Don't think this is for riv nuts. Looks like it's for standard rivets. Maybe it does both?
Think this could be useful if you were doing lots of preset rivets. But if you're drilling and setting each rivet as you go, it would be a giant pita to have to keep switching the attachment on and off. Fine if you have two drills I guess.
Thanks for introducing me to a fixing I've never heard of before!!