The PS5 Slim is now even cheaper than the current sale price of $668. Save an extra $41.05 compared to Amazon.
PlayStation 5 (Slim) Disc Console $618, Digital $538 + $8.95 Delivery @ EB Games eBay

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Noice. Makes the Pro even more laughably overpriced.
You enjoyed the comment that much…
Why are people downvoting? 9674784's just linking to tissues so Mike can wipe away his tears from all the laughter.
That's why you linked the tissues, right 9674784?
sneeze too much - from both ends?
Side effects of pre-ordering a $1200 mid life cycle console refresh and seeing original at half the price…
@scud70: There aren't even any worthy games to play that can fully utilise the advantage of pro.
This may be the first time in PS version that i am not picking up pro version too.And it's a price of 7900 XTX almost
Lmao upvoted you. You can tell everyone got triggered LOL
Why are they triggered
@djmm: yeah i cant understand it
Sony does have issues but that doesnt mean I'm interested in buying an Xbox.
There's eBay listings for the disc drive that are almost more than this deal (which makes it great value!).
You'll probably want a disc drive for the Pro, but all those disgusting people who bought up all the disc drives only to sell for an inflated profit, I really hope Sony makes a heap of them and they get stuck with drives they have to sell for a loss.
Agreed. The Pro is way overpriced. The least they could have done is added more USB ports and an Optical Output. Not including a stand or drive with it for that price point is a pretty sh*t thing to do as well.
Sony are greedy, charging for minor game upscaling from ps4 to ps5 versions is just one example.
This was the price of the original ps5 pre order 4 years ago
not really. The digital edition cost $599.95 in Australia while the PlayStation 5 disc model $749.95 pre order 4 years ago
Amazon was $650 after discounts for disc version
Is the discount code for ebay plus members only? It didn’t work for me.
It’s a targeted code
Who can see the code under their account summary when signed in? It's not an eBay Plus code, just a spend and save code.
I see the code. Still sticking with the ps4 pro though.
Thanks total is $627 delivered
Free shipping would be nice…
It’s only $9
Damn wish I could go to JB Hifi for price protection, as bought the Slim on the weekend for 668 :(
Might as well just hold till black Friday
yeah there's more to come
I'm pulling the trigger when it hits $550 :P. Ever so slowly coming down….
Doubt it would get much cheaper. Jack will be waiting
Imagine how cheap these amateur PS5’s will be after Christmas ,
and when the pro fail to sell out thru chrisy the price will also come tumbling down.I hope they come bundled with disc drives, because there’s no way I’m paying for a PRO console without one.
Now I’m worried about the PS6. Will they abandon the disc drives altogether and release their games digitally only? Of course not, that would cede too much ground to Steam. But we could see the discontinuation of a disc version entirely, and only have an add on disc drive available, providing another barrier to playing physical games and thus driving interest in digital games and digital-only gaming, giving justification for the PS7 going all-digital.You remember when Microsoft announced that the Xbox was going all digital and the backlash,
Sony hadn’t announced their console , but they may have only had a digital console ready and had to turn that ship around and give us the ugly disc drive version just to cover their ass while pretending that was the plan all along while also lording it over Microsoft in public.Well they do collude in private and this has been the plan all along .
Look at streaming services ,who buys blurays and 4K discs anymore ?
Just the old farts ,and the same goes for cash , movies , games, the young ones won’t even miss it , as we’ve all been manipulated into what makes more money for big business. Like cattle and sheep they realised how easy it is to tell us what to do during the big panic.
Pack your own shopping, pay with digits and get out the door..Or just order online for delivery like a normal and stop bothering us.
Don't know what Sony is thinking. Majority of their 1st party games are still sold through physical copies so no disc drive for PS5 Pro makes little sense. Right now, the disc drive add-on is sold out everywhere. Even if Sony expects PS5 Pro will only account for at best 15% of units sold moving forward (10% or less is more realistic I reckon), it is shrewd to milk so much from the customers (clearly Sony is making a profit for each PS5 Pro unit sold). Microsoft is not going to bother with mid-gen upgrade.
PS5 Pros are selling worse than expected. There is no need to pre-order one. There will be plenty available on launch day, especially if hardly any disc drive add-on will be available.
I personally will stop console gaming once it goes all digital.
It's seriously not worth it, the games are so expensive and you can't resell them or collect them to put on your shelf.
By that point I'll just play my backlog which is big enough to last a few lifetimes. That or stick to PC where my games will be playable forever no matter if I upgrade PC's.
@Circly: I agree physical games tend to be cheaper, but your other points don’t make sense to me.
You’re saying you want console gaming to be more like PC but it’s already all digital on PC. Steam can take away our games access any time they want.
I prefer physical games on consoles too but everyone keeps flocking to PCs where it’s all digital. Imagine what that says to console makers.
@jonomatic: I'm ok with digital as long as it's much cheaper…
Also, you can get non DRM games on GoG etc. Steam have been relatively pro consumer up until now.
We know once games go digital on psn they will keep the prices high. It just makes no sense to keep buying console games when the exclusives are not there either.
Source: Voices in my head 😂
The ps5 sold more than double both Xbox consoles. Why is it a flop?
@beach bum: Well that's entirely up to you.
All these games rated VERY highly.
Elden Ring
*Baulders Gate 3
*Final Fantasy 7
*Persona 5
*Astro Bot
*Gran Turismo
*Spider Man
*The Last of us Part 1
*The Last of us Part 2
*Ratchet and Clank
*Ghost of Tsushima
*Horizon Forbidden West
*Alan Wake 2
*Dead Space
*Helldivers 2
*Death Stranding directors cut
*No mans skyI could literally continue to copy and paste, but I assume you can also use google.
@onlinepred: Most of these are on PC. In the glory days of PS2, PS3 etc, you could make a list double that, only on PlayStation. I'm not saying its a bad thing, I am glad most games now are getting a much wider release. But, Sony's stranglehold on a lot of IP has now diminished, and thus, so has the "need" for a PS5
@Jack D Price: They never said exclusive to the console version. I hate what Sony is doing. But also until they make PCs that are as cheap as a ps5, as reliable and easy to use, I’ll keep buying consoles hey.
@onlinepred: There’s some highly rated ps4 games there , I’m surprised you didn’t list Skyrim to the list of highly rated games list .
@Maxi Pad: Number of exclusives and number of games generally are two very different things. Just because there isn’t a stack of exclusives doesn’t mean it’s a bad system or a failure. The exclusives counts also much higher if you only look at consoles. If you are factoring in PC then only Nintendo truely has much of an exclusive library, with Xbox having more PC ports than Sony.
And sure, Sony are putting more games into PC now, but I don’t see the issue. It gives consumers with a PC capable of playing those games an option, otherwise they can buy a much cheaper $650 or so box and get a good experience from it.
@Smigit: Also forgot to note that MS is increasingly putting first party titles onto the PS, something Sony hasnt shown any interest in doing towards Xbox hardware. So that still makes PS a very attractive console to get if you want access to titles and don’t want to get a PC.
MS is the one struggling to justify their hardware more so than Sony.
May have to buy it just to strip the disc drive for my upcoming Pro
darwin award goes to!
Glad I got the OG PS5 + Spiderman 2 for $506 delivered last year.
this was a great deal
GOAT deal.
My xbox one is doing just fine
One X for me. 😀
Actually I get more joy out of retro gaming these days.
I agree. Latest games are boring. Retro is fun.
Thanks, very relevant to this deal.
Indeed it is
My PS1 doing just fine
Sold my og ps5 at this price about 1 or 1.5 years ago due to no game I want to play. Till now, there are probably only 1-2 games on ps5 that I'm interested. Not buying it until the list grow to at least 10.
Well done
We will wait forever it seems - for the list to reach 10 only on ps5 exclusives (that are actually worth it and fun)
lol, by that time, some exclusives will be on PC anyway.
I manage to squeeze in time for every platform + pc gaming. When Sony, MS, Nintendo and Steam do their end of year profile stats…. it looks like I game 24/7 with the amount of hours I rack up (but a lot of it I'm literally playing on 2 vonsoles at once… but just using the tv remote to cycle through the hdmi modes to see what I'm doing lol).
I'm not going to get a slim ps5 or ps5 pro unless my older ps5 breaks down.
In contrast I intend to "upgrade" to the new xbox sku in 2 weeks time. Which is funny as the xbox itself isnt any different other than having double the storage space and has a fancy space theme on the outside. Ideally using it as an excuse to declutter (getting rid of the series s, replace my older series X AND 10+ controllers I have no need for).
You don't need to tell us your life story on why you aren't going to buy this. LOL
Fine :( :P
it's okay i enjoyed the read pretty long way to say ur not going to buy it but reminds me that humans still use this website
Wow, so old
Do I wait for the Pro??? Was waiting for it to reach the 550ish mark
No you get it now
I can't believe these are so much cheaper than the Xbox series x these days. Microsoft should be meeting them on price.
MS still not lowering the price despite ps5 selling more than double..
And then, there is the CFastExpress storage expansion being quite expensive (+ Micro$oft blocking CFastExpress adapter so only a limited number of SSDs might work (and has to be certain batches)).
Micro$ost and $ony….
i remember at the time people were unhappy that Sony only used expensive Gen 4 ssds
and now i guess it really doesnt matter especially if you look at how cooked xbox is when it comes to ssd expansions
xbox made a vita
I would love to own a PS5 but I can barely justify it.It seems like all the games I want are slowly rolling out to PC anyways. Im happy to wait a year or two if it means I can save myself $600
It depends what you want really. I prefer the set and forget nature of a console. I turn it on, it's up to date, and i'm in the game, no worrying about settings, drivers, etc. It has one purpose, and it does it well. But if that doesn't matter to you, then you might find PC and waiting a little longer for the games will do you well!
Doesn’t it do firmware updates every few weeks?
But it is in sleep mode, so it does them without me noticing, it just wakes up and does it.
im pretty fortunate to be in a position where my PC has had so much investment done during Covid that its sorta been doing extremely well and kinda runs everything. I do need to update my GPU drivers sometimes, but i found I dont desperately need to do it. But i know what you mean. Being able to pop a disc in or something and know that itll run the way it was intended is a nice thing to notice. Rather than how sometimes Ill have a game on steam that clearly wasnt optimised for a PC port and I have to wait for patches.
I have a PC that is more powerful than my PS5, but I have never booted up a game on it as PC gaming just isn't for me (plus I would have to relocate it to a TV as I don't enjoy gaming at a desk). Having a device that just works as intended, whenever I have a free moment to game (which is less and less time these days) is a nice luxury, and i am willing to compromise on outright performance to get there.
these slim models have horrifically loud fans
Just sold my ps5 disc edition for $450, keeping my modded ps4 with free games and my series s for black ops 6 with gamepass ultimate.
im waiting on the dongle from aliexpress, gonna hack mine OS 11
You don't need a dongle mate just a laptop and an ethernet cable
Any recommendations for download?
@barblade: 90% of the games were downloaded and successfully installed from the only 2 games I had issues installing were boodborne which I managed to successfully install from a different website and uncharted 4 which I just couldn’t make it work no matter what I did.
Will it get cheaper before GTAV comes out, or will it be on PC via Xbox on launch?
I doubt the console will get much cheaper. They’ve gotten more expensive over their life rather than cheaper, and pricing of the new Pro along with upward price changes in other regions recently seem to indicate there’s no price drops imminent.
Might be some promotions here and there, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a new PS5 for sub $500. Second hand markets might be an option but, especially as people go to upgrade to a Pro model.
As for GTA and PC, Rockstar being Rockstar, the PC release could arrive well after console. I suspect the success of GTA Online will see them prioritise getting PC out, but who can really say. Their record for PC support isn’t especially strong.
ill grab it when its hacked
This generation of consoles is pure garbage.. Nintendo is just relaunching WiiU games from 10+ years ago.. Sony is struggling to release exclusives like it used to do before… and Microsoft is nowhere to be seen… WHERE ARE THE GAMES?? Why should we keep buying consoles?? at this stage it is a no brainer to move to PC gaming…
Just get a second hand Series S and Series X and just emulate previous games. You can even emulate PS1 to PS3 on the Xbox Series S/X.
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Disc-less Slim $538 + postage