NetGear Gigabit Switch

Hey everyone
Looking at getting another Netgear Gigabit Switch as I’m using 2 x Netgear GS108 around my house atm and needing one more for my daughters room so she can connect her XSS to Ethernet so she has a better connection for Fortnite

Was going to get another GS108 or maybe save some $ and get GS105 (5 port version) but the I stumbled across this other model from Netgear and wanted to ask if it’s a better option over the Netgear GS108

Netgear GS308

Both have metal housing, both 8 port, both Gigabit connections. One is blue one is dark grey by the looks

Tried having a google but as I’m not up to date with Switch specifics etc, I have no idea

Anyone able to help me?


  • you can get 8 port, 2.5GbE switches for ~$70 from AE, so you can upgrade in the future if you have 2.5GbE ethernet adapters (usually ~$15 in AE).

    I use this (kinda OzB favourite, keeplink brand with 8 * 2.5GbE + 1 * 10 GbE) and currently it is $66, select AU plug when ordering
    All of these are backward compatible with GbE.

    If you are looking for 2.5GbE cards, I use this on my 2 NAS ($15) :

    • +3

      5 port gig switches from reputable manufacturers are often going for $15.

      There's no point 'future proofing' with a $70 switch on the off chance that one day OP is going to start using 2.5 adaptors and max them out. If that ever happens, OP can just ditch the $15 switch, by which time 2.5 switches will have dropped even further.

    • If you are looking for 2.5GbE cards, I use this

      This item can't be shipped to your address.

  • +4

    Unmanaged gig switches are about as differentiated as different brands of flat bottled water. Get whatever is cheaper or looks prettier.

    The only differences will be backplane capacity (they will all have more than enough for normal use) then other utterly trivial stuff like whether the ports are on the front or back, or if they have leds on the ports.

    It's really not worth worrying about.

    • Ok thanks
      So either one GS108 or GS308 will do fine

  • GS108 has better build quality compared to GS308 and much higher MTBF and better warranty.

    Performance wise, they aren't much different.

    • Thanking you
      I noticed the GS308 has a bigger buffer at 1mb

      These mean much

      • These mean much


        • +1

          Thanks again

  • -2

    308 > 108, so must be better :P

    • +1

      It's the other way around.

      • -2

        Yep, you are known for lack of sarcasm detection (the :P) …

        So will spell it out:
        108 managed (so VLAN, QoS and Priority settings)
        308 unmanaged (lacks the above features)

        • GS108 is an unmanaged switch. (or are you being sarcastic ?)

        • What are you talking about, they are both unmanaged.

          • @rumblytangara: Yer they are both unmanaged
            I was just confused what one was better that’s all

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