• expired

Deadpool & Wolverine Rental $6.99 (UHD & HD) (Expired: $5.99 HD) @ Microsoft Store

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Please be gentle but thought this was a bargain.

Brand new digital movie release available to rent for $6.99 for UHD & $5.99 for HD $6.99 for HD instead of the standard $29.99 (as listed on other stores).

Great value for new release if you want a cheap and legal way to watch at home without waiting for the Disney+ release.

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  • +1

    "Regenerate?" 😲🩸

    • +2

      Hey it was an educated wish!

  • +2

    Is it a good movie?

    • +11

      its very enjoyable. not the strongest story/plot but definitely a popcorn movie you cant help but enjoy

    • +7

      If you liked the earlier Deadpool movies, you'll also enjoy this one.

      The plot isn't exactly compelling - it has dopey stuff like meddling with time travel and yet another "great big bad thing that could end the world" that's sadly the staple of all Marvel trash.

      However, the dynamics of the two main characters, the creative insults, all the bad-taste jokes and outrageous commentary make it awesome. Just sit back and enjoy the journey.

      • -7

        Seeing blade and elektra again was amazing! Oh and johnny!

        • +2

          Come on, I know it's been out for a while but don't spoil it…

    • +1

      i think this movie is paving the way for the fantastic 4 movie or a new X-Men movie

    • Decent entertainment and only mildly annoying for a Marvel movie.

    • +6

      I enjoyed the first Deadpool movie but thought this movie sucked. It’s full of inside jokes including references to the corporate entities which own the copyright and specific producers.

      I think it’s only going to be enjoyable if you’re already a big consumer of this media.

      • -1

        Agreed. Thought this movie was pretty lame.

      • I actively avoid Marvel and all the other superhero films. But the Deadpool series are the exception to the rule, because they do a great job of openly mocking Marvel and the corporates who milk them.

        I didn't understand all the references in D &W , nor did I know who a lot of the other cameo characters were. But since the plot doesn't actually matter, I simply didn't care. It was a couple hours of stupid fun, and I'd still watch it again for the laughs.

  • Is there an Android app to watch on the tv?

  • +33

    Great movie. But do you know what’s even better value? Free 🏴‍☠️

  • Anyways it can be streamed on Chromecast directly without using a mobile? Current supported devices don't include any streaming devices.

  • +16

    Not a bad price for a good movie. But unfortunately, once you go high seas, you don't look back.

    • +27

      Good deal to let us know we can set sail. :)

      • +5

        just as good as an inbox alert, thanks OP

      • yep, its a good alert all right - weekend sorted, thx high seas

    • The One Piece is out there!

  • o wow when did microsoft start doing movies?

    • -1


    • For years, I've been renting them for at least 10 years on my Xbox or PC

  • -2

    Wade is that you?

  • -1

    Will wait for the disc version end of October.

  • +6

    $29.99 is the standard price for new releases?! That's insane

    • +2

      indeed. And then the studios wonder why everyone sails the high seas

      • they dont wonder - those that pay $29.99 make up the difference so they end up wining anyway

  • +1

    5.99 - Standard definition

    • FREE - Standard definition

    • Thanks, updated!

  • +3

    I would rather have 8 Harry Potter movies, thanks.

    • All timer bargain that one.

  • +1

    Lets f****n go!!

  • -7

    I miss the times when they made movies for adults.

    • +6

      They definitely didn't make this one for kids.

      • MA15, guess that means some kids

    • +5

      I miss when every second movie wasn't Marvel.

    • -3

      Yeah, unfortunately this movie requires stick removal surgery and a sense of humour.

      • You could say that about most childrens movies i guess.

        • Not your cup of tea I take it. Sheer curiosity, what do you consider a good movie?

          • +1

            @zubzub: Prisoners, Alien, Sicarrio.

            There was alot more good stuff before marvels success turned everything into a formulaic sassy quip-fest. Honestly i've had more luck watching foreign films in the last decade. It's like they've been just remaking Iron Man multiple times per year since it's release.

            • @gruffjaguar: Excellent choices. I haven’t seen prisoners but I’ll check that out. Yeah I do think cinema has gotten pretty average of late. I blame the streaming platforms and the advancement of tech. They just seem to pump shit out now because it’s much cheaper and easier, but it means a lot of average films. Recommend Oppenheimer if you haven’t seen it.

      • The people who wrote it are desperately in need of a sense of humour. What a snooze fest.

        • Meh! It has good feedback and ratings. You don’t like it, not your type of humour. It’s cool. It ain’t for everyone.

          • -1

            @zubzub: Good feedback? This movie was widely panned.

            • @CommuterPolluter: Looks pretty good on RT. Plus I enjoyed it, good enough for me.

              • @zubzub: Lol you’re the one hating on people for not liking it

                • +1

                  @CommuterPolluter: Nah I don’t care, can’t expect everyone to like everything, just making jokes probably not interpreted that way.

                  I was just replying to you saying the movie was widely panned. Going with actual evidence like RT would indicate that is not the case. Still, can’t expect everyone to like it.

                  • -2

                    @zubzub: RT is heavily manipulated by studios and producers to give an overall ‘fresh’ rating lol. Disney specifically has a history of manipulating online reviews. At the end of the day, no matter how you assess the RT, you can look online and find many negative reviews. It is widely panned.

                    • @CommuterPolluter: I thought that’s why RT has seperate critic ratings to user ratings. Not to say that I don’t believe you it still is probably manipulated in someway with bots etc. I’m not saying the movie is up for an Oscar clean sweep ;). But it’s not a bad movie. It’s just got a bit of a niche market.

  • +1

    Arrrrrr matey

    • Yohoho!

      • And a bottle of rum!

  • +10

    If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing…

    • +4

      "Owning" an electronic copy that's only available as long as the corporation sees fit to provide it to you is a special kind of con.

  • +5

    I found this movie to be incredibly lazy and boring. I find it genuinely baffling that in the year 2024 audiences have been gaslit into thinking breaking the fourth wall and gay jokes are funny enough to carry an entire movie. Definitely one for the diehards.

    • Deadpool is one of my least favorite characters. The first movie was sort of novel but the second was terrible, haven't seen this one yet but wolverine is one of my favorite characters so I'll give it a go.

    • +2

      I enjoyed it because it ripped into the whole multiverse genre and made fun of it. Comic book movies have become incredibly boring, especially the ones that use multiverses as a lazy crutch for bad writers. Need to add tension? Kill the main character… but then just bring in another copy of them. There are millions to choose from. Bad guy died? No worries, wave your arms and summon some more that look exactly the same. No one's ever really gone.

    • Hollywood is dying…

  • -1

    Lol, Hollywood is getting desperate, they can't even squeeze $7 out of people

  • +2

    I watched this movie because I like Wolverine not a big deadpool fan. I’ll just say my girlfriend fell asleep in it and I found it the hardest movie I’ve watched in a long time. I wish I could get my time back. Don’t expect a dark Wolverine movie expect a slap stick joke movie with Imo terrible plot line that I won’t go into to avoid spoilers. Can’t actually express how much I disliked this film. Apologies to all the fans out there

    • +3

      Felt the movie was just about Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman being in a movie and prob Hugh paying for his divorce.

    • +1

      I thought Deadpool 1 was just ok. But Deadpool 2 was one of the worst movies I've ever seen (worse than the latter Police Academy movies even!!). As far as comic book movies go, David Hasselhoffs Nick Fury movie was more entertaining.

      I know I'm probably going to regret it, but I've ordered the D&W 4K via import…. but now I'm faced with the dilemma do I buy/watch it via streaming first ?

      Some of the other titles that I've purchased digitally before the official physical release include Batman v Superman, Terminator Dark Fate, Top Gun Maverick, The Batman among a few others.

      • +1

        Just do 4K at least the cinematography is good though I’d almost rather put a bullet in my head than watch this again

  • +1

    In the good ol' days the local video shop did $1 Tuesdays. Digital distribution should be far cheaper.

    • +2

      7 weekly movies for $7!!

      • +2

        7 nightly movies, 7 DVD-Rs & DVD-Shrink..

      • My videoshops were more expensive but it depended on the "day" of rental. I remember they had different categories (overnight, 2 night, 3 night, 5 night and 7 night rentals). Toward the end of the VHS to DVD transition, they actually increased the amount of weekly rentals to 10 for x dollars. I was a young movie buff at the time but between school and social life… I was barely watching 5 movies (out of 7 throughout the week) let alone being able to watch all 10.

  • +1

    Can anyone share how to stream this movie onto a tv without an Xbox?

    • +1

      HDMI from laptop. Not much options otherwise I think.

      • If the tv is smart ones you can play on chrome in your laptop then stream to tv wirelessly

        • You could - I can't imagine the quality will be great though

  • Worth it just for the opening scene. LOL

  • Thanks. I know what I'm finding on the seven seas tonight.

  • Showing $29.99 to rent and $34.99 to buy for me

    • +1

      Same here, same price for all formats.
      Mark this one as done

  • Where does one go sailing to find such fantastic offers? TIA.

    • /r/StremioAddons

  • Showing as $29.99

  • Thanks bub

  • +1

    I know the deal is over, but normal price is rent for $29.99.
    Cheaper to go to the movies and get a drink from the bar lol.

    • Not if you go with 2-3 mates and all get drinks. Not to mention you can’t have beers either or food.

    • normal price is rent for $29.99.

      lol (profanity) Hollywood.

  • how come they send hundreds of normal human soldiers to catch DP ? of course all of them will die? stupid director

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