• expired

$35 1kg Bag Coffee, Buy 2 or More for $31.50/kg (Extra 10% Discount), Free Express Delivery @ Airjo Coffee Roasters


Hey Guys & Gals! - here's our $35 Deal on again.

All 1Kg Bags Fresh Roasted Coffee for $35 each (or $31.50 each for multiple order)

Buy more than 1 bag and take an extra 10% off with code EXTRA10

All prices INCLUDE Express Shipping.

Roasting and Posting this one from Tuesday 1st.

Looking for some new kit? Check out our growing range of coffee machines and accessories.

Why buy AIRJO Coffee?

We care about your happiness with our products.
Trying a new blend for the first time and it's not for you?
Send it back and we will refund you the purchase price or swap for something else.

Did you pay full price in the last 48hrs and then this deal popped up??
Send us an email with your order number and we will refund the difference!

Need help choosing a blend?
Need help dialling in your machine?
Not sure what grind to choose for your kit?
Any questions at all?

Ask Dan!

You can reach out any time, any day, by email [email protected] or the chat app on the website. We will always try and help.

Your feedback is super important to us, good or bad. Please let us know by email or reviews or social, wherever it suits you, how we are doing.

Thanks so much….

Happy Bargaining!!!

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closed Comments

    • +4

      Hey there Markoov - thanks so much for your orders - sorry the timing wasn't on the mark for you this time - reach out any time to get a heads up on what we have planned - that said, we don't always plan too far ahead :)


      • Sure, will do, very responsive as usual. thanks again.

    • Markoov I was just trying to send you a message but can't as you don't have them enabled. Could you send me a message so that I can contact you please?

      • @Tyrannosaurus Rex. Sorry mate, messages are enabled now.

    • -5

      For those who neg voted. I placed an order last Tuesday and paid full price,then I expected if a new deal is posted (within 48 hours) then I'll request refund on price difference as per the post above " Did you pay full price in the last 48hrs and then this deal popped up??
      Send us an email with your order number and we will refund the difference!"
      I don't think as OZbargainer you won't consider doing that.

      • +1

        A reasonable ozbargainer would wait for the next deal, not complain after paying full price. You took a risk and it didn't pay off.

  • +1

    Thanks, ordered SUMATRA BLEND - Smooth & Rich

    • Awesome pull the lever - really appreciate it, thank you - Cheers Dan

  • Thanks, just ordered the Thunderchild blend, should arrive the same time as my DF54 grinder, looking forward to trying it!

    • Thanks so much abbeyroad - that will be a great combo :) Super keen to hear how the Thunderchild goes in the new grinder.


  • love ya work guys keep it up :D

    • Really appreciate that kungfuman - the team is pumped!!

  • Perfecting timing. Ordered 3 bags :)

    • Thanks so much Thosh!! Really appreciate it.


      • Time to bring the $35 deal back on again!!

  • +1 for great coffee and even better customer service.

    • Thank you LFB - we love those +1's :)

  • Hi there. This will be my first order and normally do v60 and aeropress at home. What would be your beans recommendation? Cheers.

    • Hey there sdongch - thanks so much for trying our beans. I would recommend the Enterprise Blend as a great place to start. Super keen to hear how it goes for you.

      I hope that helps and thanks again.


  • Hi, what is youre recommendation for milk based coffee espresso?

    • Hey there crossconnect - I would recommend the Enterprise Blend for you. We used to run this exclusively in our old coffee van and it works very well for both black and milk based coffees. It's a great one to start with when choosing one of our blends.

      I hope that helps. and thanks for asking.


  • -3

    A real Ozbargainer never pays more than $25 for a 1Kg bag of coffee beans!

  • Centaur Blend, enjoying this one, another order placed

    Thanks Dan!

    • Great to hear steve289 - The Centaur is becoming super popular. Thanks so much for your order.


  • Thanks for this deal. Can I schedule for a later shipping date and if so, what's the latest?

    • Hey there theoracle30 - thanks so much for asking. We are all set up to roast and post asap so no delayed shipping options.

      I hope that clarifies and thanks again for asking.


      • No worries, ordered anyway! The packaging looks like it should keep the beans fresh for a while and hopefully give it time to mature a bit :)

  • Great job on the Centaur blend, loving it. I used to mostly order Sumatra, but it's all strong & punchy for me now. Keep it up.

    • That's great to hear moodywoody - thanks so much for sharing!


  • Which bean would you recommend for a stove top Bialetti percolator?

    • I usually drink a 4cup Bialetti with a dash of milk. Sumatra used to be my favourite, but now it's Centaur.

    • Hi vongole83 - I would go for the Enterprise Blend to start with. It's a great all round blend and works well with the moka pots.

      I hope that helps and thanks for asking.


  • Awesome beans!! Ordered a Centaur and a Sumatra!! 😃

    • Outstanding Crammed!! Thanks so much.


  • Awesome! Perfect timing, we love our Airjo Enterprise Blend. Thanks again Dan.

    • That's great to hear rodtp - super pleased the timing was good for you and really appreciate the kind words.


    • Hey callumkhang - ends midnight 11th.


  • This offer comes 3 days too late for me. I need beans tomorrow, so will need to buy from a local store.

    • Sorry to hear that mduncan2 - hopefully the timing of the next one will suit better.


      • In 24 days, please!

  • Had Saratoga last time and really enjoyed that but I like strong tasting coffee so wondering if I should try Centaur this time. It has high caffeine content which I'm not a fan of.
    Question: Do the two have to go together? Strong coffee= strong caffeine?

    Can you recommend a strong tasting coffee please?

    Thanks very much.

    • Hey there SydneySurfer - glad to hear you enjoyed the Saratoga Blend - thanks for sharing!
      Going for a stronger flavour without the big caffeine hit I recommend the Thunderchild Blend or Stargazer - great strong flavours in both.

      I hope that helps.

      • Thanks Dan, will check them out.

  • What's good for drinking ice long blacks?

    • +1

      Hey there life-hack and thanks for asking. I would recommend the Enterprise Blend for you.


  • Thanks Dan, messaged the website I believe 2 days ago asking when this deal was returning. Messaged me back yesterday saying soon. Got my email with discount offer yesterday so am getting stocked back up 2k stargazer! Thanks again

    • Great to hear Sunshines bright - Thanks so much.


  • Enjoyed your Stargazer blend last time at $33/1kg, keen to try your Sumatra this time! :)

    • Excellent! Thank you poposhh. Super keen to hear how the Sumatra goes for you.


      • Ended up ordering the decaf & centaur on top of the enterprise 😂

  • Has anyone tried the decaf here?
    Has anyone tried Enterprise and Thunderchild? Please give me your opinions between the 2 if you have. Thanks.

    • Yes I've tried their decaf, and loved it - about to order another one in addition to their Enterprise blend to try :)

  • Thanks Dan, great deal. I normally buy much smaller bags so would be concerned about freshness if I bought a 1kg bag. How long do you recommend they be stored before using, and any storage tips to maintain freshness? Cheers!

    • Hey there Mb - that's a great question and thanks for asking! In terms of storing before using we are always recommending you can rip straight into them if you want to. They should get to you 2 or 3 days after roast so yes they will still be developing for another week or so if you wanted to wait longer but they are delicious right off the bat.

      Storing them in the bag they come in is a perfectly good way to keep them as fresh as possible. Keep the bag sealed and in a dry and cool place and freshness will be maximised. Alternatively we have a number of coffee storage containers from Breville and Airscape on the website if you wanted to go for ultimate storage. They will be outstanding for the first couple of weeks then slowly start to fade over time.

      I hope that helps and thanks again for asking.


      • Thanks Dan, I have a breville canister but think it only stores 500g. Will keep the rest in the bag until ready then. Thanks for the reply and deal!

  • Hey Dan

    Is this deal still active? Just trying to add some beans to the cart with extra 10 but says it's no longer valid?


    • Did you do. “EXTRA10” ? Use the contact us on their web page if it still doesn’t work.

    • Hi hbk_life - apologies for the delayed reply - yes definitely still active and code should be all good to go for you - if you are still having trouble please shoot me an email [email protected] and I will help.


  • Arghh looks like decaf all sold out before I could purchase :(
    OP - any chance it’ll be back in stock before this deal ends?

    • Hey there kacak - sorry you missed it - new stock due in 2 or 3 weeks.

  • Thanks Dan! 2x 1kg ordered.

  • Got my Centaur blend today, it is perfect for me. Thank you Dan! :)

    • That's great to hear smogg!! - thanks so much for sharing.


  • I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this but I like the taste of maccas coffee.

    Is there something similar to that in taste?

    I’ve tried the enterprise blend- not exactly the taste profile I’m looking for.

  • Hey Dan, what blend would you recommend for a cold brew?

  • Any suggestions for almond milk and batch brew?

  • Thanks, taking a chance on the Centaur, never tried it

  • +1

    When’s the next deal coming? Missed this but keen to stock up soon.

    • I got this deal but I’m almost ready for fresh beans again!

    • Usually approximately 30-40 days. Go to web page and submit chat asking this.

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