Victorian VEU Energy Rebates - Split System Aircons

Hi Everyone,

Couldn't find a discussion on the VEU rebates for removing your existing gas ducted system in Victoria.
From a quick glance it seems you can get 3x splits (1x 7/8kw 2x 3kw installed for around $3000)

I am sure some of you here have had these installed recently, I saw a couple of scattered comments mostly from new users who regarding their installation & cost

My personal situation is I have a 4 bedroom house and currently have:

  1. Gas ducted heating throughout (only ever use it in winter when very cold)
  2. 3x split systems (2x relatively new Hisense 3.5kw units one in master bedroom and one in our office bedroom)

We currently have an old panasonic 6kw split system in our lounge but it is not reverse cycle so cools only, we want to replace this to be able to heat the house which got this conversation started, since we have recently had solar installed. We are getting a heat pump HWS installed soon so then it will only be the stove & ducted heater hooked up to gas

I welcome any feedback or advice

I have personally heard and I think I would rather stay away from ducted and multisplits (no point going ducted since we already have 2 bedrooms covered and would feel like a waste)

TLDR: Can anyone comment on what rebates they received/how much it cost them to have their gas ducted system removed and split systems installed?
Any recommendations on brands? Of course ME, MHI are great and worth the extra etc. but has anyone had the Midea units installed or the rebranded TCL/Smart User splits?



  • i had mine replaced i think paid around 3k for 3 splits, best decision ever as gas bill was like $700 for the month of July. Currently sitting at $50pm (aug/sep) on electricity as i got solar, bat and 2 hours of free power. I got gree as heard tcl are not good and the supplier had no mideas in stock

    • Thanks for your comment, do your gree units have wifi/phone app you can control from anywhere?

      And were your units all back to back installations or did you have any installed on an internal wall?

      • +1

        Personally I'd avoid gree. We have a 8kw unit at work and it's annoying as. Fine tuning temperature control by 0.1 meaning it takes forever to go up by just one degree. It's also noisy with either too much air blowing or nothing. In auto mode it pretty switching between noisy or not blowing, technologically it must've used old tech given up by the Japanese ages ago.
        Do yourself a favour and spend $3000 for a 8kw Panasonic and you don't need to worry about heating anymore. Sometimes the rebates just not worth the headache for your situation.

      • yeah the app is actually cool, all back to back

        • How do you feel about the actual remote, how quickly can you change it 1 degree by holding the button down?

          • @Brick50: to be honest I dont use remotes, app is easier haha

            • @cauilfield: Yeah my existing splits I only use the app as well, I had 2 Hisense splits put in 2 years ago.

              Was hoping to get same ones put in under VEU rebate but doesn’t seem like they are eligible so will have to use 2 apps

            • @cauilfield: Do you mind sharing the name of the company?

  • What made you decide to avoid multi-split systems? And what did you end up going with (and what were the approx costs) if you don't mind sharing? Thanks

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