I need a painter to paint around 20 sqm including window and door frames. I received quotes for $4500 - $5000. Just wondering if the job is for 20 hrs, it would be $250 an hour for them. Isn't this insane? I need to buy material separately, they will use their tools (sprayer, brush or paint trays).
What Is Painters Reasonable Hourly Rate?

Did it myself. Supplies cost about $200. Labour was free.
What are they painting?
Sunset at Cronulla
20 sqm as in 4 walls or 20sqm of windows/doors? I painted the entire inside of my house, I got quotes for around 5-6k pre-COVID. I painted it myself, I think I spent about $1k in paint. But it took much, much longer than I anticipated. Prep work took up most of the time.
I had to fix any screws/nails first. Next wash the walls down with sugar soap, then patch up all the dents then sand. Then tape all the edges and lay down drop sheets before I could even start painting. I also used el cheapo paints, so I had to do 4 coats. One coat with primer, and then 3 coats of paint. After the walls, I did the trims with oil based paint. You could give it a go, it is not hard to paint once you get the hang of it, just take up a lot of time to do it properly. Watch some youtube videos and way you go.
I hate the sanding phase with a passion.
$250 an hour for them. Isn't this insane?
If you fall for it and job turns out to be easier than expected they make a good profit.
Problem with quoting is most of them are too lazy to do a good job. You'd need to question their process (how many people, how are they going to do it, how disruptive it would be). Generally I find tradies have some idea but they just quote on the basis of pot luck.
they will use their tools (sprayer, brush or paint trays).
And their experience, and their insurance, etc etc
How does anyone in 2024 simplify something to such an extent.
(I'm not a painter, not do I know any, but c'mon, common-sense people)
Just tile it instead..
I understood that reference
Do you know any good tilers JW? I only have a 10m² job. I have a PhD if that helps.
I understood that reference
$560.92 a day with 25% off for paying cash.
I consulted my ouija board and our boy Muzeeb said ‘Nice’
RIP muzeeb
need more information
location in sydney (north shore or westies or in middle of no where etc)
how old is the house( heritage or modern)
existing paint or wall paper
what type of paint ( undercoat or two layers)
much fittings to remove or move?
doors classic or with patterns and glass
room empty or with furntiureTry airtasker with the price you want to pay, you may find somone closer to your range.
Otherwise, have you considered DIY?
I propose it should be a requirement of all these new ‘is this tradie issued quote insane’ type posts popping up to also have OP indicate what they think is a reasonable price.
Agree. If you get multiple quotes and they are all around the same price then…chances are the market rate.
Get the guy who my landlord uses. I bet he'll do the whole job in an hour and charge just $200 plus materials. From the look of his handiwork, he has some kind of spray gun that applies the paint from a distance, probably wears a blindfold too.
Just do it yourself mate. You won't enjoy it, and it might turn out a bit rough, but think of the money you'll save!
half the reason to hire a painter is that you can't be assed doing it your self because painting sucks.
but then being a tight ass, you quickly weigh up the pros and cons and realise it will cost you way less to DIY.
12 years ago I did hire a guy to paint the outside of my weather board house. he had his own scaffolding for doing guttering and eaves. he also bought the paint. I did a most of the prep - sanding with a 12 inch sanding disc, etc. and did a lot of the work myself, undercoat, etc. - under his guidance.
still cost me $3,000
Mrs Altomic was happy to have a freshly painted house. <—happy wife, happy life
if you DIY then the money you save can be used for a holiday overseas .
C’mon. 20 sq metres? That’s less than a day’s work assuming it’s an easy to reach area.
I’ll do it for $3500 if you live within 1km from my place.Curious to know what OPs job is. Like OP, whatever it is that you do, are you really worth that? I mean, couldn't some idiot just do whatever it is that you do?
vinyl wrap/sticker it LoL
70s bamboo print wallpaper
Is the 20sqm actual walls/ceiling etc. Or are you talking about floor space?
For reference, I had the walls and ceiling painted for my place this year. No outside walls covered, and the place was all on one level. The internal floor space covered was 70sqm (not sure what that converts to in actual sqm painted) and I paid $4500, and I did not have to purchase any materials. They took 4 days and I initially thought it was expensive but ended up being pretty reasonable and they did a great job.
Not sure how that converts to your place but surprised you also have to buy materials.
I paid $8000 recently for 8 full days of working, included all paint and preparation supplies. It was the cheapest quote I received out of 5 painters I spoke to.
Ive just given the go ahead for a painter to :
1) paint a 2 bedder town house for a little under 4k (incl gst)
2) separately to above, sand down a laundry ceiling and repaint due to recent mold treatment for 830 incl gstIn Queensland
Any past experience is warmly welcomed.