Handheld Retro Console < $100

My son is 5. Has basically never played a video game besides an hour on Switch (Mario.) I'd like to buy him a very basic, cheap, handheld console that he can play a few pre-loaded classics on. Eg Tetris, oldschool Mario from SNES.

Any suggestions appreciated. Note: I'm too old to load the games on myself via emulation files etc. 🫣


  • -3

    I'm too old to load the games on myself via emulation files etc

    well so you are asking where to buy pirated items on ozb… uh… this is not going to end well…..

    • I just want games for a 5 year old, i dont care if the games aren't specifically licenced games of old.

      • Tried my 6yo daughter on my retro this weekend, Tetris she could understand the concept and moving the shapes and rotating but still failed to make a row lol
        Other “simple” games were also a bit too dynamic to coordinate

        Also not hard to buy one that comes with a games sd and to find other rims as you need and upload to the micro sd is basic

  • +1

    Hit up ali express , many many options.

  • +5

    Aliexpress , type R36S, more than 50k units sold, more than 14k reviews.


    • +1


  • If he's not interested in video games why direct him towards them? Let him work out his own hobbies

    • +1

      Needs son to get revenge on Bald Bull from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

    • +1

      No where does he say his son is not interested in games.

  • +1

    switch has a subscription where you get most of the SNES, Sega, Gameboy, and other consoles games… cost aobut $60 a year or family plan is about $14 each.

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