Joel and Ellie's unforgettable adventure, enhanced for PS5 🏹🧱
The Last of Us Part I comes to PlayStation Plus Game Catalog this Thursday.
[PS5, PS Plus] The Last of Us Part I Coming to PS+ Extra/Premium @ PlayStation

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PS5 Pro version baby.
I'm waiting for the PS5 Pro Slim version
PS5 Pro Slim 40th anniversary edition
I'm sure it'll be here before then
Haven't seen many new and exceptional IP recently.
Seem that most of the publishers are interested in milking and short term money.
They slightly changed the ending of this version for the sake of the sequel.
Really? What did they change? Tried a quick Google search but nothing came out besides "the alternate ending that could have been"
It wasn't a significant change, I'm having trouble finding it atm, it's just Abby from TLOU2's father having more prominent interaction with Joel when he's getting Ellie out of the hospital.
I just played it, it was exactly the same. They just changed his face to be Jerry. The interaction is the same.
Well this is closer to the price it should have been at launch.
Oooh the edginess of hating popular things.
I like the game - I bought the first two versions. Asking for $80 for the third was a bit of a rip off.
I purchased it on ps3…. never finished it then
I purchased the ps4 version twice, first on disc, but then also purchased it digtially (some how thinking/assuming that having it on digital would encourage me to finally play through the damn game…. it didn't actually happen until I got a ps5 and rather than buy more games I elected to install TLOU).However I didn't get the PS5 remaster until a bit of time after I purchased TLOU 2 Remastered digitally.
Its the 2nd remake/remaster of the same game 5 years and all they did was turn the graphics settings up from medium to high.
Then Sony was arrogant enough to keep it priced consistently at $100 from its release… How is hating that edgy??? Sony really should have given a 80% discount if you already owned one of the others. This pathetic upgrade from ps4 to PS5 re-master of a remaster was never worth $100
And if they stopped remastering these games maybe we would have a 3rd one by nowIf it was a pathetic upgrade, don't pay it and don't feel bad about missing out? They didn't take your older version away.
@McFodder: My point is As I stated in my original comment, is turning the settings up from medium to High is not worth $100 and you know who else thought that?
SONY, when they remastered part 2, they gave original owners of Part 2 a 60% discount. If no one complained or called out their Stupid behaviour there wouldn't have been a discount on part 2. Way to miss the point dude.
Not really being edgy dude, theres nothing wrong with the first game.
It was hailed by a very vocal section of people as being a perfect game when to the masses it was a competent game and we were over saturated with zombie games.
It got an expansion, fair enough, a re-release with the expansion, fair enough, then a remaster….. then the sequel came out and became an identity issue to so many people where it ended up flooding market place and got bargain binned pretty quickly. The game had legitimate issues and story issues and anyone highlighting them was instantly bashed as an ist and it became a sacred cow that could not be critisized.
They then decided to remake the already remastered game…. and then remade part 2 again.
Honestly people are just fatigued of the series getting so much attention and funding by sony and being picked over other projects that the resources could go to.
You can love the game or hate it but we can all agree the amount of times that this game has seen releases is getting to a GTAV level joke point here. It's like hey the last versions are perfectly playable and even patched with new improvements… but let's pump an entire new ip's budget into doing a not needed remaster while at the same time not releasing a new title in the series.
That's not really hating on popular things it's being annoyed at an IP being milked to death and not only that they had the audacity to put it at the price of a new release game…
Meanwhile days gone goes without a sequel and because of stuff like this we're getting a horizon remake already, it's not good for gaming.
Fully agree with that analysis.
I enjoyed the first game, but not enough to warrant playing any subsequent titles.I just wanna confirm, has this game story been manipulated by Sweet Baby?
mostly good analysis, although ill only push back on initial anlysis of the pt 1 release back in 2013-
It was hailed by a very vocal section of people as being a perfect game when to the masses it was a competent game and we were over saturated with zombie wasnt perfect, but it was a VERY good emotionally driven narrative during that time and I think many were surprised games could make us feel that way. the tone and atmosphere hit like a truck back then, it just got reheated so many times we forgot
I find this game very overrated. An AAA, for sure, but it wasn't particularly profound and it was the start of the game - movie format that is getting very tedious now.
Not sure how they're getting so many remasters through? It's no skyrim or witcher
Naughty dog has really been a naughty dog. They were really the only reason I got into PS4.
Still don't have a PS5.
I was waiting for the Pro, then I saw the price 😭
any deal on the ps plus plan?
Nevermind the people been subscribed to plus for years that are still on the essential tier. We're just scum!
Lucky I subscribed when it was capped. Had like 9 years essential. Upgrades to plus for like $120 for next 9 years
Not to be a c**t but where's the deal/bargains?
My PS+ subscription expired in June and I've been waiting on a discount deal since then to re-subscribe. There hasn't been any deals in months.
Does anyone know when there might be an offer next? Surely there'll be something before Black Friday.
I think black Friday is your best bet. They tend to only offer renewal subscription discounts
Only have essentials thanks Sony downgrading. I won't be renewing PS Plus. And can't get this game as well
Finally! Waited so long
Sweet I reckon I will give this a crack again!
I played on PS3 and then PS4. I really want to get it for PS5 but so strange price has been so high.
I was never going to buy the remake, but I'll give it a playthrough if free. Thanks for the heads-up
This game's RRP was $125 and would never go on sale below $60. I refused to buy it and played the PS4 version instead. Will finally try the remaster when PS subs go back on sale.
yeah I bought this game on PS5 and PC ages ago. Even got the original PS4 remaster before the ps5 re remaster lol. and I have the original PS3 version. All physical versions of course.
Sub par story compared with Part 2, easily the best game out there.
I’ll leave it there and play the next remake in 2027