Hi all, is cloudy water when turning on the cold water tap normal?
There is some white residue after five minutes, is it harmless?
Hi all, is cloudy water when turning on the cold water tap normal?
There is some white residue after five minutes, is it harmless?
Or waste some poor call centre staff’s time
Is it harmless?
Have you called your water company?
Well you had better go and catch it!
I get that when using a new filter. Normal for that situation.
Cloudy is normally air in the water.
If you leave it for an hour or so does it clear up?
You can always boil, then refrigerate water if you are unsure. My kids prefer boiled water over straight from tap.
Boiled water wtf I’ve heard of fussy kids but that’s farked
oh no, they didn't mix the mind control drugs in the water properly. busted!
vapor trails
May contain MSG.
Username checks out
Does it stick to the ceiling when you throw it?
Rain comes from clouds
Let the water evaporate and see if the bikies will but the white powder.
Ask your neighbours, it could be something localised to the pipes in your area.
I had this same problem. Turns out the cows were masturbating into the water tank. I made sure to boil my water after that.
do you means bulls?
Yes, man cows.
bovine wayne kerrs
How old is the house/plumbing?
I assume you are on mains and not tank water.