• expired

1-Month Free Trial Membership (Access Your Local Fitness Studios) + 52 Credits (Usually 32 Credits) with Referral @ ClassPass


Update: I've become a real paying member and most studios are still 3/4/5 even though not on trial! I think it's only the big brand studios that cost heaps (F45 for example lol… Holy cow 8 or some dancing studios at 13??????) so I think it's still worth it! I get to access at least 10 classes max if I stick to just the 3 credit ones (which are surprisingly plenty) or 6 minimum if I do 5 credits / 8 as 30/4=7.5 for 4 credit classes but pay an extra $2.5 for one credit more lol… So each class would break down to less than $10 still!!! So worth it considering how costly they are direct to the studios!


Edit: I think this is a deal for me :') and the referral gives you more points to try out more classes. It depends on some studios

Some are like 3 points. Some 6. Varies. I got 50 points since I used a friend's referral and have tried out 3 different studios so far! I have like 7 more different places to try lol

And can send it forward so it becomes.more of a bargain by using each other's referrals in the shuffle.link.


Hey all thought I'd share this! A friend shared it to me and I forgot its existence ! Last I heard was during Covid when I was in a bigger city so surprised to see it in the regional city I'm in well and active too! Highly recommend! Also sign up using the referral in Ozbargain and get +20 credits! I'd share mine here but I feel like that's illegal probably? (Yes it is just scrolled back up and saw the giant warning on the phone near the title haha)

I've been having a blast trying out the usually expensive studios I can't commit to! Think I'll actually subscribe after my trial ends so I can keep it going! Loving this!

Referral Links

Referral: random (74)

Referees get 52 credits to use within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Not sure how this is a deal?
    Can’t see any pricing or “points” and very limited options.
    This just looks like referral spam to me. Sorry.

    • Sorry.

      No need to apologise.

    • -2

      Like you get to try classes for free? I think that's a deal for me :') and the referral gives you more points to try out more classes. It depends on some studios

      Some are like 3 points. Some 6. Varies. I got 50 points since I used a friend's referral and have tried out 3 different studios so far! I have like 7 more different places to try lol

  • +2

    This has been around forever? This is the standard trial?

    • +2

      Correct. It’s not a bargain.

    • I didn't know thought I'd share to others who's interested. I think it's cool and the last post was a 2 week one so thought I'd update it's now a month long

  • -2

    during Covid when I was in a bigger city


  • Thanks for sharing OP. I didn't know Classpass had a referral program. I was just about to sign up for a trial!

    If you want to add your referral link, you can add it to the "roulette" of links. Go to your account -> Settings -> referral tab. Scroll down to ClassPass and you can add your link there. That way when people click the link, they might get yours. There's other places you can add your referral links if you have others, too.

    • No worries glad someone appreciates it! I've already done it yep! Def add yours in let's send it forward haha

  • +1

    This looks like the standard trial for new members.

    For what it's worth; I quite like classpass. I used it to try out the gyms nearby until I found one I liked.

    • Haha thought I'd share because it's amazing so far for me and I yes want to bring more awareness and hopefully someone uses the random shuffle and my account gets chosen so I get more classes!

      And same here! Although looking at the regular pricing of these studios I might stick with ClassPass… Feels more affordable but saw another comment says price goes up? Oof

  • +1

    For anyone that's is interested, the classes tend to be between 5-11 credits each (50% discount for first time) I think it's great for the high value classes and as G-Dawg great for seeing if you like before you commit. Well worth it to try lots of different options

    • Oh no!!! Seriously? That's not great then :( but then again some of these studios are stupid expensive so :')

      Agreed!! If it ends up being more expensive I'm definitely ending it :( was thinking to actually subscribe with the current price system but oof maybe not? But I definitely have some preferences already haha

      • +1

        Yeah, it's generally much cheaper to just join a gym. But, the variety classpass offered made me remain a member for quite a while.

        • I'm already a part of a gym that's close to me and convenient but they don't have classes :( the ones with classes are far off and inconvenient so ClassPass is pretty good for those classes only kind of exercises (pilates for example and boxing/get that coach vibes to get your posture right if new to some things)

  • This is going to be my first neg I believe. I believe class pass got bought out by mind body. Ever since, it's gone downhill.

    They undercut from the businesses and also recently increased the price so much that it's not logical as it's much cheaper to go direct.

    I tried to unsub via my phone and it won't let me. Lodged a complaint and they fixed it up and then I can finally unsub however they billed me a full cycle first. Stay away/beware as it is not a deal.

    • :( oh no! That is super dodgy if they won't let you cancel the trial…

      I've been enjoying the free classes that would otherwise cost me hundreds by now lol… I feel like I can live with one subscription cycle and see how it goes since I've been really enjoying the experiences so far. I also found out about studios I've never seen before and it was magical lol a very small but wonderful space bit further off from the city.

      :/ could you not get them to refund you why would they bill you a full cycle first if you've already cancelled the trial?

      • yes, i tried and they said no. it was like $20 so no big loss;however, the ultimate reason for the neg is it is not a bargain. you can try to justify trying different classes but once you get on the pay/sub, you will understand what I mean.

        it used to be amazing!

        • :( ah shittt

          That's not great to hear. Guess I'll find out soon enough… I've tried out 5 different studios now and feeling really happy with it but guess once trial is over might not be.

          It is bit misleading that they say you can buy additional points since my trial point is 1/2 credits short for another class but then it just redirects me to a subscription to start now.

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