Moto G54 High Idle Battery Drain and Heating, No Repair by Repairer - Ideas on Potential Root Cause and What Should I Do Next?


Thanks for the replies. I have given up trying to fix it. Nothing of the suggestions has worked so I will be returning it and demanding a working replacement for it. I don't think it is reasonable to have a 6 month old, barely used phone essentially working like one that is four years old with all sorts of malware installed on a stock factory reset device, nor is it reasonable for a typical user to attempt root cause analysis and "hacky" fixes/debloating to get it to run properly. No other phone I have ever owned has required me to use hidden diagnostic menus, debloating, DNS blocking, kernel logging, etc… to have more than 12h of battery life on a new phone.

Since it is clearly a defect, and a major one at that, I will take a video me performing a factory reset, charging it overnight and leaving it to run down its battery in 6 hours as evidence. If they deny the replacement, I'll escalate it up the chain until I get a replacement.

Original Post

Hi everyone,

I bought a Moto G54 in February from Officeworks and after fully charging it kept it in storage until about one month ago when I had the need to use it as a second daily phone. When I turned it on, the phone was discharging ~8% per hour when idle with no background apps and the rear camera was hot to touch, even after factory resets, updates and disabling/uninstalling most apps. The phone would heat up when charging even more than my other phone and would continuously draw ~3W from the charger even when full. Battery monitoring apps like GSam battery monitor was unable to pinpoint anything definitive. I had submitted it for repair but when I picked it today, the report had indicated they found nothing wrong during their "functional tests".

Any one have any idea what it could be? Also can I get it replaced even though the repairer returned it saying nothing is wrong? Technically the phone "works" in that it functions like any other phone except for the aforementioned issues so could it be considered a major problem that is covered by customer guarantees?



  • +1

    Return the phone to stock by doing a hard reset. This will remove all applications and data. Then once it's reset, let it update.

    • I've tried that as the first potential fix but that didn't seem to fix the issue. It also is at the latest patch version so I don't think the updates had anything regarding fixes to power usage.

  • +1

    My go to is Android Debloater which is designed for this very purpose. It's a bit more technical and can feel a little scary, but it is well proven at this point, doesn't require root access, and it's almost impossible to do permanent damage to the phone here as you can simply disable instead of uninstalling the apps permanently.

    I've used this,or a command line version of the same concept, on every Android phone I've had in the last 5+ years - literally the first thing I do in fact!

    • I used adb and cross-referenced it to lists of bloatware apps to strip it down to the minimum and it didn't work. I must say though, the tool was really useful for debloating my xiaomi phone. Made it much lighter than stock.

      I honestly suspect it is hardware given the fact my dad's moto g54 was not debloated and yet has no such issue at all.

    this helped me when my edge 30 neo was stuck on factory/original security update

    • I've tried this before and it wasn't able to help fix my phone unfortunately.

  • +1

    Leave the phone connected to power overnight. As your phone will update apps, and index all files during the initial startup (OR after you completely reset it).

  • +1

    ACL refund

    • I think it is increasingly clear that this might be the only solution for me now.

      If I go through that route, all I need to do is demand from the manager that I am entitled to it because it should be considered a major defect and it could not be repaired?

      Do I need to provide any more evidence? Also since I do need a phone, I can demand a replacement instead right?

      • Officeworks still have the G54 in Stock (in Black or Blue) or G84 FAFDM.

  • How do you make sure no background apps that you want to run all day in the background?

    I use Hibernator app (need Pro to hibernate system apps). Also not all apps need internet connection. In the Settings, App Management, for each app that you don't want to access internet, choose "Disable mobile data, wifi" (up to you), also "Background data" if you don't want certain apps to get internet access in the background.

    Use Adblocker app like Adguard (paid) or NextDNS (free up to 300k queries, more than enough for personal use) to block ads, trackers, etc. My Adguard app can also act as a firewall for apps like blocking internet access for certain apps, not only blocking ads, etc.

    Last time I remember my previous Motorola phone has some Facebook apps (different name, forget) as part of system app. Maybe part of the deal between Motorola and Facebook (Facebook trackers are huge). I disabled these apps. I only use Facebook in Kiwi browser (better with extension to sort latest posts in fb group for example).

    I also disable automatic updates for apps as I prefer to read reviews before manually updating apps. Certain apps become worse after update (so better stick with older version).

    • How do you make sure no background apps that you want to run all day in the background?

      I stripped it down to the absolute bare minimum using ADB and the android debolater app.

      Use Adblocker app like Adguard (paid) or NextDNS (free up to 300k queries, more than enough for personal use) to block ads, trackers, etc. My Adguard app can also act as a firewall for apps like blocking internet access for certain apps, not only blocking ads, etc.

      I have it connected to my local network with pi-hole and DNS filtering via firewall rules and can confirm it is not doing DNS lookups for any of your usual suspect apps.

      • Battery drain and heating maybe from app updates or certain app is running in the background with heavy usage. Malware is one possibility. Rear camera was hot? Maybe malware is trying to access camera? Camera app included in the system can be hibernated too. Processor is working hard that heats the phone?

        Opening Uber Eats app will trigger Uber app to run in the background. Same with Amazon Music will trigger Amazon app, I think. That's why I use Hibernator app. I don't want apps like Uber, Amazon and other unimportant apps to run all day.

  • Would you be happy if Officeworks agreed to swap it for another G54?

    • I think I will do that. No point wasting any more time on a clearly out of the box defective phone, nor will I waste another month getting it sent to a repairer who clearly doesn't know that triage involves more than just running some automatic tests and returning a clearly defective device with nothing else done on it.

      • Oh, have you tried calling Motorola Support here in AU? They were pretty helpful in my case, and actually called me up afterwards to follow up. Might be worth a try? If they say it's cactus, it'd be hard to argue with.

  • any updates on this my good sir

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