• expired

Buy or Convert A$100 / A$500 / A$1000 Worth of Eligible Tokens, Get 10 / 25 / 45 USDT meme Basket (Limit 10,000 USDT) @ OKX


Deal is first in best dressed, as it's at six days till the end of the promo The rewards are sent as soon as the tasks track (15 min or so). Always trade using your campaign page. Received all rewards and completed this in a few hours.

Eligible tokens are: BONK, FOXY, MEW, NOT, PEPE, WIF.

Rewards will be distributed under three tiers:
Tier 1: Users who trade 100 AUD in the Eligible Tokens during the Campaign Period will receive 10 USDT worth of the Eligible Tokens (split evenly, ie, 10 USDT/6 of each Eligible Token).
Tier 2: Users who trade 500 AUD in the Eligible Tokens during the Campaign Period will receive an additional 15 USDT worth of the Eligible Tokens (split evenly, ie, 15 USDT/6 of each Eligible Token).
Tier 3: Users who trade 1000 AUD in the Eligible Tokens during the Campaign Period will receive an additional 20 USDT worth of the Eligible Tokens (split evenly, ie, 20 USDT/6 of each Eligible Token).

Referral Links

Referral: random (276)

Referrer and referee each receive A$20 after referee trades minimum $100 in crypto. Must switch to AU on top banner to see referral offer.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Cryptocurrency. No thank you

    • -1

      My 2 year toe dip

      1. Concept is too good. Smart contracts makes a lot of financial institutions redundant - which actually means it's self dooming. Governments will never allow it. How do they control it (taxation). Real world example… You have a coin worth $5 (buy $10k worth), put it in a yield farm at 20%. In 2 years, your coin is worth close to $0, but not $0 (so you can't claim against it as a loss), AND you stil have a heft tax bill to pay for the yield. Ie. $10k investment becomes valued at $500…but you still have a $ 2000 tax bill

      2. Underlying theme is that banks are evil. Issue is it's 'people' who are evil (bank CEOs and Exchange / Token generators are the same 'people- Ie. CBA vs FTX/ Luna). So the crypto world is actually the same as the banks…accept worse. Scammers can airdrop bad contracts into your wallet etc.

      3. The UI of the Crypto is a dog's breakfast. The fact you can (after all this time), still send it down the wrong chain and lose your $ forever is a disgrace.

      4. The only fabric holding it all together is Bitcoin. It's a dog's breakfast in terms of functionality. But it's simplicity is again why is has succeeded. If Someone hacks/ exploits it (mining is heading towards less and less doing it). Then it will have zero value in a split second.

      5. Pump and dump is the only purpose of everything else.

      6. This Meme coin has a negative value. The tax implications of holding it are more than it's worth. This deal is a loss deal.

      • which meme coin is it? because this is actually six meme coins. it's a gamble vs getting more stable coins but could work out.

      • My 9 year toe dip

        1,2,3. Forget concepts, themes, UI etc. Some of those can help with long term picks for investing but thats all crypto has become a hit and hope investment or gambling for a quick win.

        1. Crypto is heavily manipulated, Bitcoin will never go to zero as there are too many holders that would need to sell for that to happen. They can manipulate it at anytime which at the moment seems to happen with news events. It used to do the opposite to the stock market, gold, dollar etc. At the moment it does the same since again its used as an investment. No one is using bitcoin to buy some milk.

        2. All meme coins have 0 value, in-fact there is no reason any coin should have the value it does. Look at Dogecoin. Infact back when i used to buy coins here and there for fun, if i had kept the Dogecoin i had at one stage i would have a couple if Mill in the bank. All from something that in theory should be worth 0.

        When i started dabbling with Crypto, Bitcoin was around $360, Ethereum was $12, XRP was under 1c and there were very few other coins out. Crypto was not 'mainstream', you would not find a single article on it on any news site (besides dedicated crypto sites). No mention of it on the TV, Zero sports sponsorships etc. Only a couple of crypto 'influencers' existed.

        With what i used to own i would of been set for life, but who knew. Early adoption was the way to go. In-fact it always seems to go up when people have thought it will never get higher. At one stage it was disbelief it would get to $100, $1000, $10,000, $50,000. Long term history shows the uptrend but its anyones guess (gamble) where to from here. The bullrun that it was meant to go on after the last halving and ATH break hasnt really happened like each previous time so the 'trend' isnt looking the same.

        The next news besides a natural disaster, financial issue etc, will be the US election. If Trump gets in it will surge (even though he said it will be regulated). If Harris gets in it will no doubt take a plunge. Gamble as you see fit…..

    • +1


  • Its worth noting for others you need to spend or deposit cryptocurrency to make any money off it.

    • thanks for the news flash…………. lol

      • -3

        Also the thought of connecting -any- wallet to a site I've never heard of is literally asking for any wallet connected to it to get emptied.

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