• expired

Malaysian Trumpet Aquarium Snail (Aquarium Cleaner) $2.00 Each + $4 Postage ($14 Express, $0 SYD C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


A new batch of Trumpets are here!

These are long white snails with tough shells, great for any freshwater aquarium. They burrow into the substrate to get to the food hidden under the soil. Because of this they can uproot plants that haven't gotten their roots established yet, but otherwise are great for getting rid of all the food that your fish and shrimp can't reach.
Posted to anywhere in Australia.
They are quite hardy, and although prefer an temperature range of 18-28 C can survive lower temperatures over winter.

Trumpets can grow to over 3cm in length, but usually slow down their growth significantly at about 1cm in diameter.

People often inquire about snails exploding in population when introduced to a tank, but there is a bit of a misconception with this: Snails will propagate until they reach an equilibrium with the food available for them in the tank. If you add snails and their population explodes, it means there is tones of food (usually left over fish food) for them to eat, and they are eating it. In other words: Doing their job. Once the food is gone, their population will reduce to enough snails that can survive on how much food is left after your fish are done with it. If they still keep up a massive population, that usually means you are feeding your fish too much.

Snails are very resilient to postage issues, so much so we can send them in letters and 99% of the time there is no issue. We do replace or refund fully if there are any issues with your order as well anyway.

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closed Comments

  • We have 4 tetras and 2 bristlenose catfish (one about 10cm, the other a little smaller). Would these go okay with them?

    • Yes no problem!

  • Interesting, snail in snail mail. Lol. I am curious to order few. Any tips on how to keep them alive in low maintenance environments? I don’t have fish tank. Thanks.

    • +1

      Dont get too many, keep it indoors, make sure the water is filtered or de-chlorinated, and change it occasionally.

  • How do you have a tank with just snails? Would they be happy? Is it easy to maintain?

    • +1

      Yes but keep plants or something else they could eat in there. Id suggest shrimp as well.

  • -7

    DON'T buy these. They are a nightmare to get rid of!!!!

    I cannot believe anyone is selling these!!!

    • +3

      Once you have snails in your tank it is very hard to remove them yes. However, unless you dont like how they look there is zero downside to having snails in your tank.

      They keep the aquarium clean, airate the soil, clean your algae and glass, and eat leftover foodstuffs that would otherwise rot, and some fish eat the eggs for a healthy snack as well.

      As mentioned, only reason youd not want them would be if you dont like how they look, in which case yes, dont get any!

      • These snails cleaning the algae and glass makes this an instabuy for me. Thank you!

    • +1

      There are fish, like clown loaches that look really nice in a freshwater tank and like eating snails.

      • The problem is that even Clowns cannot get rid of them completely.

        • Talking from experience, yes they can. Depends on the size of your clowns and the snails that might allow things down.

    • Research before you get these though.

      • -1

        Please research a lot.

  • +1

    $2 per MTS is daylight robbery all day any day. These should be given for free, by anyone who has them - shop or hobbyists.

    Btw mts are great canaries. Saved my tank in 2007 when my heater thermostat broke when I was at work. They all rose from the soil onto the glass in day time.
    I was notified and managed to reach home in time to salvage the tank.

    • +3

      If you get brownies from your neighbor for free, it doesn't make a $2 brownie a bad deal.

      These are posted, you cant expect a shop to spend time and money picking them for you, packing them and posting them for free.

      You wont see any large businesses selling them this low because the time it takes to prep it for you costs more than $2. Hence the deal.

      • Look mate, not going to argue but you posted "+ $3 Postage".

        • +2

          How much time do you think it takes to pack and send a parcel?

          And postage is the postage cost i pay, so we dont earn anything from that.

  • +3

    Oh man if MTS are worth $2 a pop, my 6ft tank is like Scrooge McDucks money pool

    • +3

      Might be! If you would like to: make a website, advertise your snails, take hundreds of orders for a few snails each, catch and sort them, buy boxes, breather bags and stickers, seal each batch of snails in a separate bag, seal them, pack them, pack in boxes, pack in letters, print and stick addresses on them, send them, then repeat all that for any that "mysteriously dissapear in the post" (because we replace all DOA) then you might be left with enough $1 coins to have a toe bath in 🛁 maybe. Ah no, sorry i forgot the taxes, looks like I can enjoy that toe bath until my tax return is due. 😀

      …man even to me this business model is sounding like a bad idea. 😉

      • -1

        Hey, there's plenty of fish in the sea

      • All of those reasons are why my 6ft tank has approximately 1 brazillion MTS in it, and I sell none of them. Its way too much work.

        If someone wanted to come to my house and take them away for $0.50 a pop I would be keen like mustard cause I reckon I pull out at least $20 worth every time I change my filter socks.

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