[VIC, NSW, SA] PC Service (Cleanup, Polishing, Malware Removal, Thermal Paste, OS Update & More) $26 Drop-off Only @ Centre Com


As part of their 26 years of business celebrations, Centrecom are providing a PC service that they reckon will restore your PC to its former glory for only $26. So grab that grubby rust bucket from the garage and see if they follow through.


Inside and Outside Dust Cleanup: Thoroughly remove dust buildup from the internal components and exterior of your PC to improve airflow and prevent overheating.

Replace Thermal Paste: Apply fresh Thermal Grizzly Hydronaut thermal paste to the CPU and GPU for enhanced heat dissipation. This is the same high-performance paste we use in our gaming PCs.

Disk Cleanup: Free up storage by deleting unnecessary files, temporary files and cache to optimize hard drive performance.

Malware Scan and Removal: Perform a comprehensive scan using Virus Removal tool to detect and eliminate viruses, malware and other threats.

Windows Update: Ensure the operating system is up to date with the latest security patches and features, protecting your PC from vulnerabilities.

Cable Management and Reseating: Recheck and securely reseat all internal cables (PSU, fans, HDDs, Molex, SATA etc) for optimal airflow and organised cable management.

Exterior Cleaning and Polishing: Clean up the surface of your PC to enhance the appearance of the panel by restoring its shine and lustre.

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Centre Com
Centre Com


  • Hi, thanks for sharing. Would u know if this service is available for laptops as well

    • From the list I doubt its for laptops https://ibb.co/TqHpwN4

      • How does any of it relate to just desktops?

        • Since when did you have to reseat internal cables for a laptop? Ever seen a laptop molex cable?

          • @coathanger007: Yes. On the inside for some of them.

          • +2

            @coathanger007: As someone who has been working in IT for 13+ years I've seen my fair share of ribbon cables in laptops need reseating. Especially the darn ribbon cable that plugs the LCD screen to the motherboard. Manufacturers literally tape these ribbon cables down to stop them from coming out.

        • Because some of those tasks are very involved on a laptop.

          It's very a clearly a desktop only list at the price of $26.

    • +4

      No way. Laptops take a a long time compared to a desktop to open up to get to the motherboard. Once a laptop has been opened the double sided tape is usually stuffed. A desktop takes 4 screws to take out in 99% of cases and you then have access to the insides.

      If you have a laptop check out youtubbbie to see how you open it up.

      • +1

        💯 it won't be laptop for the reasons you mentioned

  • +4

    Time to take my 10L custom loop ITX PC there and ask them to clean and repaste and cable management ;)

    • Do you need to get out the tweezers for the cable management placement?

  • +1

    can't see this on the website? where is it?

    • Frontpage slider. Slide to the right.

  • +4


    • +1

      That's what I was wondering about, who TF polishes their computer??

  • just wondering if I need to give them access to my computer for them to clean my computer? I talking about let them access all my data on my harddisk?

    • What kind of naughty data do you have to be so nervous about eh?

      • +1

        google chrome saved all my password.. including my banking.

        • +2

          Seems pretty obv not to give them your computer. This is a service for grandma.

    • Just fyi, unless your running encrypted drives they can easily plug the hard drive into a different PC or use a USB boot and get into your files anyway. Don't assume your HDD is safe because they don't have your Windows PW.

      • thanks mate. I might give this a pass then. cheers

  • +2

    You guys trusting centre com with your custom builds?

    • I wouldn't

    • If you've got a custom build the real question is why wouldn't you just give it a clean yourself?

      • Laziness lol. But you're right though. People who build their own rigs wouldn't bother with this, as most know how to clean and route their rigs.
        This is a good service however, for business and people who buy pre-built, not knowing how to do these things.
        Personally, i think it's a great idea for those mentioned.

  • +10

    As someone who used to manage an IT shop and do all these things, I have no idea how they can do all this for $26. That doesn't even cover an hours labour, let alone the paste and electricity.

    Especially when they'll probably be getting older PCs in that are magnitudes slower to do things on than modern PCs.

    • +1

      trying to steal my feet photos maybe

      • Just leave the 14tb external drive at home

    • +1


    • +1

      I'm guessing they have access to very cheap/free labor. Maybe students from some dodgy course, or maybe taking advantage of welfare subsidies (gov will pay something stupid like 3 grand to businesses to hire long term unemployed for 6 weeks. Then they cut them loose and rinse&repeat)

      This is also probably just a loss leader, and every clean comes with a hard sell on why you should upgrade

    • It's clearly a loss leader. Lose a few bucks, gain good will, maybe sell some expensive parts, and gain customers in the process.

  • +1

    I'd tell them to do only the physical stuff. Dust cleanup, thermal paste, cable management. Rest is unnecesssary

  • I'm tempted to take in my unraid server purely for the cable management bc it's a rats nest atm

  • Who's to say they won't steak your windows CD key?

    • +1

      You wouldn't download a steak?!

      • Damn you autocorrect! I was thinking of dinner when writing this.. and it read my mind!

    • massgrave is free

  • If you're worried they'll take a peak at your data just pull the hard drives out before dropping off the PC. Not hard really.

    • Would having your PC password protected be enough?

      • +1

        Would having your PC password protected be enough?

        Not unless your disk is fully encrypted. OS password is not needed to access the data on an unencrypted disk.

        • Modern PCs do have encrypted disks unless you actively turn it off and/or deliberately bypass using a Microsoft account.

          Most people using Windows 10 or 11 are doing so with BitLocker enabled.

          • +1

            @Nom: BitLocker is only available on Pro, Enterprise and Education, and I didn't know device encryption was enabled by default on Windows Home. Did a quick google search just now and found out it was enabled by default starting from Windows 11 24H2, which was only relased a couple of months ago. So I wouldn't expect many people to people to have it enabled.

            • @opt: Oh yeah, I forgot that it didn't come in Home editions 😂

              For Pro editions, they've simply relaxed the requirements in 24H2 - it's been on by default for years as long as you login with a Microsoft Account and your machine supports Connected Standby (which is most people on most laptops) - though I appreciate this deal is targeting Desktop machines (which probably don't support Connected Standby in large numbers ??)

    • Anyone capable of removing a disk probably won’t need help from a third party to clean their PC. I don't think thats their target market.

      • Absolutely this.

        If you know your way around the inside of your machine, you're not going to risk a third party fiddling with your cables and doing a clean 😁

  • probably try to get you on the upsale - e.g. software they use to do their service, or parts upgrade (ram, cpu, then mobo, then ram, the gpu. Suddenly a new computer for 2k lol)., peripherals, etc

    • +1 This is exactly what they are hoping for. Called a loss leader strategy, no different to cheap hotdogs at IKEA, Bunnings or Costco.

      • They have hotdogs!?

        • I wouldn’t be surprised if they do, but I bet they come with a mandatory side of hardware upgrades or at least some trialware. ;)

  • whats the downtime? hours, days, weeks?

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