HP Warranty Issues on $4000 Omen Gaming Laptop

Hello guys im facing a major issue with HP support. They have been stuffing me around over three weeks.

This laptop is top spec the 4090 one, the SSD died, and I had to go get that repaired by them, guess what it took 3 weeks. Just for replacing an SSD. I could have done in two days or less.

Now the GPU is dead. I am guessing its overheating and faulty. I have had nothing but issues, it has been making a clicking sound with the fan, they did not even fix this when I complained with SSD issue.

I can no longer play any game, use any software at all. meaning photoshop. it just crashes. and the GPU driver disappears.

I have been waiting for a replacement for three weeks, they keep telling me they will check, I they got back to me saying they don't have any, BUT you can buy this model right now on their website, IT SAYS IN STOCK.

I requested a refund a week ago and they still keep trying to find a replacement (But telling me they don't have any) and ignoring me. I got an email saying they would get back to me on the 6th and I never did. I have called them, they told me someone would contact me the next day, never did, I waited 5 days. Nothing. I called again, oh sorry for the delay, I will let them know and you will get a call back. …… never did.

What do I do? I still have 6 months left of warranty. Why do I feel like they are delaying this to make it I run out of warranty, that would be scummy. This is a major fault, laptop can't be used for jack. only web browsing. a 4000 dollar laptop. Avoid this laptop they are built poorly long term. Short term, yeah looks good and a great deal, till it just dies from bad cooling.

Laptop was stored on a wooden desk, lots of air flow.


  • -8

    How could someone afford $4k laptop? Must be a CEO ?

    • +1

      many ppl brought this it was on ozbargain

      • -7

        I dont think many are so fortunate like you. What is your main job? Maybe i can learn from or work for you?

      • -1

        OP is !Ozbargain === OzExpensive.

        • -2

          I genuinely asking for advise what kind of work i should looking for !

          • +3

            @CyberMurning: Put it this way, how is spending 4k on a laptop once every 2-3 years any different than going out weekly & spending $40 on drinks/food/gambling or whatever else your poison might be?
            If that's OP's sole hobby and/or if they use it semi regularly for work/entertainment, they hardly need to "be a CEO" to be able to afford it.

  • -1
    • Yep, another. sucker for good deals. That issue they fixed, now I am stuck with this, another laptop and issue.
      They refunded me through credit card when they picked up the laptop and ended up being quite good about it. but now I'm facing this issue again, but this time they are still trying to find a replacement even though they told me two weeks ago they don't have any, and keep telling me they don't have any.

      • -4

        2 laptops, 2 of the same issue, I think this is user error.
        I've had many laptops and desktops and never had any issues (knock wood)

        • these were diff issues, but maybe its due to the same case or whatever its called, the cooling has not been updated? no clue I don't think I will buy another omen again now.

          • +1


            Yep, another. sucker for good deals.

            The user error here is buying another HP after HP Support screwed you around with the first laptop. What did you expect the second time?

            xCAT. And stop buying HP laptops in the future.

    • Never learnt by the sounds of it.

      Good luck and hope you have learnt, but I doubt it.

      • +1

        there will be another HP post on 2026.

  • +3

    you can try consumer affairs Victoria but they can ignore them as well.
    probably have to take them to vcat

  • Document everything you have said here regarding the issue (number of contacts, moving dates, lack of clarity) in an email and give them a deadline to have an actual plan in place, not "waiting for replacement parts". Advise them that if they fail to comply or meet their part of the plan, you will escalate to your local Office of Fair Trade.


    • Thanks… ill do that next
      Also they just offered a lower spec model to replace my higher spec model? How is this allowed? this is not right.

      Please find the alternate unit that I can offer you as replacement


      HP OMEN 16.1 inch Gaming Laptop 16-wf0245TX, Black

      Click on the link to see details. Let me know if this is good I can place order for this unit

      this is a joke right? a scam? my model is in stock.. this is crazy.

      • The funny thing there is that by offering the lower model they are essentially agreeing that they should offer you a replacement device under warranty. Now you just need to get them to accept that the replacement device should be of equal or higher specification.

        • Also their lower spec model is so overpriced, 4400 dollars for a 4070 GPU LOL what a joke?? it cost more then the a 4080 and their 4090 laptop. a joke really. a scam.

        • just got another email..

          Hi Amy,

          The same model is not available for replacement, give me a days time I will check with alternate source.

          If available will get it replaced.

          If not I will look for alternate options .

          not sure what I can do if they ignore me, I asked for a refund.

  • -1

    your components are probably failing because of excess heat

    could be dust/dirt or maybe a component in the cooling system is faulty like a fan

    are you using it while on a soft surface, like a bed or carpet?

    • No did you read above. Its on wooden table no dust lol.
      They said they found a unit to replace mine but still waiting around not sure

      • -3

        it doesn't mean you didn't using it on the carpet or bed on occasion

        if theres been their constantly it can only mean one of 2 things, either the fan is faulty or your house is too dusty

        • -1

          it doesn't mean you didn't using it on the carpet or bed on occasion

          if theres been their constantly it can only mean one of 2 things, either the fan is faulty or your house is too dusty

          A year and a bit ago I had a top of the line Dell XPS 15 priced a bit more than this HP and it dropped the GPU out of nowhere, got a free upgrade because I whinged. It wasn’t dust or heat, I figured it was a manufacturing defect. Ya know, like contamination of the die, or a bad solder joint, or any number of things that can go wrong besides a faulty fan or dusty house

          • -3

            @2025: of course

            but if you follow what the OP says he had an ssd fail and then the gpu, he also mentioned a noise with the fan

            this points to heat being the culprit, things will continue to fail if it doesn't get addressed

  • I don't know whyd you spend $4000 on a laptop.

    But whatever fluffing about they have about I hope they stop because this is indeed quite B.S that you're laptop is failing after less than 5 years…

    This is why I normally don't consider warranty useful at all and would never pay for extra.

    product should work as intended when you buy it and in five years time it should still be similar to day one besides battery performance.

    • I find optional warranties on laptops quite useful, to me it’s worth factoring in the warranty costs into the machine, to have someone here the next day with parts to replace whatever broke instead of sending it away it is quite convenient, and to cover that moment I accidentally spill some coffee on it. To each their own I guess.

  • Ask ‘em to read this, I guess a decade has passed and the $3m fine for similar BS has been long forgotten


    Also, according to ACL, a minor fault becomes a major fault when it can’t be repaired in a timely manner, I’ve flexed that rule a few times with great outcomes for me from the manufacturers. A major fault gives you entitlement to extra remedies.

    • WOW IT HAS BEEN A MONTH of fake promises, we will replace the laptop, nothing, no units. liers. and now we will repair your laptop its in stock, NOTHING. no one is contracting me I have to call them every day for a update and they will tell me they will get back to me, nothing. this is insane!

      • That sucks, have you hit them up on their socials, comment on a post or something?

        • I have. finally got contracted by the repair guy, his coming Monday he says. motherboard replacement, what about the fans? ……i want to rip my hair out lol

          • @Rukiata: How’d ya go?

            • @2025: LOL……still fing waiting. they said they got the wrong part, the SSD… not motherboard LOL. NOW I WAITING now they said they will replace the unit after I demanded a refund. they will ignore all refund claims. they told me they don't have replacement units before but somehow now they do? SUS. so I'm confused.

              This is so scammy.

  • still nothing, HP is a scam. they don't honour warranties they will avoid dealing with you and doing anything really past 30 days your screwed.

  • +1

    I got a refund after 7 months of messing about, dealing with their faults and mess-ups that had. you deal with over like 4 diff people to get a refund, manager and bank team, some third-party team to change bank account or something.

    But got full refund and sent the laptop back so all is good.

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