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Free: Universal Audio Century Tube Channel Strip (Was US$99) @ Plugin Boutique


Plugin Boutique is currently offering the UAD Century Tube channel strip for free.

The Century Tube Channel Strip's mic preamp will give your vocals the warmth and detail that only a tube mic pre can provide. The stunning range of tones, from subtle to saturated, will coax inspiring performances no matter the genre. Use the Low/High gain switch to match the Century's Tube Preamp to your microphone, with the Low setting complementing more modern condensers, while the High position excels with dynamic and ribbon microphones.

Use any audio interface, with both UAD Native and Apollo Realtime/UAD-2 versions included
Enhance and simplify your recording workflow with a first-pass tool designed for tracking vocals, guitars, synths and more
Stay in the creative zone and confidently record performances with a broad stroke, "do‑no‑harm," tube channel strip
Easily flatter your tracks with a vintage-style tube mic preamp, simple three-band EQ, and optical compressor
Control Apollo interface mic preamp gain staging and impedance directly from the Century Tube Channel Strip plug-in via Unison™ technology

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I was thinking that I'm getting this turntable thingy for free.

    • -1

      yeah… nah…!

        • +4

          Worthless to you because you don't understand what it can do, and even if you did you couldn't do it anyway.

          • @illogicalerror: Mmmmyeah … I can actually sing and play my instruments properly, so I don't need to 'flatter my tracks' with digital intervention. Let me hazard a guess ill-one. You are the type of dude who samples/sequences everything/can not play any instrument well, can not sing, and tends to apply a shitload of reverb/delay to everything except your sequenced drum/percussion tracks, which you ripped from the internet. Right?

            • +3

              @GnarlyKnuckles: It's okay not to be a serious producer mate. There's very few musicians who actually are.

              • -1

                @illogicalerror: I call shenanigans. Kindly provide me with a link to anything that you have 'seriously' produced …

                • +1

                  @GnarlyKnuckles: Because that will prove UAD makes professional sound engineering software? Seems you have forgotten what this conversation is about.

            • +3

              @GnarlyKnuckles: I'd be interested to hear any recent work from any artist without some kind of digital intervention.

              • -1

                @Alias2000: Yeah they don't make massive analogue studios like the old days so it's mostly digital now. Can have as many whatever as you need without huge stacks of electronics, doesn't break down or get old, costs a fraction even at full price.

                A mic preamp channel strip like in the OP is a pretty standard device for making recordings and mixing down since the Beatles.

  • +1

    Is not a tube pre

    will give your vocals the warmth and detail that only a tube mic pre can provide

    • Marketing wording, hey

  • +1

    Too many hoops to jump through. I just finished setting up 2 accounts and now they want me to install an app to download. Nope. Moving on. Wish I hadn't provided my details to get spammed.

    • +1

      I've set up a seperate email account for all plugins for this reason. You should only need one email account though and you can opt out of marketing.

    • Totally agree, I also don't really feel like giving out my billing address and phone number just get this.

  • It's also available from Universal Audio website directly, link that using UA Connect app.

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