• expired

10-50% off (No Min Spend, up to $15 off) on First Order on Select Stores (Discount Increases with Each Regular Order) @ DoorDash

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Took me awhile to figure out how this deal works. Essentially, everytime you make a subsequent DD purchase the discount moves up one step adding 10% off at each step. It starts at 10% off, then on your next purchase (regardless of whether using this deal or not) increases this deal to 20% off and so on (credit to Skumzy and nomnomnom in comments below). If this deal is used regardless at which step you are, it gets reset back to 10% off (to be confirmed, see here). Once you get to max 50% off and don’t use this deal in your next purchase, it gets reset back to 10% off. Purchases using other DD deals appears to still stack with this deal where it still increments the discount at each step.

Max discount of $15 off on each purchase with this deal (no minimum spend). Valid on your first order at select stores. Enjoy up to 10 rounds until 15/01/2025. Terms apply.

Codes at each step:
10% off - AUSTAR10
20% off - AUSTAR20
30% off - AUSTAR30
40% off - AUSTAR40
50% off - AUSTAR50

I believe this deal is available to everyone (stand to be corrected) and available to be used only when this banner is showing in your DD app (ie. during certain hours of the day).


Referral Links

Referral: random (690)

Referee gets $1 off first 1 or 2 orders over $15/$20. Referrer gets $1 credit once referee places an order over $20.

Check the web page heading before joining as there are multiple sign up offers.


$400 Bonus for referrer and referee if referee does a certain amount of deliveries.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • I've claimed my first 50% off deal- can confirm stacks with other DD deals.

    Might need to update title to reflect 5 purchases needed to be eligible for 50% off.

  • I got my 50% off but I ended up placing an order using different deal and lost my 50% one. Bs

    • There are still opportunities as there are 10 rounds for this deal and expires in Jan 2025,

      • But then you gotta place 5 orders again starting from 10%…. I remember now I used the $15 off kebab code the other day and then my AUSTAR50 code was invalid on my account. Doordash has such a crappy system…

        • I think it’s just the nature of the deal rather than the system. Things like this can easily be coded.

          People who missed their 50% are more likely to chase after the next 50% by making more purchases, which is a good thing for DD 😆

          I missed my first 50% too so that’s how I knew it will reset back to 10%. You’re not alone.

  • I got 50% off and used it on some very cheap pizza.
    Looks like jumping on those daily deals helped me get there.

  • -1

    Not all accounts are eligible for the promo
    Tried all five codes, got the same error message https://ibb.co/RPxc7V1

    • +1

      You can only use this deal when the banner is showing in your app. The banner will show the respective discount level that you’re at.

      From my experience, the banner can come and go in the app. When it’s not there, I am unable to use this deal. But when it comes back, I can.

      Have you monitored your app for a few days to wait for the banner to appear?

      • -2

        Ahh, I just went by the error message and assumed that maybe my accounts isn’t eligible altogether.
        I’ll keep an eye out for that banner thingy next time, will update if it appears at any point, I haven’t noticed it yet.

      • +1

        The banner’s finally popped up today. 50% off.

  • +4

    My experience based on the last time DD ran this promotion was that you could use the multi cart strategy with it.

    Basically when you're up to 50%, queue up multiple orders with the discount and order them all at once. It will keep the discount for all orders, and you can still combine that with scheduled orders.

    • +1

      Can confirm this trick works 😉

  • If this deal is used regardless at which step you are, it gets reset back to 10% off

    Is that how it works now? My experience from last year was that it still progresses to the next step and only resets after 50% off.
    I.e. You can use 40% off, then 50% off, then it will cycle back to 10% off.

    Haven't used it yet this year so maybe they changed it if that's not the case.

    • +1

      Didn’t know this deal was offered last year. Was assuming this was the case. I have now updated the post. Thanks.

    • +2

      This is correct. Just used 40 per cent on one order and now bumped to 50 per cent.

      • Thanks for taking the hit. Post updated.

  • Sooo- i cant find the pop up anymore, i got to 40% and now it’s disappeared so i dont know what the participant stores are, do i just have to wait for it to come back on my app? Why do i have to wait?

    • Yes you have to wait for the banner to come back. It will come back with the same discount level that you’re currently at. DD doing this perhaps to limit how much money they are giving out, eg. banner appears during off peak hours etc.

      • +1

        Do you happen to know if I place an order while the banner is absent whether that will increment the deal anyway? Like I'm up to 50% off on the Austar deal, if I make an order using the famous50 order right now while the banner is absent, will it be at 50% or 10% when it comes back?

        • I am not entirely sure. Personally I wouldn’t risk it if you don’t think you will achieve 50% off again with purchases. Maybe try contacting support?

          • @ilovefullprice: I ended up going for it and can confirm that it will increment on any order you make (including a double dash) whether or not the banner is there.

            • @y6le: So when the AUSTAR banner is not there and you made a purchase using another DD deal, the 50% off got reset back to 10%?

  • I wonder if it's collectively 10 redemptions (i.e. 10x either 10%-50%), or you get 10 redemptions per discount tier?

    • I've definitely redeemed more than 10 times but I seem to have hit the limit now and I'm confident I have not ordered doordash 50 times since the deal started lmao

      • Same here, the banner disappeared for me today and I just tried but it said I've reached the limit 🤷‍♂️


    • +2

      I have been stacking up to 50% with the recent famous feed deals

      • OH

        It starts at 10% off, then on your next purchase (regardless of whether using this deal or not) increases

        • It stacks (or increments) by 10% on each order, so 10%, 20%…, 50%

  • What time of the day is this deal active? I’ve never seen a banner ad for it.

    • From my observations it’s mostly off peak hours eg 3-5pm but I have also seen it appear during normal peak lunch or dinner hours.

  • Anyone noticed once you reach 50% off, you barely see the banner anymore?

    Actually nvm, just realized I can still apply the codes to orders even when the banner isn’t showing. Just need to figure out which restaurants are part of this deal.

    • +1

      Can confirm, didn't have banner but was still able to use code at a restaurant.

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