• expired

$1 6 Inch SubDog + Delivery Fee (No Service Fee) / $0 Pick up @ Subway via DoorDash

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Today's Famous Feed is a 6-Inch SubDog from Subway via Doordash, it's a good idea to add more items to avoid delivery fee (for DashPass members) and the small order fee

Don't forget to activate Cashback ($0.50 or $4 for new customers, using ShopBack), and pickup or use DashPass to avoid those fees where you can. Enjoy!

Referral Links

Referral: random (684)

Referee gets $1 off first 1 or 2 orders over $15/$20. Referrer gets $1 credit once referee places an order over $20.

Check the web page heading before joining as there are multiple sign up offers.


$400 Bonus for referrer and referee if referee does a certain amount of deliveries.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Hey, do you smell Subdog in here?

    • +17

      what's Subdog?

      • I want a Catdog Sub.

        • This isn't Springfield Ohio sir

  • +3

    Looks pretty disgusting

    • +6

      I got one the other day, it does look disgusting haha tasted ok tho

    • It actually is lol.

      Tried it the other day, was disappointed. Dunno about other branches but my one seemed to just microwave the sausage.

      Bunnings freshly cooked one is best

  • +1

    is pick up an option? It's greyed out in the app for me

  • +6

    What's subdog?

    • +46

      Not much, you?

      • +5

        Bahaha he stole the joke from the other thread and it's the reply that gets the upvotes!

    • -1

      Hey U-Bro, re:

      'What's subdog?'

      It's what is in between the 'top dog' and the 'slum dog'.

  • +2


  • Looks like ass

  • Subway's DoorDash portal seems to be hopelessly dysfunctional; at least right now. Perhaps they will fix it by the 'morning'/soon after opening time. At the moment it is not possible to schedule any order from any outlet anywhere in Australia for any time in the future …

    • +1

      That's not dysfunctional rather intentional

  • -4

    The ikea hotdogs look better lol

    And $11 in delivery and small order fees pass

  • I prefer BurgerDog

  • +4

    Not worth it especially when subway's right next door to your house and they won't allow pickup.

    • +5

      Get a job (it's considered self employment) working with Doordash and pick up your own order.

  • +1

    I don't see subway showing up when I select the pickup

    • +1

      Same they've obviously turned it off to make as much money as possible

  • +3

    Is there a vegetarian option in SubDog? I can't figure out what is the main filling.

    • +8

      I imagine there is virtually no meat in that hotdog anyway lol

      • Haha.. Its pork..

    • -2

      And can't even remove pork/meat from it. No deal.

      • -1

        If you are incapable of removing a sausage from a bread roll yourself, you have a serious problem.

        • -1

          Some staunch vegetarians wouldn’t even eat something that’s touched meat, it’s quite a common thing actually, especially amongst some certain cultures.

          • +2

            @Gervais fanboy: I am aware of this, and I am of the belief that it amounts to a mental problem.

            Will such people eat from a plate that has ever 'touched meat'? Use a fork that has ever 'touched meat'? Pat their pet dog or cat, that (god forbid) actually eats meat?


            • -1

              @GnarlyKnuckles: Yeah, you have raised some good points but this isn’t a topic I wanna argue about, I only posted my comment above just in case you weren’t aware but it seems like you are, so I am out. Also, I didn’t neg you.
              Nice chat 🙂

        • -2

          Not being able to understand other cultures is a more serious problem.

          • @SuperLate:

            1. Why?

            2. Vegetarianism is not a 'culture'.

            • +2

              @GnarlyKnuckles: There's always extremes of an argument. Why do vegetarians eat plants when plants are living as well. Whereas, why all meat eaters don't eat pet animals or other human beings. That's why it's a cultural norm. Vegetarians and meat eaters of different cultures have set different boundaries for themselves. Mutual respect and I don't give a (profanity) goes both ways :).

              • -1

                @SuperLate: OK Soup, re:

                'Why do vegetarians eat plants when plants are living as well.'

                There are basically two types of vegetarians, those who don't eat meat for health reasons (hopelessly misguided though this is), and those who don't eat meat because they think doing so is 'cruel to animals'. For that first group, your question is irrelevant. For that second group, I have questioned numerous vegetarians about this intently, and their answer is essentially that it is because plants do not feel pain. Some of the smarter ones say that it is because plants do not have a brain. That is a smarter answer/reason, because even a being that does not feel pain can still experience fear—but only if it has a brain.

                This brings me to the subject of the smartest 'vegetarian' I know, the famous philosopher/ethicist, Peter Singer. He is 'not quite' a vegetarian though. He will eat animals, but only if he believes that they do not possess a neural network sufficient to enable them to experience fear. In other words, he will eat animals that do not have the capacity to 'care' (or fear) what happens to them. He draws the line at 'shellfish' (mussels, oysters, etc.). He will eat them, and any animal below them on the evolutionary scale with respect to their neural network. Singer is an extremely clever man, and he is living proof that not all vegetarians are raving attention-seeking lunatics.

                Speaking of those, did you know that there is a group of people (I suppose you would call them a 'culture'?) who will only eat fruit that has actually dropped of a tree/bush (not been 'cruelly' picked off), unsprouted (only) seeds that have been shed from the plant, and seaweed that has washed up on the beach/is essentially 'dead'? These people believe (so they say) that no living thing should be eaten. Thankfully, such people do not tend to live very long, and they are usually too hopelessly undernourished to reproduce.

                • @GnarlyKnuckles: There aren't only two types of vegetarians. There are 100s of types with every group has their own reasons. Some don't have any reason at all. Similarly, there are same 100s types of meat eaters with different reasons and no reason at all. You're just missing the point that this is a way of life they have chosen for themselves. The way of life becomes the culture which of course keeps on evolving with time. I'm considering no prejudice on your part, may be you would be interested in speaking to some groups known for hard cannibalism to get insight on meat eating as well. Alright, bye.

                  • -1


                    'Some don't have any reason at all.'


                    Re the cannibalism thing, as far as I know that practice essentially 'died out' decades ago when the last few Papua New Guinean tribes with such traditions were successfully convinced that maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Raging cases of a deadly prion disease known as 'kuru' might have helped them to decide to abandon the practice.

    • -1

      Just talked to CS, apparently this is an automated deal and they can't make any changes either.

  • Dog food smells better

  • +1

    Does this come with ligma?

  • +3

    Deal acquired for $2.05. Never had a 6" inside me so early in the morning :O

    • Showing $1 delivered for me !

  • I considered one till I saw the anemic looking skinless hotdogs in the bucket.

  • no pick up option

  • Delivery $11 discounted to $7 yeah nahhh

  • -2

    Only 700m from where I live, but no pickup option, delivery charges $14.99 plus $2 service fee, save your time don't bother…

    • Try a different store. Each store can nominate whether they allow pickup or not.

    • Easy. Make a Dasher account, deliver it to yourself and recoup that $14.99 delivery fee.

  • No pick up option for me, no deal 😞

  • -3

    this deal not working, i cant order anything from them. We cannot accept your order because the store is closed at the selected time

    • Schedule order for later

      • -1

        im trying.. thats the eerror it says Unavailable
        Delivery Unavailable
        this is rigged.

        • try another store. they may not want to participate in the promo so just turned it off.

        • "this is rigged" lol

    • +2

      Doesn't mean deal is not working, Subway are just not allowing preorders when they are closed

  • got to get these quick as they "run out". was better than domino's "thing", received a munted one lol. Vague memories of 7/11 hotdogs.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Managed to place an order for $3 delivered.

    • How?

      • $1 for the Subdog and $2 for delivery

        • Thank you! ☺️

    • Me too, partners account was $3 delivered, mine was $2.05 delivered (same store, same delivery address so not sure why different prices)

    • Same. The other half wanted to try it so for $3 why not.

  • +3

    Got mine delivered for $3 with Dashpass (Australian). Looks like they waive the small order fees with this offer.

    • Yep, no small order fee.

    • +1

      How did it taste? The sausage was kinda nasty and had an off-putting taste imo.

  • My local disabled DashPass and put their delivery fee to $10, scumbags!!!

  • +5

    No delivery fee or service fee for me, $1 delivered, yay

    • Same for me, I live 500m from the store and pick up was not an option so that worked out 🙂

  • Weird. Mine let me put through delivered for $1. It might be because I only live 100m from the store. I don't mind walking but it saves me an awkward exchange

    • I quite liked it

  • +1

    Is it worthy for $3? Hmm

  • +1

    My local is stuffed… advertises it on their page banner for the $1 then the other $6 ad promo and yet doesnt have it in the buy now menu….

    • +1

      Same I couldn't find it on the menu once I clicked on the banner… Oh well looks pretty disgusting anyway haha

  • +3

    My local disabled subdog from their menu today 😅

  • delivered for 1dollar (without dashpass)

  • Thanks OP

  • +2

    Paid 75 cents after getting a partial 25 cent refund for missing veggies

  • +1

    All stores near me are closed. Says open 8:30am tomorrow lol

    • It’s fixed! Can’t fault anything for $3 delivered. I’m getting trained to not cook anymore by DD.

  • @koakun Any info on tomorrows deal?

  • The link in the post leads me to a store 3000km away. Interesting

    • +1

      Far out😬

  • $1 delivered!

  • +1

    Thanks OP! $0.5 delivered after cashback

  • What would be the best sauce for SubDog?
    Just go with the default? Tomato Sauce and Mustard?

    • +1

      I added Blue Cheese Dressing and Spicy Mayo.. 😆😁
      For veggies, pickles and olives..
      I liked it.. :)

  • I checked on 2 different accounts.
    One with DashPass recently expired. $1.99
    Another never had DashPass. $2.99

  • +1

    Weird, my account WITH dashpass has a $2 delivery fee making it $3 total but my other account W/O dashpass doesn't have a delivery fee and is only $1. Both are from the exact same store btw. Is there an explanation for this?

    • I had similar oddly different pricing for no clear reason, $2.05 on one account, $3 on the other, same store, same delivery address…

    • same for me ! the no dashpass was 1 dollar delivered , the other account was going to be 3 dollars, weird

  • +3

    Got it for a dollar delivered. No dash pass

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